Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Still missing you, Bob Schieffer!"

Nigel-Wright Intra-galactic Relations #7

(K)ehkashan: Hillary Rodham Clinton is not in it to win it. She’s in it to give it all away to the Republican Party. Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky and I both be damned! Dianne Feinstein, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Hillary Clinton are bargaining behind the scenes with the Republican Party and basically selling the White House for another lottery jackpot whatever!

(P)apa Harry: Hold on! What kind of whatever exactly was that supposed to be?

(D)addy Anwar: Yeah! Another lottery jackpot what whatever?

(K)ehkashan: You know those casino machines where you have to match all three or four or five images in a row in order to win some more change than what you put into the machine in the first place, I think quarters? 

(D)addy Anwar: Slot machines! Gotcha! 

(P)apa Harry: I think quarters too!

(K)ehkashan: I know. Quarters are not middle class like Larry David says nickles and pennies are when he’s playing Bernie Sanders on Saturday Night Live! I know. 

(D)addy Anwar: “Don’t poo-poo the vaccuum penny! Don’t poo-poo it!” 

(K)ehkashan: Gotcha too, Dad, gotcha!

(D)addy Anwar: Why all the papers in your arms, Kehk?

(P)apa Harry: Do you have something to share?

(K)ehkashan: There’s a swamp of criticisms about President Obama and Secretary John Kerry’s approach to foreign affairs from this past Sunday’s news programs. There was a woman by the name of Ruth Marcus from the Washington Post who was getting grotesquely sentimental for President George Walker Bush’s words following the 9/11 attacks.

(D)addy Anwar: Ruth Marcus from the Washington Post? What’d she say?

(K)ehkashan: It’s right here. Let me see. Here! She said this on Face the Nation, “But I have to say this week I’ve been nostalgic for the good old days of George W. Bush and his soothing, calming, responsible words about Muslims after the 9/11 attacks.”

(D)addy Anwar: Nostalgic for Walker Bush 43? Was Ruth Marcus present at President Walker Bush’s news conference with Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany in Berlin on May 23, 2002?

(P)apa Harry: Walker Bush 43 making up his own lexicon as always?

(D)addy Anwar: More like his own laxative! 

(P)apa Harry: Logorrheic?

(K)ehkashan: Got it on the iPad here! The University of California at Santa Barbara’s The American Presidency Project is a favorite and thorough site! President George Walker Bush said the following in Berlin on May 23, 2002…
“Well, I guess to start with the critics, I'd say, would you rather have them on the launchers? Would you rather have the warheads pointed at people? I would think not.

Secondly, this issue about the so-called loose nuke issue has been around for quite a while. This isn't anything new. This is a problem that we are jointly working on. As you know, Terry—and others may not know—we've got what's called Nunn-Lugar, which is a significant expenditure of taxpayers' money to help Russia dispose of and dismantle nuclear warheads, which we're willing to do. As a matter of fact, the '03 budget is nearly a billion dollars toward that end.

We're working with Chancellor Schroeder on what's called 10-plus-10-over-10: $10 billion from the U.S., 10 billion from other members of the G-7 over a 10-year period, to help Russia securitize the dismantling—the dismantled nuclear warheads.”

(P)apa Harry: I see your point, Anwar. I see your point and I agree.

(K)ehkashan: Laxative, not logorrheic?

(P)apa Harry: Indeed! What else have you got, Kehk?

(K)ehkashan: Much! 

(D)addy Anwar: Oh! Oh?

(K)ekhashan: Lawrence O’Donnell’s last words on Thursday the nineteeth [November 19, 2015] were really the last words we should all accept about what is happening in the world right now. He said, “I began last night`s program with a note to the American news media, especially TV news, about why we shouldn`t call the organizer of the Paris attacks a mastermind. Mastermind glorifies this high school dropout who manage to get 129 people killed before he got himself killed. We don`t call American mass murderers masterminds when they shoot and kill unarmed people in our movie theater, in our schools, in our churches. We don`t pay them that compliment, mastermind.” And then he concluded with the most essential lesson of all, “There`s a term for what is going on here, for what is happening to TV news. It`s called semantic infiltration. Semantic infiltration means getting your enemy to use your language. ISIS is winning the semantic infiltration game with TV news this week. If ISIS could hack into TV news computer systems and rewrite scripts and the graphics that you see on the bottom of the screens at CNN and the BBC and other networks, is would be delighted to discover that the one word that they wouldn`t want to rewrite is mastermind. That`s tonight`s Last Word.”

