Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nigel-Wright Intra-galactic Relations #2

(K)ehkashan: The network ISIS is now ISIL, going from being the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and now the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and that is startling considering the movement from Syria to the Levant, or from the S to the L, implies terrorist activity as having spread out of Syria and onto Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine as well.

(D)addy Anwar: Jeffery Goldberg writes in the upcoming December 1, 2014 issue of The Atlantic that he lived in a Taliban madrasa back in 2000 and goes onto to refer to it as a religious seminary while stressing how Muslims do not have issues with Christians as they do with Jews whom they staunchly hate. It is a bizarre article entitled Before the Beheadings and misinterprets the Muslim world with a shanty and violent existence. Instead of visiting the Muslim world with such preconceived notions, Jeffrey Goldberg would have been far better off searching on Wikipedia what an actual madrasa is and is not.  

(P)apa Harry: Jeffrey Goldberg would have found that the first university of its kind, a mosque as well as a madrasa, the University of Qarawiyyin was founded and funded by Fatima Muhammad Al-Fihri, the daughter of a wealthy merchant much like the Prophet Muhammad’s first wife Khadija al-Kubra.

(K)ehkashan: The Levant or the Land of Canaan suffered during the Late Bronze Age Collapse, when cultural achievements and literacy rates plummeted. According to Wikipedia, government went from being central and representative to isolationist and unrepresentative. Doesn’t it feel like the United States Republican Party and its Democratic coconspirators are leading us into decay and destruction by adamantly wanting to close our borders to multicultural influences and leaving our lands infertile due to the Keystone XL Pipeline?

(P)apa Harry: The Keystone XL Pipeline is not in the best interest of the United States of America but the Republican Party and its Democratic coconspirators are annihilating populations of people dependent upon, the latest and gravest example, the Ogallala Aquifer which provides High Plains residents with drinking water and their lands with irrigation ground water that can be pumped for agriculture.     

(D)addy Anwar: The American Farm Bureau Federation reports that families operate 97% of the farms in the United States. There are over 2 million farms spread across the United States and over 100 billion dollars worth of agricultural exports sold annually, far more than what we’re importing or bringing in by buying from abroad. It balances out beautifully economically and guarantees food safety for all of US.        

(K)ehkashan: Charles Bixler Heiser’s book Seed to Civilization explains hunting and gathering versus farming all rather concisely. Look here on the very first page of the 1990 paperback edition,

Certainly there could never have been much of an opportunity for large populations to build up, even among successful hunter-gatherers. People probably lived in small groups, for with few exceptions a given area would provide enough food for only a few. Disease and malnutrition probably contributed to keeping populations small, and it is likely that there were also some sorts of intentional population control, such as infanticide.      

(D)addy Anwar: Thanks darling. Is it the green highlighter or yellow? Yellow highlight? Hmm… Found it!

Then, about ten thousand years ago, food-procuring habits began to change, and in the course of time our ancestors became food producers rather than hunter-gatherers. At first they had to supplement the food they produced with food they obtained by hunting and gathering, but gradually they became less dependent on wild food sources as their domesticated plants and animals were increased in number and improved. The cultivation of plants and the keeping of animals probably required no less effort than did hunting and gathering, but in time they gave a more dependable source of food. Having a dependable food source made it possible for large numbers of people to live together.  

(P)apa Harry: This book is soaked with fluorescent colors! Harvard University Press, new edition, Charles B. Heiser. Oh, yes! Of course! Of course! Let’s see, page 2 and, wait a second, right here right?

More mouths to feed were no longer disastrous, but rather were advantageous, for with more bodies to till and reap, food could be produced more efficiently. Although some urban centers may have developed before agriculture, food production was probably the chief stimulus for the growth of villages and eventually of cities. And with the latter came civilization.

When food production became more efficient, there was time to develop the arts and sciences. Some hunter-gatherers, as was already pointed out, must have had considerable leisure, but they never made any notable advances toward civilization.

