Friday, November 8, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #235: Suppression, Oppression, Depression.

(M)an: Dude! Aaron Swartz’s twenty-seventh birthday’s here but he is not.

(D)ude: Man! Aaron Swartz is a causality of war I mourn every day. He tried to make the world responsive and free of the capitalist landmines all over the Internet.  

M: Dude! He was about to launch an intellectual revolution counter to the suppression and oppression and depression that the Koch brothers are trying to tactically put into place and that George W. and Jeb Bush are just waiting to embrace in another presidential election win for their family through Jeb or his son George Prescott Bush.

D: Man! I’m appalled at United States Attorney for Massachusetts Carmen Ortiz’s decisions with regard to Aaron Swartz.   

M: Dude! Carmen Ortiz was high as a kite in accolades from her peers and the press. The Boston Globe praised her in 2011, citing her pursuit of “corruption and white-collar crime” while the magazine Boston recognized her as one of three powerhouses in the city in 2012.

D: Man! So you think Carmen Ortiz should have kept her pride and pursuit of even greater prosecutions and accolades in check?

M: Dude! Her husband is an IBM executive, so you got a real terrible recipe for disaster like in the case of Aaron Swartz.

D: Man! You think she thought herself an expert in the computer field?

M: Dude! She did have plenty of significant reprimands in her career lowlights. But the one thing that really sums up her arrogance is what she said regarding the federal charges brought against Aaron Swartz. She said quote unquote, “Stealing is stealing whether you use a computer command or a crowbar, and whether you take documents, data, or dollars.”

D: Man! That is tragic overreach! And to think that the people and organizations now recognizing Aaron Swartz as an activist remained silent when he needed the support of the technology community that he helped build and innovate. 

M: Dude! And the charges were dropped when it no longer mattered. Aaron had been gone permanently two days when sensibility came in and pushed aside all the fecklessness. He was only twenty-six-years-old.

D: Man! When will the sensibility come in and push aside all the fecklessness that has gripped Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert?

M: Dude! Probably when the 2014 midterm elections have passed and the Tea Partiers have secured a majority in the House of Representatives with John Boehner as their obstructionist mouthpiece? Gosh! I thought Stewart and Colbert had learned something from the 2010 results and how they allowed a political predator like Arianna Huffington fill up buses for the Rally to Restore Sanity!

D: Man! Yeah! The two are suffocating tomorrow’s future by being the only two guys in the business of punditry who college and university enrollees tune into regularly and exclusively for the news.

M: Dude! Do they know that Stewart and Stephen Colbert are sellouts? Have they forgotten the way George W. Bush invited Colbert to his White House Correspondents Dinner and Colbert came out in a W. mask and gave the flattest performance like he was being tamed by the far right crooks?

D: Man! I had reservations but always gave the benefit of the doubt to Stephen Colbert until he and his sister Elizabeth Colbert Busch orchestrated a political comeback for the scumbag pervert Mark Sanford.

M: Dude! Elizabeth Colbert Busch betrayed so many Independent affiliates with her clearly scripted performances that, like her brother Stephen’s declaration that he does not see color, she fooled even the most courageous Democrats into endorsing her when she had no intension to win.

D: Man! Political progressives must become aware of false campaigns and PACs. What ever happened to the Colbert Super PAC money that so many viewers contributed before the 2012 presidential election?

M: Dude! That fate of the million or so dollars raised is not as significant as how the pattern of treachery is returning once again.

D: Man! That’s so true! Stephen Colbert has essentially ripped apart efforts to get the message about the healthcare marketplaces to populations like the millennials. The millennials are the focus of a lot of television channels produced in part by the Far Right.

M: Dude! Pivot, Fusion, and other delusions of democracy being advertised and marketed to basically American youth at that crucial time in their lives where they are trying to figure out how they would like to contribute to their own and others’ destinies.

D: Man! The Employment Non-Discrimination Act passed the United States Senate yesterday, but did you know a lot of Americans are not aware that ENDA will finally make it legally illegal to fire a person based on the individual’s sexual orientation and gender identity?

M: Dude! It’s about time! George W. Cheney managed to keep the legislation out of the 109th Congress, from January 2005 to January 2007, despite ENDA having been brought forth in Congress since the Clinton Administration circa 1994. 

D: Man! Have you noticed how Stephen Colbert has adopted a meretricious “cha-ching” mentality that’s getting him into trouble with guests like Stephen John Fry?

M: Dude! I personally thought Stephen Fry’s intelligent insight into the pundit’s deterioration due to sellout really exposed the truly troubled Colbert, who threw cheap shots through  revelations about Stephen Fry’s struggles with bipolar disorder and his sexual orientation as a gay man. Stephen Colbert essentially humiliated himself by conveying the message that such personal identifications were egregious.     

D: Man! Stephen Colbert is that narrow-minded? He definitely is not a catholic Roman Catholic! But, of course, there is also Representative Paul Ryan who, like Colbert, refuses to acknowledge seeing the blunders in the budget proposal and the cruel lies that Tea Partiers have adapted to disenfranchise the disenfranchised further and further. And both men are very showy Roman Catholics as well.

M: Dude! Keep in mind that there’s always the very catholic Roman Catholic Conan O’Brien and his sidekick Andy Richter!

D: Don’t get any classier catholic than Conan O’Brien! Andy Richter is a quiet riot!

M: Dude! I think there was an eighties metal band that went by that name, Quiet Riot!

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