(P)apa Harry: Are you still missing Bob Schieffer?

(K)ehkashan: Of course I am! He should cover the 2016 election for MSNBC, have a weekly review of the major headlines and headliners. I don’t know, maybe even bring back Martin Bashir and Alec Baldwin and Ed Schultz with him. I miss them all and, anyways, what about forgiveness and moving onwards? Martin Bashir got into a mess about Sarah Palin, Alec Baldwin got into a mess about same-sex coupling, and Ed Schultz got into a mess about Caitlyn Jenner. How come the Republicans get to misbehave and create mischief, while these guys cannot apologize and get wiped out completely instead?

(D)addy Anwar: Sounds like you’re seriously considering divinity as well as journalism as majors at Texas Christian University!

(P)apa Harry: Double major?

(K)ehkashan: Of course! I intend on attending both the Bob Schieffer College of Communication and Brite Divinty School! Of course, I’m also going to have to warn you both that I’m not doing all too well in music theory right now. I have performance anxiety when it comes to playing basic piano exercises, and I’m totally not getting the stuff with the quarter notes and half notes.

Friday, November 20, 2015

"We have 7,000 diseases for which we know the molecular cause. We only have treatments for 500 of them."

(D)ude: Man! Have you heard that the United States Congress actually is going to continue with their one week recess next week in order to observe the Thanksgiving holidays? The United States Congress only awaits recess after recess, doing absolutely nothing but obstruction! Are they not planning to obstruct a couple of Thanksgiving parades next week?

(M)an: Dude! We’re facing threats concentrated around Europe and Africa and on the homeland after the Paris attacks, and the United States Congress is postponing business in order to observe a week’s worth of time off from Washington, DC? Don’t the American people not understand that the GOP Republicans and their Teabag Democrats are essentially blocking the safe passage of 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States next year by enforcing an unfeasible mandate in House Bill 4038 (H.R. 4038) that requires every refugee’s security status to be personally signed off as a non-threat by not just the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, but FBI Director James Comey and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper as well! 

D: Man! The GOP Republicans and their Teabag Democratic colleagues and the American Press Corps refuse to look at the refugee population as comprising overwhelmingly of women and children. The three groups are so inept and washed out of intellect- having sold their work ethic to the neoconservatives and their oligarchs- that they refuse to take on the responsibility of having constructed the tortuous destabilization of the Middle East and its surrounds leading to the fleeing refugee populations. Cannot the American people hear the experienced wisdom in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s addresses on foreign policy about building coalitions alongside understanding centuries-old sectarian differences? Don’t American voters know that their unwillingness to face the neoconservatives and their oligarchs by casting a ballot every election day against special interests and lobbyists led to two Bush Administrations and the obstructionist Republican Congress we’ve got in place since 2010’s GOP Tea Party crusade that essentially sped up the cycle of alarming death tolls in White non-Hispanics aged 45 to 54 in the United States? 

M: Dude! We need another Clinton Surplus!  

D: Man! Yes! According to Reason Magazine’s Ronald Bailey’s November 3, 2015 online article entitled Death Rate for Middle Aged U.S. Whites Anomalously Rising: Drugs, suicide, and liver disease responsible for 500,000 extra deaths since 1999…

As the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explains the significance of the findings:

Midlife increases in suicides and drug poisonings have been previously noted. However, that these upward trends were persistent and large enough to drive up all-cause midlife mortality has, to our knowledge, been overlooked. If the white mortality rate for ages 45−54 had held at their 1998 value, 96,000 deaths would have been avoided from 1999–2013, 7,000 in 2013 alone. If it had continued to decline at its previous (1979‒1998) rate, half a million deaths would have been avoided in the period 1999‒2013, comparable to lives lost in the US AIDS epidemic through mid-2015. Concurrent declines in self-reported health, mental health, and ability to work, increased reports of pain, and deteriorating measures of liver function all point to increasing midlife distress.

Despite this setback, U.S. average life expectancy of 78.8 years has continued to rise and has never been higher.

