Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Stand with Hillary and Feel the Bern for the Democratic Party's Unity 2016

(D)ude: Man! That’s a lot of cherry stems you’ve got piled over there!

(M)an: Dude! I’m building a bonfire for my nieces’ Barbie dolls.

D: Man! Seriously? That pile you’ve got right now could only constitute a campfire. Do you really plan on eating ten times that in order to make a bonfire for your nieces’ Barbie dolls?

M: Dude! Yes. I have plenty of cherries in the refrigerator. Help yourself and then help me out! With the two of us, I bet it’ll take half the time it would take me eating alone.

D: Man! Where are you spitting the cherry pits?

M: Dude! What are you talking about?

D: Man! Wait! Did I just witness you consume four cherries at once without ever spitting the pits?

M: Dude! Yes. It’s a great colon cleanse.

D: Man! A colon cleanser! I thought cherry pits were indigestible. They stay plastered to the walls of the colon!

M: Dude! Really?

D: Man! You’ve seriously got to start spitting the cherry pits out.

M: Dude! I’m not eligible for a colonoscopy for some time. Don’t you have to have your first colonoscopy after the age of fifty?

D: Man! Do you really plan on igniting the pile of cherry stems?

M: Dude! Of course not! Look at the construction paper I bought. See?

D: Man! Orange and yellow?

M: Dude! Of course! I’m going to construct orange and yellow construction paper flames for the eventual pretend bonfire.

D: Man! Pretend bonfire? Looking at the cherries in this refrigeration storage box, I’d say you’ll be several stems short of a bonfire. What you’ve got thus far would make the perfect campfire.

M: Dude! Please! Let me be overly ambitious in my avuncular duties for once.

D: Man! Speaking of ambitions and duties, what’s happening with the European Union and Great Britain? What is this Brexit referendum that the British electorate will be voting for or against on Thursday, June 23, 2016?

M: Dude! Charles and David Koch, Sheldon Adelson, and Rupert Murdoch, et al are wanting deregulations in business practices abroad. The European Union was formed after both World Wars I and II saw the manifestation of gross nationalism ripping apart countries like Germany and Italy. Charles and David Koch, Sheldon Adelson, and Rupert Murdoch are just some of the American oligarchs who want to score big in terms of the financial and the sociopolitical.

D: Man! Why?

M: Dude! Citizens United made these American oligarchs capable of large scale death and destruction at home and abroad. They are trying to cripple the world economy for their own intents and purposes. What better way to reintroduce nationalism in the new millennium than to have a dolt like Donald Trump entertain the blue collar electorate with visions of sectarian violence towards entire peoples and populations? People like you and me have to wake up to the fascism being reintroduced into play by the American oligarchs.

D: Man! Donald Trump is the voice of fascism! Look how he is advocating for the return to racial profiling in the United States.

M: Dude! The American oligarchs and the Republican Party in the United States of America are utilizing last ditch efforts to gain the White House any which way they possibly can, even if it means hiring a snake like Donald Trump, a snake that sheds his skin from one mid-sentence proclamation to the next, from one tweet to another.

D: Man! The American oligarchs and the Republican Party are fascists!

M: Dude! The United States of America cannot afford to give the White House to the Republican Party and the American oligarchs for the next century. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton are victims of circumstances beyond their control. Bill Clinton must surface onto the national stage alongside Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama and address the fascism of the neoconservatives. Bernie Sanders and his twelve million strong entourage of supporters must be brought into the fight against neocon fascists.

D: Man! What circumstances are the Clintons victims of exactly?

M: Dude! When Bill Clinton left office, the United States economy was in surplus. Al Gore was the presumptive winner of the election of 2000, but the Florida recount controversy resulted in the Democrats, including the Clintons, deciding to put country first and not contest the results, which gave George Walker Bush the White House. Look what became of the economy and our sons and daughters in uniform for the next eight years. The Republican Party took US into recession (the British are in for a similar mess if they decide to vote in favor of the United Kingdom exiting the European Union) and warfare that involved blocking the American Media from photographing our sons and daughters returning home in caskets draped with American flags.        

D: Man! While the Republican Party and President George Walker Bush were closing in on securing another win of the White House in 2004, Bill Clinton internalized matters and took on so much stress that by September 6, 2004 he underwent quadruple bypass surgery.

M: Dude! I’m continuing to feel the Bern for the Democratic Party’s unity and cannot wait for the Democratic National Convention, Monday, July 25, 2016 through Thursday, July 28, 2016!

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