Monday, August 8, 2016

GOP Deathblow 2016: "A terrorist event that will change the dynamic of the campaign dramatically."

(D)ude: Man! Did you listen to the panelists on Fox News Sunday with anchor Chris Wallace?

(M)an: Dude! I did and was taken aback by the final comments of George Will. You have the transcript? Read me the part where Chris Wallace clearly states the trouble with reviewing the designing of policies that are rapidly evolving or devolving or standing still while electing a president in a presidential election cycle. Doesn’t George Will basically admit to terrorism being a handy card for the Republicans to deal against the United States electorate and world economies in the weeks ahead? Remember how Mitt Romney hinted nonstop about “an October surprise” around this time and then the tragedy of Benghazi, Libya unfolded on September 11, 2012?

D: Man! How about you read Chris Wallace’s inquiries while I answer back with George Will’s cunning neoconservative gas. I mean, the guy’s feigning dislike of Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and then siding with the Republican Majority in the United States Congress. The Republican Majority in the United States Congress has embraced isolationism and imperialism and the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union just as Donald Trump’s stumped upon these very same themes of exceptionalism over and over again in his vacuous potholed vulgarities, which the Republican Party dismisses as being an important counterpoint to the political correctness that they claim the Democratic Party has somehow been prescribing for far too long.  

M: Dude! So I’m Chris Wallace? Eh-hem.

“George, your thoughts, who’s got the better side of this argument? And it’s not going to be over the next 10 years. It's going to be over the next 3 months, because that's when people -- voters are going to have to make their judgments.”

D: Man! Eh-hem. I’m George Will.

“The problem is that there’s a -- no overlap between the electoral cycle and the cycle of policy. The cycle of policy is akin to the policy we had in the Cold War. We're going to hold the line, contain the Soviet Union, and wait for internal regime change. Now, it worked. They did have regime change and the regime disappeared. We are wagering now that a very different kind of regime, a theocratic regime, can be as mat -- as pliable and changeable as the Soviet Union was. It’s a big wager, and we won't know the answer in -- in the (INAUDIBLE).

M: Dude! Chris Wallace responds back with another question,

“But your -- your sense, in 15 seconds -- are voters going to take the -- The critics' view of this or the Clinton/Obama view of this?”

D: Man! Here’s the literal deathblow for US and the world, care of George Will and the Republican Party,

“I don't think it will matter a lot until there's an event. If there's a terrorist event here or a big one abroad that will change the dynamic of the campaign dramatically.”

M: Dude! Chris Wallace answers back with, are you sure this is all there is? Chris Wallace concludes with,

“Thank you, panel. See you next Sunday.”

D: Man! Yeah! That’s all there is! But it’s plenty to set off alarms throughout the United States and world!

M: Dude! Have you been noticing how Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party leadership appear to know more about terrorism across the globe than even ISIL or Daesh?

D: Man! Have you been noticing how ISIL or Daesh appear to take credit post hoc?

M: Dude! Yeah! After the event! Post hoc! Whereas Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party leadership appear to take notice beforehand!

D: Man! Since when has Donald Trump and the Republican Party leadership been so certain about potential terrorist cells across the map?

[To be continued…] 

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