Thursday, August 4, 2016

"Long-term real growth of GDP in the US, 1871-2009" []

(D)ude: Man! What is the modus operandi of the Republican Party today?

(M)an: Dude! To distract audiences into agitation and then pull the carpet from underneath the feet of America’s working poor once they elect Republican Party members into government, mistaking the Republicans of today as possessing the qualities of Abraham Lincoln and Dwight Eisenhower. Today’s Republicans are plundering warmongers.

D: Man! What evidence is there that the Republican Party is not the party of Lincoln or Eisenhower and that it has stooped to the level of plundering warmongers?

M: Dude! Look at the gross domestic product of the United States of America since 2006. Better yet, look at the GDP for US since the time of Richard Nixon’s vice presidency in the Eisenhower Administration to the present day.

D: Man! Why?

M: Dude! The Republican Party has, overall, always favored the military and defense contracting industry to generate jobs and advancements in research and development. Generating jobs and advancements in research and development are secondary to the primary goal of the military and defense contracting industry, which is to improve national security. Therefore, according to the Institute for Economics and Peace,

“Currently, the U.S. Government spends $670 billion (USD) on its defense budget which is used to employ tens of thousands of workers in the military and defense contracting industry. The fact that these investments generate jobs, economic growth and, sometimes, result in valuable spin-off technologies is not doubted.

However, the key question that needs to be addressed in order to understand if military spending remains cost-effective is whether it is achieving its primary purpose of improving national security as opposed to secondary objectives which may be in the provision of jobs or the development of new technologies for industrial use.

This is simply because other forms of spending charged with the primary purpose of providing employment or to conduct research and development are likely to be more efficient in achieving those goals than spending targeted at national security. This has been reinforced in various studies, which show, when comparing the direct multiplier effects of military spending to other forms of government spending, it is not as productive in economic terms as spending in infrastructure, education, or even as tax cuts to increase household consumption.”

D: Man! Military spending versus other forms of government spending? The Republican Party relies solely on military spending to boost the economy, while the Democratic Party promotes and carries out spending in infrastructure, education, and encouraging consumerism! The choice is very clear to me finally! Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate for the people, while the Republicans cannot offer a coherent line of policymaking. And the Green Party’s Jill Stein is actually claiming “quantitative easing” as a way out of financial crises when, in fact, “quantitative easing” by the United States Government in the global financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 led to the inflation troubles being seen today by the United States as a result of the increase in our money supply. Quantitative easing is a last resort, not a first measure. Plus, when pushed to explain the concept of quantitative easing, Jill Stein replied that it was, “a magic trick that basically people don't need to understand any more about than that it is a magic trick.

M: Dude! Jill Stein is speaking the same foolishness as the Republican Party and their official mouthpiece Donald Trump! The exact same nonsense that led to Brexit, which both the Republican Party and the Green Party supported. Of course, Jill Stein later tried to play down her support for Brexit by speaking against it once it was implemented and the United Kingdom began its separation from the European Union with backwoods fools Theresa May and Boris Johnson taking the place of PM and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.  

D: Man! Is there a branch of the John Birch Society in the United Kingdom? Theresa May and Boris Johnson fit the profile perfectly with their jabberwocky talk.

M: Dude! Jill Stein and the Green Party and the Republican Party are aligned with the John Birch Society perfectly. Jill Stein’s stance on vaccinations is preposterous and aligns perfectly with the positons of the GOP Neoconservatives and Conservative Party of the United Kingdom.

D: Man! Why?

M: Dude! Going after the vaccination schedules of the most vulnerable, infants and children, in societies is the easiest path to provoke the masses to turn against each other based on socioeconomic and ethnic lines. The Republican Party and the United States Press Corps is promoting hysteria and unrest all over the world as a result of their successful campaign to implement Brexit, or Britain’s exit from the European Union. They are well on their way to tear apart the European Union with propaganda campaigns pitting people of lower socioeconomic status against one another which they hope will spill into ethnic strife and unrest throughout Europe.

D: Man! Why?

M: Dude! Europe must confront its patterns of homogeneity in some countries and heterogeneity in others. If you look carefully at the vaccination schedules in countries with socioeconomic and ethnic homogeneity, the schedule of vaccination is far more rigorous than that of countries with socioeconomic and ethnic heterogeneity.

D: Man! Why go after the vulnerable in countries displaying patterns of heterogeneity?

M: Dude! The Republicans and the United States Press Corps create chaos wherever there is socioeconomic and ethnic heterogeneity. Both entities are run by billionaire donors and chief executive officers who are white, male, and exhibit megalomaniac intolerance towards those who are not aligned with them in creed, belief, and opinion.

D: Man! Creed, belief, and opinion? Or creed or belief or opinion?
M: Dude! Their megalomaniac intolerance has no room for “or”! It is “and”!

D: Man! Divide and conquer for one’s own wealth attainment purposes?

M: Dude! The Republicans and the American Press Corps must be stopped in their propaganda campaigns! They are always positioned to take the world, including US, backwards at every pivotal juncture in history.

D: Man! Let’s finally end their neoconservative reign by electing Hillary Clinton as our next president!

M: Dude! That will be US rewriting and recalibrating history towards more inclusiveness by ending the cycle of abuse by the neoconservatives in the Republican Party. Let’s end their destructive cycle of never-ending warfare for the purposes of themselves becoming richer and more powerful. Let’s continue leveraging peace and diplomacy, not hate and anger, by electing Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as our next President and Vice President!

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