M: Dude! That’s a thorough overview you just gave, but keep in mind that these Congressional Republicans do not possess the ability to comprehend anything in writing, even when spoken. Look at how they deny climate change despite weather modification sciences like cloud seeding, or artificial rainfall needing to be looked into further by the United States of America, with China already investing hundreds of millions of dollars into this endeavor that Russia introduced to it in 1958. We need to step up and lead the way in cloud seeding, there being insufficient findings about its short term benefits and long term consequences, and vice versa, which, I believe, is in huge part due to the fact that we only invest in the two digits in terms of the millions [15 million dollars] we do put in annually.

D: Man! Did you watch the National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins’ interview with Chris Wallace? Dr. Francis Collins’ Power Player of the Week segment has aired at least twice this year on Chris Wallace’s Sunday television program.

M: Dude! Yes! The NIH budget for 2015 was 31 billion dollars, which- given the sequestration and spending cuts- amounts to the same level of financing for the NIH today as in 2003.

D: Man! Exactly! As Dr. Francis Collins stated to Chris Wallace, about half the science is left on the table, at a time of such great promise.”

M: Dude! And what was Dr. Francis Collins’ line about how many diseases have been broken down into manageable molecular increments for the purposes of research?

D: Man! As Dr. Francis Collins addressed his powerful role in American science to Chris Wallace, I'm a physician.  I got into medicine hoping that I could help people.  We have 7,000 diseases for which we know the molecular cause.  We only have treatments for 500 of them.  To be able to stand at the helm of this amazing place and steer that forward is a dream come true.”

M: Dude! Why do we not have treatments for the remaining 6,500 diseases for which we know the molecular cause?

D: Man! Republican obstructionism! 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Jihadi John McCain of Arizona 2015

(M)an: Dude! Have you been following the latest press coverage from Paris, France?

(D)ude: Man! President Obama had to clarify his answer to one question at least four times at the press briefing in Antalya, Turkey! Doesn’t the American Press Corps not know of the military causalities we suffered under Presidents Bush 41 and 43? Have they so callously forgotten the ban placed on photographing the incoming caskets of our fallen sons and daughters in uniform? Do they not understand that the United States of America is in a new phase of warfare never delved into since the World War II Kamikaze aircraft operated by the Empire of Japan’s aviators?

M: Dude! The attacks in Paris were attacks on the civilized world, both West and East! Regarding the Kamikaze missions of the Pacific Campaign during World War II, we must understand that the United States of America’s status quo and top two percenters in society at large are foolishly wanting to maintain a genocidal concentration of wealth amongst themselves and the GOP TEA Republicans and their Democratic Teabags are being promised their own personal share of the wealth at top right now at the extinction of the middle class phenomenon that has defined American democracy since its inception through the Constitution and into the industrial revolution. 

D: Man! The GI Bill that the Koch Brothers’ father and President George Herbert Walker Bush took advantage of after World War II comes to mind. Herbert Walker was a silver spoon child, but the collective treatment of the veterans of WWII due to President Franklin Roosevelt’s signing the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, helped enforce an honorary public regard for this generation. Although Fred C. Koch did not ever enlist, the John Birch Society he co-founded was based entirely on the so-called first causality in the war against communism, John Morrison Birch, who had died on August 25, 1945. No wonder the GOP TEA and their Teabag DEMS are sounding off the terrorism alarm over Russia and China right now!   

M: Dude! The United States Press Corps is the oldest bedfellow of the GOP TEA Republicans. It is entrenched with idiocies like ABC, NBC, and CBS national, non-cable channels that aligned themselves to the John Birch Society’s prejudices and hatred of the civil rights movement in the twentieth century right after the second world war.

D: Man! Post-World War II?

M: Dude! Yes! The veterans of WWII were celebrated and are still considered unmatched and the “greatest generation” that ever lived. What about our precious sons and daughters in the military right now? 

D: Man! What has Kate Snow been reporting?

