Monday, May 20, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #154

(D)ude: Man! When American organized laborers suffer, violence and stress and unrest kill middle class structuring and society is fractured by the severity of that backward movement that is enhanced shamefully by the legislative conservative special interests in the United States Congress.

(M)an: Dude! The American electorate majority does not rule legislative efforts and outcomes that are affecting their day-to-day existence because of the Republican Party’s implementation of undemocratic redistricting practices at the state and local levels of United States government.

D: Man! Republican gerrymandering and the Republican filibustering and the Republican opposition to the Affordable Care Act have an overarching connection, but I cannot figure out what the Republican Party is trying to achieve in the short term and the long term.  

M: Dude! It’s the shortest long-term plan! The GOP is essentially confident that they have already gerrymandered enough to secure not just the House of Representatives in 2014, but the United States Senate as well. Imagine the potential of a Republican-run United States Congress.

D: Man! And paying particular attention to the pattern of repealing the Affordable Care Act 
continuously, I suspect that if they do seize both houses of Congress, the Republicans will dismantle at a far more rapid rate the progressive achievements and forward momentum planning and middle class preservation implementations of the Obama Administration.

M: Dude! If and when the Republicans gain control of both houses of the United States Congress, they will repeal the Affordable Care Act as a way to distract from their underlying objective to deregulate and derail democracy and implement a coarse action plan giving employers total control over their employees healthcare, hence, their most intimate personal details while abolishing HIPPA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 that is enforced by the Office for Civil Rights and protects patient identity and safety.

D: Man! There will probably be stipulations set into place whereby employers and corporations can terminate employment on the basis of potential or existing employees speaking up and demanding healthcare coverage.

M: Dude! Then the Republican Party-dominated Congress will utilize the verdict in the Citizens United versus the Federal Election Commission to argue that employers and corporations have the same unalienable rights as constituents. And, get this, the Supreme Court did not lift the ban on direct campaign contributions from corporations or unions to candidates running for federal offices. 

D: Man! No wonder the Republican Party is currently blocking President Obama from making recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board! The GOP want the NLRB to fade into obscurity to make sure American Workers are not guaranteed protection from employer and corporate abuse and fraud.

M: Dude! The Wall Street Journal declared the National Labor Relations Board quote unquote doubly illegal. But, then again, what can you expect of a news source that employs Peggy Noonan as a columnist. Did you see Noonan address the panelists on Meet The Press?

D: Man! She swayed right and then left physically and evangelically with the most dramatic eyes I’ve seen since the Hitchcock classics while steadfastly sticking to her Republican pitch. She was to Meet The Press what George Will was to This Week with George Stephanopoulos: Did you see Will address the panelists on This Week?

M: Dude! Both Peggy Noonan and George Will are much celebrated at the George W. Bush Presidential Library. I picked up some designer fly swatters with their mugs and some designer mugs with phizogs of the George W.-Cheney-Rice-Rumsfeld years and earlier.

D: Man! George Will revealed a sinister smile at one point on This Week, prompting a chill down my spine very similar to the time I watched the last forty minutes of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I still cannot get the sound and image of that female survivor of such horrific abuse laughing hysterically in the back of a pickup truck in the very last shot of the seventies original.

M: Dude! I couldn't stomach the terrifying scenes, much less the last forty minutes of that Texas horror flick.

D: Man! Yesterday, The Wall Street Journal declared that, I’ve got the article right here next to the toaster. I think it was an opinion piece by Pew Research Center’s Andrew Kohut who declared that there was not a disparity between races in incidences of voter turnout, that there were higher number of African American voters than White voters in historically Confederate states.

M: Dude! Let me see that! Those who want the Supreme Court to overturn the Voting Rights Act's pre-clearance requirements can point to these surveys to show that the racial gap in voting has dramatically diminished, and has arguably disappeared. The legislation has accomplished its objective of ending racial discrimination in voting and is no longer needed. But those who oppose change can counter that it is unwise to change laws that have made such important difference in the workings of democracy.

D: Man! What are you thinking? You look like you’ve just been forced to digest the House Ways and 
Means Committee’s entire manuscript in which they drilled the outgoing IRS chief Steven Miller.

M: Dude! I think I either had an existential tasting of that beet salad at the White House Correspondence Dinner or, far worse, a whiff of Boustany.

D: Man! Boustany? Is that the inverse of a floral bouquet?

M: Dude! Boustany is an olfactory nerve hazard of a dangerous snort!

D: Man! Do you think I have caught a whiff of Boustany? My nose is beginning to tingle! Wait! I think I’m losing my ability to smell! Quickly, pop me a bag of microwavable popcorn! What would I do without you? Man!

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