Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #165

(M)an: Dude! Mike Huckabee’s political action committee clearly states its stances on the four issues that constitute Huck PAC, Inc.’s founding principles.

(D)ude: Man! Mike Huckabee’s got a PAC? He’s the former governor of Arkansas and has been quite vocal like the absolutist revisionist that he is: Apparently Christianity is the only route to eternal salvation and personhood can be likened to slavery.

M: Dude! These guys are perverts, aren’t they? Yet President Bill Clinton has been linked to supporting these redneck ukuleles too.

D: Man! Former President Bill Clinton has guided me along a steadfast spiritual enlightenment of my own lately. You cannot judge Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton by her husband’s shenanigans.

M: Dude! That’s a profound insight! You really cannot judge a woman by her husband’s shenanigans or her child’s actions. There is autonomy of character that must be respectfully acknowledged.

D: Man! So what kind of founding principles does Huck PAC, Inc. stand by?

M: Dude! Founded in 2008, Huck PAC, Inc. is adamant about defending the second amendment and stomping the Obama Administration’s attempts to pass gun control legislation. And, the real kicker I think is that there are multiple avenues through which you can financially contribute to every cause via a conveniently placed link besides every issue and multiple other linkages to exactly the same place of emphasis: Your pocketbook.

D: Man! One of the principles must be pro-life, given all the activity countering pro-choice rallies in Austin that have taken place these past two days.

M: Dude! Yes! And then there is their exclusive support of traditional marriage between a man and a woman. And, don’t forget there are the Defend Life Fund and Save Marriage Defense Fund links besides each principle.

D: Man! What’s the last principle? Something against the Affordability Care Act sounds like a possibility, if not a Republican necessity?

M: Dude! Supporting balanced budgets and spending cuts and repealing Obamacare along with tax reform, Mike Huckabee is just as formidable an opponent of civil rights and worker rights as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, the thug who expressly states without fear how much he doesn’t care about anyone but himself  and how his business is no one’s business but his own. 

D: Man! Governor Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee do not budge when being identified as democratic and blue, therefore they are capable of evils beyond human contemplation. But, I agree immensely, their snide remarks about whose business is whose really vexes me. Actually, it makes me sick!

M: Dude! Huck PAC, Inc.’s fundraising goal for July 2013 is a one thousand donations and they have so far successfully collected 99, but as to the who, what, when, where, and why, it’s anybody’s guess.

D: Man! Mike Huckabee is a talking contradiction of multiple kinds, isn’t he? I remember him paralleling personhood to slavery, yet his response to Natalie Portman’s pregnancy predating her marriage to the infant’s father was a revelation of Huckabee’s hypocrisy and perversion: “it’s unfortunate we glorify and glamorize the idea of out of wedlock children.”

M: Dude! Regarding Huckabee’s hypocrisy and perversion, when he praised redneck ukulele David Barton, Huckabee stated, “I almost wish that there would be a simultaneous telecast and all Americans would be forced at gunpoint to listen to every David Barton message.”

D: Man! David Barton has denounced all religious sects, excluding Christians of course, as being incapable of holding public office and was mentioned in the promotional literature of Pastor Pete Peters who is linked with several neo-Nazi groups. Barton is a lecturer for Glenn Beck’s online university.

M: Dude! Texas Occidental Franchise University’s got this one associate professor in one of its graduate programs that cannot help but categorize students, especially nonwhite members of the student body, into crude generalizations, as Mike Huckabee promoted the notion that President Obama had been raised in Kenya.

D: Man! There are a lot of Faux News Commentators from TOFU whose siblings or spouses, unbeknownst to them, have engaged in lewd behaviors purposefully out of ethnic strife, including spitting on multinational students and making sexually charged gestures at them. And now these slurring bigots are raising children of their own inside 100% Caucasian-White wedlock.

M: Dude! When the Supreme Court of the United States basically annihilated federal government oversight from the Voting Rights Act of 1965, it unbeknownst to itself has ushered in a really dangerous era of ethnic strife in the United States. On the large scale, the likes of these far-right personalities like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin may be entertained as foolish and absurd, but the damages that society sustains when these folks are no longer contained by laws and a general respect for those who sacrificed their lives for universal civility and humanity, then we the people are imperiled, especially our children.  

D: Man! To be subjected to the shock talk of Rush Limbaugh every morning on the way to school in a parent’s car or on a mobile phone on the school bus, I would imagine irreparable intellectual damage.

M: Dude! Parents need to engage their children in one-to-one adult discussions about world affairs and pestering bigotry, regardless of their own identifying characteristics.

D: Man! Mike Huckabee has written many books, the latest featuring his own two grandchildren in his grandfatherly embraces. Talk about false prophets!

M: Dude! There is redemption and the whole thing about recognizing good fruit trees and bad fruit trees is too simplistic for US, especially now that we have begun a new millennium and shall become an interplanetary species by 2020, when right this minute astronauts are gearing towards an eighteen month mission to Mars.

D: Man! Novak Djokovic’s mindset and attitude are absolutely breathtaking. After all the fights on the tennis courts and six grand slams, Djokovic keeps levelheaded and cool. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such coolness in any existing person! Yeah, Murray won Wimbledon 2013, the first British player in 77 years to win, but Djokovic is one cool guy!

M: Dude! This cold war that the Republican GOP continually hammer about on Faux News and elsewhere is fabricated, just look at the way engineers from Russia and the United States and Canada, and practically every country in between for that matter, have come to an understanding that we as humans must transcend earthliness and evolve into an interplanetary species.

D: Man! Do you think we will evolve into those alien faces that Humanity attributes to other planetary beings?

M: Dude! That’s an interesting way of interpreting those very unparticular faces! Yeah, our journey onwards as Martians and Venusians may require us to take on new facial mathematics. I don’t know.

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