Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Man! Dude! #383: Rep. McCaul (R-TX) Leaving Absolutely Nothing to the Imagination on Fox News Channel Wednesday Morning

(D)ude: Man! For the first time in American History, Hillary Rodham Clinton is the candidate of choice for both the Democratic National Committee [DNC] and the Republican National Committee [RNC]. The 2016 presidential election is being prearranged by DNC and RNC deceits, as we speak, to be won by Hillary on the Democratic side and Trump or Kasich or Cruz on the Republican end, all now part of the same establishment as a result of the emergence of the Teabag Democrats and the Tea Party Republicans.

(M)an: Dude! Wow! Talk about deception! But is Hillary Rodham Clinton really that ruthless to carry out such treacherous activities on behalf of the establishment, the oligarchs, and 2%? Could she really be that insincere with everyday working poor Americans like us to utilize government office—the American presidency this time around, that is if she wins—to amass fortune through the same method of pillaging and paralyzing foreign governments by fighting for free and fair elections in those very nations and for their people, but not following through in the resulting crises, spawned as a result of the absence of upward economic mobility for all people after?   

D: Man! Hillary Rodham Clinton is a sloppy political surgeon, just like the current DNC and RNC. They all are really horrific terrors in the political operating theatres of the world—Hillary Clinton and the Teabag Democrats and the Tea Party Republicans—and don’t really suture the wounds of sectarian strife and violence, at home nor abroad. Instead, they take a proverbial office stapler and attempt to close wounds with it, barbarically and graphically. The American Press Corps is complicit in this graphic barbarism, depicting those who carry the gross, stapled wounds as being uncivilized and faulted.     

M: Dude! Did you hear the exchange, on the Fox News Channel’s America’s Newsroom segment, between host Martha MacCullum and Republican Congressman from Texas Michael McCaul this morning at approximately 9:15AM?

D: Man! Michael McCaul has written a book entitled Failures of the Imagination, which explores and implodes basically just like the Republican Tea GOP’s library of memoirs that have come out since the start of this year, as if last year’s trove of salacious dictates wasn’t enough!

M: Dude! Well, let’s just say that Representative Michael McCaul and Fox’s Martha MacCullum leave nothing to the imagination as to what’s in store for the world on part of the Republican Tea Partiers and Teabag Democrats alike. I created a transcript of the talk and you can read either Michael or Martha, and I will be the other. Okay?

D: Man! Got it! How many minutes was this exactly? Looks like McCaul spoke under ten minutes? Well, alright… Let’s see this right here… Eh-hem!

Republican Representative Michael McCaul of Texas: What’s happening in Turkey, where ISIS now is targeting Jewish children at schools, is sufficient enough to pull out military servicemen and family members to evacuate out of Turkey, and the State Department warning following that warning about travel to Turkey. The world is on fire, Martha [MacCullum], right now.  

M: Dude! The Republican Tea Partiers and the Democratic Teabags have bought and trained their own terrorist cells to target Israel’s youth and children next. Keep in mind that youth and children were attending the targeted park in Lahore, Pakistan on Easter Sunday when these Tea Partiers and Teabags stupidly insisted on targeting Christians there. It’s like when Muslims in the DFW area celebrate Eid al-Fitr by going to the Six Flags Over Texas amusement park after mosque services and the Tea Partiers and Teabags deciding to blow up that amusement park on that particular day, when the fact is that Americans of all identities will be attending the park because it is open to the public and the American public is diverse and coexistent with all identities. Eid will be held July sixth this year and that falls exactly on summer vacation season for schools around the world. Eh-hem!

D: Man! Let me just read the entire script as it is printed here! I’ve got a talent for mimicking female voices and will utilize the skill as I read, okay? Let’s see… Eh-hem!

Fox News Channel Host Martha MacCullum: It clearly is [the world being on fire, that is], and as you point out, when we were pulling people out of Turkey ... and the world is that … there is an imminent threat to children and they believe that it is centered around a synagogue that has a children’s center at it … I guess the obvious next question is, you know, what is our power, the international power to uncover this threat and stop it?

Republican Representative Michael McCaul of Texas: We have a— both a convert counterterrorism operation in Turkey to try— there is an active plot underway in Turkey, I should say— So this is an imminent threat. We had six operatives taken into custody— ISIS operatives from the caliphate who basically have been talking about this imminent threat— and plot it. So, what’s happening in Turkey right now, what’s underway, is an attempt to stop this plot. But it really kinda gives you an insight about what the President was talking about— into the sort of sinister nature of ISIS and the terrorists and the Taliban. That they were to go after little children and kill them in the name of their religion. I think it is, it really, a— shows you what we’re at war with right now and why we need to win this war.

Fox News Channel Host Martha MacCullum: I mean I know there were critics of the President who say we turned our back on this problem quite a while ago— in Syria and that it may not have gotten out of control as it is if we hadn’t done that. I guess that horse is long out of the barn so to speak, and that we have to deal with the situation as it is; I want to turn now to—

Republican Representative Michael McCaul of Texas: Now, I think you’re right about the failed foreign policy and that when you fail foreign policy and national security, this is what you get. You get chaos, and killings, and ISIS now spreading throughout the region. So, I agree with you— exactly what you said.

