(M)an: Dude! President Jimmy Carter brought up an excellent
point recently about the value of paying particular attention to the middle
class in America and how this practice in itself would prove beneficial for
wealthy Americans as well.
(D)ude: Man! There are neighborhoods in very expensive
places like San Francisco and Silicon Valley that haven’t seen a single cent
worth of improvements in quality of life because of technology and the
subsequent market growth.
M: Dude! President Carter states that the United States
cannot sustain its position as a superpower as long as tax breaks for the
wealthy exist as they do alongside other injustices like minimum wage that
hasn’t adjusted to the rate of inflation, and the gerrymandering that has led
to a reduction in quality of life due to extremist politics.
D: Man! New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie is the
brain trust and recruiter for the Tea Partiers, you know? He infiltrated the
political landscape with personalities like Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.
Why? I seriously think nobody expected the chosen duds to turn out to be
all-out failures with not a single speck of shame.
M: Dude! Quite the contrary, the abovementioned deadbeats
are counterintuitive yoyos. In fact, the entire makeup of Congressional
Republicans leaves much to be desired. Again, the GOP Republican Tea Partiers
are flunking flops needing to be replaced with representatives who actually can
comprehend the logistics of democracy and leadership and the crucial middle
class phenomena that President Carter stressed as well.
D: Man! Chris Christie admitted in 2011 to Matt Bai that the
employee healthcare model of intervention utilized in New Jersey was
unsustainable. In attempting to fix the glitch, Christie admitted to a new
model needing to be implemented that, surprising, sounded like an unlikely endorsement
of the 2013 Affordable Care Act law known as Obamacare.
M: Dude! Chris Christie’s ego is so out of control that he
would rather continue down a different and punitive road for vulnerable
constituents than ever embrace something like Obamacare as a solution to New
Jersey’s conflicting financial dynamics.
D: Man! You’re making reference to the fact that Chris
Christie actually is set on dismantling all the unions and has wrecked havoc
upon the police and firefighters, the state losing hundreds of officers due to
Christie’s cuts in local aid. And, keep in mind, Christie was up to all this
awfulness way back in 2011, two years before the current government shutdown
havoc in Washington, DC.
M: Dude! And way before the bankruptcy claims made by cities
like Detroit, there was the neglect of New Jersey to fund pension plans of
teachers and other public sector workers back then. The president of the police
union actually was quoted by Matt Bai to have said, “I don’t think they’re
going to get it until the body bags pile up.”
D: Man! Chris Christie must answer the hard questions and
every single inquiry into his whereabouts. He was in Washington, DC on Thursday
and dodged everything, dismissing it as being irrelevant since he had an
election to worry about and focus on in less than 26 days or so. I think that’s
the way the GOP leaders in DC will start to emulate because, as you’ve said
multiple times, Chris Christie is the slick temperature gauge for the GOP.
M: Dude! The intense meanness in the eyes and the abrupt
sudden dismissal of his critics with a response that cuts like a knife, like to
a teacher who was upset and reactionary to the extent of uncomfortable laughter
in the Matt Bai article, “If what you want to do is put on a show and giggle
every time I talk, then I have no interest in answering your question.”
D: Man! Texas Senator Ted Cruz has the same acidic acerbic
replies to protestors at speaking engagements arranged for the GOP by the likes
of conservative groups such as the Heritage Foundation.
M: Dude! The Republican pundits on television have adopted
the Chris Christie acerbic acidic disregard for challengers of their policies.
That’s definitely not American democracy at its prime as the GOP likes to
convey itself as being. Actually, they are far more than just counterintuitive
yoyos. They are heartless beasts that portray themselves as being gentle like
bathroom tissue or a teddy bear. But we all know their own knickers are
streaked with treks like no other species on earth.
D: Man! They need not tend to their knickers as often as
they ought to wash their mouths out with nontoxic soap. Did I say that right?
Is Johnson’s baby shampoo gentle enough for their foul stench tongues?
M: Dude! That’s corporal punishment!
D: Man! Excuse me. I meant to emphasize the art of lecturing
the counterintuitive yoyos with actual lines they have spoken and chided people
with. Like Chris Christie demonizing the teacher union, for speaking against a
pay freeze he forced them to accept, in front of an audience, “But I just
cannot take the stress that’s being presented by a 1 ½ percent contribution to
health benefits. Now, you’re all laughing, right? But this is the crap I have
to hear.”
M: Dude! Chris Christie is the kind of leader who has no
hesitation badmouthing those who are not present at the time in his audience.
He has the terrible tenacity to equivocate everybody to moronic levels behind
their backs. That’s how the GOP Republican Tea Partiers operate too. The Koch
Brothers are another example of backstabbing: They placed multiple figures
worth of cash in the mouths of Congressional Republicans and now are trying to
separate from them by renouncing any connections with the likes of Rand Paul
and Ted Cruz.
D: Man! The GOP has gone mad. Absolutely loon. It ought to
be designated as incompetent and the Democratic Party ought to come in and
claim the House of Representatives on the account of total denial by John
Boehner and Company about the ill effects on the United States and world if the
country defaults.
M: Dude! We’re going into a crisis that never took place before.
Yeah, there was Y2K in 1999. But the computers set to the rhythm of the world
economy will definitely have to be recalibrated and that will spawn an
uncertain wrath upon US all.
D: Man! Y2K scares all over again? That ought to be reason enough
to vote out the GOP! Oh! Is the Republican Party intentionally trying to throw
US off for the sake of cheating yet again in the midterm elections as they did
in 2009 and 2010?
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