Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"Democracy is not a spectator sport." VOTE!!!!

(M)an: Dude! Do the American people even know that all the members of the United States House of Representatives are up for reelection on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, 2016?

(D)ude: Man! Really? I did not know that! You mean that voters actually have a chance to change the makeup of the United States House of Representatives this year?

M: Dude! All 435 members of the House of Representatives are facing reelection this presidential election year, 2016. However, if you look at Alabama and Kentucky, there are congressional districts where some of the Republicans running for reelection are not facing Democratic challengers.

D: Man! Republican Alabama Senator Richard Shelby and Republican Kentucky Senator Rand Paul are up for reelection? That would mean that the 2010 Tea Party influx of senators are all up for reelection this year. Like Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz, there must be an entire ship of fools that rode the waves of Tea Party Republican reformation that ended up implementing 2 government shutdowns in their campaign of obstructionism that set the stage for a Donald Trump to become their official mouthpiece and presidential nominee.

M: Dude! Republican Texas Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz are not up for reelection this year. Republican Texas Senator John Cornyn is a Class II member of the United States Senate and Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz is a Class I member of the United States Senate. According to the United States Senate’s official website (and Article 1, Section 3 of the United States Constitution), all Class I United States Senators face election or reelection in the 2018 midterms, meaning their six-year terms expire in 2019. All Class II United States Senators face election or reelection in the 2020 presidential election cycle, meaning their six-year terms expire in 2021.  

D: Man! So then what category of United States Senators are we talking about when we discuss those facing election or reelection in the 2016 presidential election cycle?

M: Dude! They make up the Class III members of the United States Senate, meaning they are facing election or reelection in the 2016 presidential election cycle and their six-year terms expire in 2017. Dividing up the 100 United States Senators as such, there is one group that does end up containing 34 Senators and that is Class III.

D: Man! Why go through such detailing?

M: Dude! To promote gradual transitions towards major changes in trends over time.

D: Man! In other words, to keep the chaos of tyranny from ruining the nation’s democratic principles. To keep the wheel moving forward and guaranteeing against absolutism.

M: Dude! The Sanders Institute and Our Revolution initiatives that Senator Bernie Sanders wants to implement are dependent on this presidential election cycle resulting in the Democratic Party securing majorities in both houses of the United States Congress and Hillary Clinton securing the White House as our next president. Hillary Clinton is the only presidential candidate left in this election cycle to have not spoken hastily and, instead, come face to face with the stark and harsh realities we the working classes and the working poor experience daily. I am surprised that the American Press Corps chooses to go after Hillary Clinton’s character instead of paralleling the deliberately pre-scripted provocations of Donald Trump’s to that of another heinous provocateur pervert named Adolf Hitler.

D: Man! Speaking of Hitler, did you know Winston Churchill actually praised the horrific scumbag many times in ways that warrant a reexamination of the ethos at the time of World War II? Seriously, this is how Winston Churchill chose to summarily put into effect that genocidal feculent,

I have always said that if Great Britain were defeated in war I hoped we should find a Hitler to lead us back to our rightful position among the nations. I am sorry, however, that he has not been mellowed by the great success that has attended him. The whole world would rejoice to see the Hitler of peace and tolerance, and nothing would adorn his name in world history so much as acts of magnanimity and of mercy and of pity to the forlorn and friendless, to the weak and poor. Let this great man search his own heart and conscience before he accuses anyone of being a warmonger.

M: Dude! Winston Churchill acknowledged where the world, including England, went deadly wrong,

“The terrible military machine, which we and the rest of the civilized world so foolishly, so supinely, so insensately allowed the Nazi gangsters to build up year by year from almost nothing cannot stand idle lest it rust or fall to pieces. . . So now this bloodthirsty guttersnipe must launch his mechanized armies upon new fields of slaughter, pillage and devastation.”

D: Man! Where is the effort on part of the Democratic Party in the United States to register people to vote and mobilize them to the polls come Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, 2016?

M: Dude! A good first step would be for the Democratic National Committee to work alongside the Sanders Institute and Our Revolution initiatives and reawaken and empower US at the grassroots. The Democratic National Committee needs to be audited and grassroots organizing must be financed. Our local Democratic Party is so immobilized that one must suspect whether the platform committee at the Democratic National Convention was made aware of these local deficits. I inquired about the primaries by calling our local Democratic Party headquarters and was surprised by how many times I was placed on hold until they finally found someone to answer my questions regarding the elections.

D: Man! What about the next step after that?

M: Dude! A good next step would be for everybody interested in organizational efficiency to visit Warren Buffett’s website drive2vote.org! We need our Never Ending Reservoirs of DreamS, or NERDS, to create such websites and movements for their congressional districts!

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