(K)ehkashan: The Republican Party and its Democratic coconspirators are wrecking American civilization by designing greedy personal wealth portfolios that will never be satisfactorily attainable due to their unending need to amass more and more assets. Forget about democracy and representative government! A significant number of local law enforcement officials are foolishly aligned with the Republican Party as are the Democratic coconspirators. These folks vote against their own self-interests because they are prejudiced and their fear is palpable and their pride manipulative in the hands of tricksters like this outgoing and incoming United States Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States. How can 435 Representatives and 100 Senators and 9 Justices decide the fate of 316.1 million people? And how do we go about getting the news on the Internet when the Press Corps is bought and biased as a result? The European Union is also insisting that Google is a monopoly and ought to be controlled, but what other business has given so much for free to its customers as Google? And if Google is a monopoly as the EU is insisting, then why doesn’t the EU fund public endeavors to create a viable competitor for Google?           

(D)addy Anwar: I agree that the EU must introduce a concrete competitor or competitors in order to go after Google. The Republican Party mentality has hit the European Union that there are some things that remain theoretical or hypothetical right now and deserve to be addressed at a later time. However, when an answer is sought at a later time, inquirers are tersely told that tomorrow is tomorrow and the right moment is still inconceivable. That I was addressing the future and not the present and that was in the past and no longer matters is a slippery slope.

(K)ehkashan: It’s a liar’s paradise and foolish Republican pomp! Always has been. Look at the African American males gunned and killed and the way their wrongful deaths are being dismissed and their protestors are being reduced too on national news networks and by local law enforcement. Talking about oligopolies like OPEC and the United States Press Corps, both are bona fide cartels as is the United States Congress and the Supreme Court. You agree, Daddy?

(D)addy Anwar: There weren’t Democratic candidates for an overwhelming majority of judgeships listed on the Tarrant County midterm election ballot. An oligopoly involves small number of sellers, hence reduced choices and reduced resources plus higher prices for consumers due to calculated restrictive production of whatever product is involved, like oil. When the small number of sellers, like the twelve nations comprising the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries or OPEC, enters into an agreement  amongst themselves to control prices and keep newcomers out of their particular market, then you’ve got a cartel.       

(K)ehkashan: You agree, Papa?

(P)apa Harry: There were Republican candidates for all the judgeships listed on the Tarrant County midterm election ballot. And going to the point you made earlier, my love, how can 435 Representatives and 100 Senators and 9 Justices decide the fate of 316.1 million people? Especially these uneducated educated classes of obstructionists who rather talk sheer nonsense than do the job that they cheated constituents and shred documentation in order to win.   

(K)ehkashan: The uneducated educated classes? Like Ted Cruz?

(P)apa Harry: The guy’s got a law degree but struts about and gobbles like a male turkey when filibustering. Reminds me of the lawyer character played by Jim Carrey in that classic comedy Liar Liar.  

(K)ehkashan: Papa!

(D)addy Anwar: Seriously Harry! Jim Carrey’s genius and Ted Cruz’s gutless gobbles are incomparable. 

(K)ehkashan: Daddy!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Nigel-Wright Intra-galactic Relations #1

(K)ehkashan: The motif for today’s mushairah will be the literary gems Nichols and May.   

(P)apa Harry: Brilliant minds, Mike Nichols and Elaine May. Wow! There is an element of improvisation in the mushairah, you know?

(D)addy Anwar: Nichols and May were side-splittingly hilarious in every one of their routines and comedy is very much embraced in its own category in the mushairah. How many will be participating in this mazahiya mushairah?   

(K)ehkashan: Like mazak kiya? Why can’t we resolve the world’s troubles, particularly in the Middle East, with compassionate poetry slams?

(D)addy Anwar: Yes, but in a different Urdu format. Yes, but with a different Republican Party formation in the United States.   

(P)apa Harry: You cannot run a person to the point of exhaustion and compromise and a scab wound on the knee and insist he or she continue running just because you’re finally by their side.