M: Dude! She has been misreporting the information attained from French neighborhoods of the overnight raid that happened last night at the direction of President Hollande. The next piece of the great big mess that the GOP Republicans and their Teabag Democrat colleagues are planning is targeting the Muslim community and other minority neighborhoods across Paris and France by calling their surrounds “slums” degradingly. I am concerned for minorities in Paris and across Europe, particularly refugees fleeing the war zones that were set into motion deliberately by the American Press and the Herbert Walker Bush 41 Administration in the nineties and carried on by Walker Bush 43 and the American Press Corps post-9/11.  

D: Man! What can be done? 

M: Dude! The American Press Corps must be broken up through having its members’ passports and press passes revoked by all nations for condoning Jihadi John McCain, the senator from Arizona, and selling war, beginning with Hollande’s France and Merkel's Germany. Hillary Rodham Clinton cleaned up a significant amount of diplomatic fallouts from the Bush years of warfare and terror. 

D: Man! Warfare and terror of the Bushes? 

M: Dude! They deliberately set into motion the formation of a hidden proxy government during the Eisenhower and Nixon years that united the Klu Klutz Klan and the Koch Klutz Klan under the umbrella of the expanding John Birch Society and its mindset. Even yesterday, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy spoke, hence revealed, their strategy to infiltrate the incoming refugees from Syria with terrorists that their GOP Super-PACs will provide the funding and the necessary equipment to in order to place all blame on the Obama Administration for the federal government somehow failing to see or trace the GOP Republicans responsible for the terrorism on the streets of America and the world.  

D: Man! Why do the GOP Republicans play with fire? And why is the American Press Corps composed of such pyromaniacs?

M: Dude! House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy is conveniently misinforming US that an all-out theatre of warfare could only wipe out ISIS. And the American Press Corps is being paid to mislead US through misinformation of this ridiculous tactic from the last millennium and already buzzing about President Obama and Secretary Kerry’s containment policies not working and the all the reason more for our sons and daughters in uniform to be massacred by suicide bombers who are essentially being financed by the hidden proxy government of the GOP TEA, ever more so thanks to the foolish SCOTUS 2010 Citizens United ruling. The American Press Corps will pay a grave price- one day, the two-percenters in American society will make the children of today’s journalists tomorrow’s drafted soldiers. The GOP TEA wants to send battalion after battalion of American soldiers abroad right now, and this will result in the depletion of American Military acumen and the lives of our precious sons and daughters in uniform.  

D: Man! Doing the same thing again and again is pure insanity. The American Press Corps insists there was a conservative revolution that took place in this year’s elections in the United States. They could not be further from the truth! Remember how I took a couple of our neighbors to the polling place at the local church where our precinct was to cast ballots?

M: Dude! Yes! What happened? You’ve been upset for the last two weeks! You’re not yourself lately.

D: Man! There was a female judge and two male pollsters seated in the atrium of the church where we were to vote. According to the female judge, there was only one mechanical voting station setup due to our precinct being considered underpopulated. However, we were smart like a lot of the folks who came in before and after us, insisting we could wait for the chance to submit a machine vote, instead of going to one of several written ballot stations setup next to the one and only mechanical voting booth.

M: Dude! I had the same trouble! But I remained steadfast that I could wait for the one polling station setup for mechanical votes! The female judge was White, as was one of the two male pollsters, the other being Hispanic. They were friendly but soon became fidgety and fussy over whether I really wanted to wait since there were so many written ballot stations set up next to that lone mechanical voting booth.

D: Man! The Hispanic guy was complicit in recommending paper ballots over the usage of the sole voting machine in the atrium of the designated church. Fortunately, I had printed out a sample ballot beforehand for all our accompanying neighbors to know the issues presented on the ballot, which was really difficult to comprehend once inside the voting place. You see, there were folks who were taking their time to read each state constitutional amendment or proposition, but the pollsters and the judge were making so much noise and fuss over getting their duties done. I took an oath for every neighbor I assisted in casting a ballot. Upon getting the last neighbor’s electronic ballot cast and entered, the White male pollster actually displayed a strife for my having chosen to cast all electronic ballots.

M:  Dude! The conservative revolution of shredding paper ballots has been perfected and the GOP TEA is confident in its mission to take over the White House in next year’s presidential election through cheating tactics perfected through fraudulent voter fraud campaigns and voter intimidation tactics like the ones on display at the church atrium this past Election Day, November 3, 2015.

D: Man! Ora pro nobis!

M: Dude! Pray for all, West and East!