Fox News Channel Host Martha MacCullum: Alright, let’s take a look at this airport situation that happened, which turned out to be, you know, not terrorist-related. It was obviously an unstable man. But we watch as he goes through the TSA line— uh, it’s not TSA, he’s in Egypt so he’s going through their security forces. But he is patted down and, we see later, that he’s got this thing wrapped around his waist apparently on the airplane. Just makes people wonder about this whole system abroad and at home.

Republican Representative Michael McCaul of Texas: Right. And so— This is at the Alexander Airport. Security is not that great at that airport. Last, at points of departure, airports in the United States— we actually have a role to pass legislation to facilitate security at these airports that can fly into the United States. So that is a higher level of scrutiny and security. And, having said that, he put this bag that was a fake bomb, if you will, and so the detector didn’t go off. When went through the metal detector— is as much as his cellphone strapped together— I would hope that TSA of the United States would look at that and— even the appearance of bomb could be a hoax on the aircraft. You know, the fact remains, Martha, that particularly in Egypt and that part of the world aviation is still the crown jewel for the terrorists. They want to bring down airplanes, like they did the Russian airliner. We need to be at the top of our game over there.

Fox News Channel Host Martha MacCullum: We sure— we sure do. And one more question for you about the Apple situation. It now appears that a foreign entity was able to hack into this system and allow the FBI to get into Syed Farooq’s phone. And now there’s like a thousand other phones that they’re hoping they can unlock with this technology as well. So, who needs Apple in this situation, right?

Republican Representative Michael McCaul of Texas: Well, yeah. The initial suit— lawsuit was dropped by the Justice Department to force Apple to open their phone. It has been reported that an Israeli firm was utilized to do this. And, you know, I think, the good news is— about this story is, though— is that Apple is not forced to compromise their own device and yet we still got the evidence from a dead terrorist cell phone about potentially another suspect that may be out there, and remember for about two months the data was not stored in the Cloud and so that was what the FBI was interested in and I hope it leads to solving that crime— that horrible terrorist attack in San Bernardino [California].

[To be continued…]

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Inflated Egos of Regimes

(M)an: Dude! The Teabag Democrats and the Tea Partier Republicans are furthering fascism into the 21st century. Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Donald Trump are just maladroit stumpers for the Republican Party, but it is Hillary Rodham Clinton who has the blessings of the Bushes and her husband William Jefferson Clinton and their joint enterprise comprising of Teabag Democrats and Tea Party Republicans. No authentic Democrat nor authentic Republican in American society wants to sacrifice our sons and daughters in uniform in the Middle East, only the leadership of the Teabag Democrats under the Clintons and the Tea Party Republicans under the Bushes remain adamant about not inviting dissidents to the table to discuss their corners of the world. You see, every individual has his or her own narrative about what is happening to him or her in their immediate surrounds. Every individual also constructs contexts in which to comprehend everyday highpoints and imbroglios that may range anywhere from bickering to brawls.   

(D)ude: Man! Speaking of bickering and brawls, Chris Matthews of Hardball on MSNBC is being told to suspend his show until his wife, a Democrat, finishes her run in an upcoming congressional election to represent Maryland’s 8th District. Matthews’ wife’s Republican rival Aryeh Shudofsky is playing out a prescript tantrum written by the Teabags and Tea Partiers.  

M: Dude! Hillary Rodham Clinton confessed to having been bought into President George Walker Bush’s political manipulations and dealings post 9/11/01! This is what she admitted to Chris Matthews at the March 14, 2016 town hall in Springfield, Illinois,

“And Hans Blix and his team of inspectors were trying to get to the bottom of this. Now here’s what was misleading, was that Saddam Hussein could have ended it immediately. He could have said, ‘Come anywhere, look anywhere, we have nothing.’ But he didn’t choose to do that, so the inspectors were racing to get to all the sites that they were worried- Remember at the end of the First Gulf War, we did find evidence of a nuclear weapons program. Then we had a number of years where we were flying a no-fly zone over Iraq, and where we saw him diverting a lot of money into not just his building palaces but building, we thought, programs … (cross examination of Clinton by Matthews in which he concludes with this, “You never had evidence of nuclear weapons?”) … No, but that was because the inspections program had not been completed, and where I stood, I believed George W. Bush when he said, ‘We are going to let the inspectors finish the job, this vote will give me leverage,’ he claimed, ‘to make sure that happens.’ Read Hans Blix’s book. … (further inquiry by Matthews, “Why did you trust Dubya [George Walker Bush 43]?”) … I thought that using diplomacy, which is what it seemed to me he was offering, made a lot of sense. … (“Did he seem the diplomatic type, Dubya [George Walker Bush 43]?”) … He seemed to be someone who in my opinion, at least rhetorically, that speech he gave in Cincinnati, was aimed at saying, ‘We’re going to let the inspectors finish.’ Now, he didn’t let the inspectors finish, what Blix and others argue, they would have been able to prove to the world, so if there had been any doubt, whether manufactured or believed, it would have been ended. That’s why I’ve said repeatedly it was a mistake for me to…”

D: Man! Hans Blix and his team of inspectors were bought out by the Bush 43 Administration for the purposes of evading reality and coordinating hell on earth for the Iraqis in order to allow special interests from various industries, specifically Dick Cheney’s own Halliburton to exploit the oil infrastructures there for the purposes of personal wealth for the politicians and corporations involved, what would go on to become the Teabag Democrats under Bill Clinton and Tea Party Republicans under George Walker Bush.