(K)ehkashan: Papa! Forget about being forced to run with a scabbed knee! We’ve got the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890 in our history books and don’t think children are unable to read between the lines. Telling us to read To Kill a Mockingbird and then subjecting us to the ridiculousness of The Hunger Games presently with the equally nitwit Twilight trilogy of yesterday for our cinematic and extracurricular entertainment.

(P)apa Harry: Excellent points.

(D)addy Anwar: I’m in agreement too.

(K)ehkashan: Look at Michael Brown’s case and the riots that are sweeping the nation. Don’t you think children, my peers, are following the newscasts on television and irritated by how simple it is to visit the Fox News websites and articles but the tremendous difficulty by which to access any materials that have an unbiased and reasonably balanced approach? When’s Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Michael Brown going to be published and hitting the bestsellers list?   

(P)apa Harry: I’m listening, my love.

(K)ehkashan: Don’t you see, Daddy! The outgoing and incoming Congressional Republicans and their evenly treacherous Democratic counterparts have carefully strategized the riots. A lot of choreography was needed, considering there were originally only 400 people gathered gracefully in Ferguson, Missouri before the prearranged rioters were assembled.  

(P)apa Harry: Daddy is listening, too.

(K)ehkashan: Doesn’t the predictability of everything terrorize you? We knew the GOP was going to bail out for the ten days they are away from Washington, DC for the Thanksgiving Holidays. Obviously, David and Charles Koch are busily bustling about getting their scriptwriters to craft and draft the talking points that the Congressional Republicans will be yelping and to which the Congressional Democrats will be throwing their hands up in absolutely bogus helplessness.    

(D)addy Anwar: We knew the jury verdict in Ferguson, Missouri beforehand. We knew the GOP had retreated from Capitol Hill to their hometowns because the Republican Party was needing another round of prewritten scripts, talking points as you said.  

(K)ehkashan: The United States Elections were decided before the ballots were filled. Now the creative idea of the Republican Party and their helpless Democratic Minority in the United States Congress is to insist that the American people voted for the dumb dimwits when in fact we the people had thousands of our voter registration forms shredded whilst the Supreme Court males under Justice John Roberts refused to repeal the voter suppression tactics and present day poll tax substitutions in states like our Texas. 

(D)addy Anwar: The public library portal won’t allow the download of Wendy Davis’s memoir, even three weeks after the United States Midterm Elections. Civil unrest is the solution of empowered incompetents. The decline and fall of an empire, Roman or American, is plausible when the empowered incompetents, like the Republicans and their coconspirator Democrats, underestimate the integrity of the disenfranchised and innocent.  

(K)ehkashan: The 2016 Election Results are already perfectly known! The GOP has perfected its cheating techniques. So what if they decided to take ten days of vacation in order to study and memorize the nonsense that they will be spewing forth once they return and shutdown government. Preplanned riots and prescribed dialogue from the GOP’s billionaire donors.    

(P)apa Harry: You’re upset and we’re here for you, my love.

(K)ehkashan: I am of a very happy disposition, generally. Now I am miserable! You think we’re children! No! We are the brilliant future of this country! We are hurting too! We know about the four agonizing hours Michael Brown’s mother was unable to hold him as he died in the blazing light of day. And now you’ve got Jennifer Lawrence practicing archery in an age of advanced weaponry and fighter jets in that film franchise of hers! Why cannot humanity be the way of the bow without its piercing arrows? Why do bows have to be contracted back towards the arrow rest? Moving and curving ahead instead in a rainbow would be how I would envision my future!  

(D)addy Anwar: The lower and upper draw weight adjustment bolts of the bow give it its curvature actually. However, the rainbow future you’re envisioning reminds me of your Uncle Inder Dhanush!

(P)apa Harry: Anwar! The two of you certainly are in a poetry slam suddenly! I need to fix dinner! But I will say, poetry would be the route to peace and we need a Maya Angelou in Ferguson, Missouri right now.

(K)ehkashan: We need Uncle Inder Dhanush, or Saul Williams!