Thursday, July 11, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #166

(D)ude: Man! This Snowden kid is a thirty-year-old computer systems hacker who is now being used by international drug cartels to bring unneeded attention to the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency to circumvent possible drug possession charges and subsequent revelations of an international illegal arms trade taking place as we speak and Snowden jumps from Hong Kong to Moscow to South America in order to divert attention from the Republican Party’s direct ties to the illicit world of trafficking arms, drugs, intelligence, and quite possibly perpetuating the global sex markets.

(M)an: Dude! Corruption to the nth degree is what I would focus on too, given all that you just shared! You know, I read somewhere that one of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives was a man who sought sex with minors abroad and actually found several points of clearance for his pedophilia before being brought back to the US and charged for such heinous crimes.

D: Man! I think Edward Snowden is just a startled piglet that doesn’t understand the boars he is dealing with at the moment.

M: Dude! Snowden was tired of living a mundane existence and Dick Cheney and Co. gave him ample grounds for committing espionage. Let’s not forget that Snowden has on many occasions sited Cheney as his hero.

D: Man! That is bizarre! Edward Snowden probably has sustained head trauma somewhere down the chain of command. Do you think he was a Republican coquette?

M: Dude! Bloomberg and several other press sources report that President Obama’s approval rating are dropping in his second term. I don’t agree. I just think the time has come for American voters to take to the streets and demand respect for their voices and decision-making skills regardless of the consequences.

D: Man! Wasn’t this surveillance system in place during the George W. Bush years?

M: Dude! That’s just it! President Obama’s presidency is the most transparent ever and the American people must take a step back and try to comprehend why Snowden even wanted to come forward right now than earlier or later. Clearly, the countries where he has provoked demonstrations are in the dark about the reality of the illicit trafficking inside these countries that claim to be open to protecting Snowden.

D: Man! Protecting Snowden is like protecting corporate corruption and keeping these global underground markets abroad fresh and without the utmost scrutiny that they deserve to receive in actuality.

M: Dude! Snowden is a Ron Paul fan and has the same erroneous line up of seriously executed flapdoodle like, “I’m neither traitor nor hero. I am an American.”

D: Man! He’s a local yokel desperately seeking stardom and significant name recognition. In the end, I think he’s just another rustic rube like Amanda Knox, lacking common sense to not get wrapped up with foreign governments and questionable dirt by publishing an autobiographical account of a court ordeal in Italy that clearly involved the taking of a life of another quite graphically.

M: Dude! That’s an excellent point right there. After such sobering accounts of a violent end to her roommate’s life, Amanda Knox chose to still go ahead and write a book of the tragedy? What was she thinking?

D: Man! Amanda Knox, like George Zimmerman, allowed her primal sense of tainted and skewed justice to override basic mechanics of decorum for a split second that cost her freedom and consolidated her calculated sadism.

M: Dude! Daniel Ellsberg and Julian Assange have come to Snowden’s defense. But we are in different times these days with this war on terrorism. And the Eastern Hemisphere as well as the Western Hemisphere suffers because of leaders who are invested in their own financial advancements than global peace and lasting solutions. With the exception, of course, of President Obama and his Administration keeping their activities transparent, I think this policy of keeping openness is contributing to the rough criticism the White House has been receiving.

D: Man! Democracy is working and evolving under the Obama Administration and the Republicans are just bluffing when they declare the biggest myth of all that conservatives have come to an irresolvable point in their existence and are facing total extinction.

M: Dude! That is totally nonsense! That’s how the Republican Party manages to elk its way back into the mainstream and the White House: By portraying themselves as a changed party when they don’t have the capacity to even consider the underground markets for abortions they are indirectly implementing by closing down and disabling Planned Parenthood.

D: Man! The Republican Sequestration is slowing global markets and there are cries from all continents about the way the US GOP is stalling the international economy, and I am convinced that the GOP is indulgently making our lives miserable so that they can cheat and cheat their way back into the fabric of our lives.

M: Dude! They have accomplished that for sure! Just look at all the abortion clinics being closed down in states with Republican state legislatures and governors. What about Roe V. Wade? Is the downgrading of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 essentially a license for gerrymandered Republican districts and states to just outlaw federal policy?

D: Man! Yeah?

M: Dude! This is reprehensible! And the GOP doesn’t care about US! They have already sold their souls to the devil.

D: Man! Really?

M: Dude! I mean, just look at the way they pounce about in the House of Representatives and then recess for limitless vacations. John Boehner’s House has indulged in more time away from work than George W. Bush! Remember how W and Laura Bush would retire to Camp David and elsewhere like Mitt and Ann Romney vacationed in midst of campaigning?

D: Man! The GOP Republicans are unwilling to accept the results of the 2012 presidential election, trying to contest inclusive policies embracing diversity in the American electorate despite the fact they and the Supreme Court of the United States unfairly brought George W. Cheney into office in back-to-back elections without Al Gore and John Kerry once losing their composure like Mitt Romney and Ann Romney still do!

M: Dude! We cannot afford Republican state legislatures and GOP hoarders in the White House. We must stand up and kick these backward Republicans out of office.

D: Man! I’m getting ready for the midterm elections, you know? Yeah, I plan to take a whole basketful of croissants and a gallon of iced tea and stand in line with these refreshments atop a lawn chair that I will probably not need to sit in since I am building up my stamina and calf muscles by regularly walking the neighborhood every morning and evening.

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