M: Dude! No wonder Republican Senator from Wyoming John Barrasso said the following sinister remarks to Tamron Hall on March 23, 2016, “National Security’s going to be big part of this election cycle going forward.” And, later, “Collect the dots in order to connect the dots.”

D: Man! So what did Hillary Clinton say to Matthews later on that further affirmed the Bush and Clinton Regimes?

M: Dude! She continued on with the following, “It was only a few years earlier. That was a mistake, and I’ve said it was a mistake, and I had good friends like Vice President Biden who were with me and I had good friends who were on the other side … [of whether to go into Iraq II] …

Because the first request out of the White House [post 9/11] was for $20 billion for the Pentagon, for Homeland Security, not a penny for New York. So I went and said, ‘Look, we have to get money for New York.’ When we went to the White House, there were about four of us Senators, the two from Virginia, the two of us from New York, and I know that the Republicans in the White House and in the Senate didn’t want to rebuild New York. Or at least they weren’t willing to put money into it.

So I’m sitting there in the Oval Office and Bush says to me, ‘What do you need?’ I said, ‘I need $20 billion to rebuild New York. He said, ‘You’ve got it.’ And he was good to his word. So my experience with him on something of great import to our country was positive. Literally that same day I get back to the Capitol, the Republicans are trying to take that money away. We kept calling the White House, Bush kept saying, ‘I gave them my word, I’m going to stick with it.’

So I had a different set of experiences.”  

D: Man! The Republican Party prescripts everything and Hillary Clinton and her Teabag colleagues like Senator Chuck Schumer were in on the 9/11/01 tragedies with the George Walker Bush Administration. The attacks came at a low point in favorability ratings for Walker Bush 43. Afterwards, he was made by the American Press Corps’ propaganda campaigns to look like a heroic and compassionate man, when in fact if you ask the people of the Middle East and Indo-Pak to recall anything significant about that era, they will share horrific instances of maddening Islamophobia and the resulting unrest about the safety of their own lives and countries. Muslims in the United States of America encountered shrill levels of animosity as a result of the Clinton 42 and Bush 43 regimes’ carefully manufactured hells on Earth. Islam was propagandized as terrorism itself.         

M: Dude! Hillary Clinton views President Reagan’s response to Assad in Syria in the eighties favorably and as such, “You had a dictator who had American blood on his hands. Remember, Reagan tried to knock him off, as you recall, because you were working in Congress. Missed, we tried. When he said that he was going to track down his people and murder them, the Europeans and the Arabs came to us and said, ‘You’ve got to help us.’ Because what they feared is what we see in Syria. What they feared was an out-of-control civil war on their shores, right across the Mediterranean, right next to Egypt, right next to rest of the Middle East. Remember, we had those countries helping us in Afghanistan in our very big coalition. Now when somebody that has helped you, their people have died. They have expended their treasures to help us, come and say, this is personal to us.”

D: Man! Hillary Rodham Clinton is a war-mongering hypocrite. She’s only concentrated on monetary treasures to come out of the Middle East and elsewhere! She and Bill Clinton have made a collaborative fortune with the Bushes and it is soaked in the blood of the Iraqis and the Afghans and the Syrians, not to forget the legions of landlocked nations that were corrupted by Nixon and Kissinger, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, paving the path to such genocidal atrocities from such ruthless leaderships in the United States and Middle East. I would like to see the focus of foreign policy shift to the disenfranchised in societies across the globe and rebuilding economies following free elections. Roughly speaking, when the developed world and first world powerhouses like the United States spend 20% to 30% on government expenditures benefitting their people’s vulnerabilities, that’s where the debate begins between the conservatives and progressives. The closer to 30%, the louder the shouts from the conservatives; and the closer to 20%, the louder the shouts from the progressives.   

M: Dude! However, you’ve got these folks like the Clinton Teabag Democrats and the Republican Tea Partiers going into politics to enforce welfare reform and pocket the savings into their own private accounts abroad in order to avoid oversight and taxes. And the Clintons and Bushes have made their backwoods way onto the philanthropy scene with their sham foundations that are really just masking their own billion and trillion dollar statuses in the upper crust of the 2% that they established with essentially corruption.

D: Man! Why is it that whenever the truth surfaces, these Teabags and Tea Partiers annihilate tremendous journalists? That’s the pattern of corruption that makes the world’s disenfranchised vulnerable to the egos of regimes, including the Clintons and the Bushes!