Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Feel the Bern America & VOTE!! "I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy." [John Adams, 1735 - 1826]

(M)an: Dude! Hillary Clinton has already aligned herself with the Republican Party and the Republican Governors Association. She is courting Jeb Bush supporters in her bid for the White House, but she has yet to win the Democratic nomination! And there remain many significant contests alongside a contested Democratic convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, thanks to Hillary Clinton’s challenger for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton’s campaign surrogate Howard Dean of Vermont too has accepted the roadblocks being built by the GOP for the purposes of trumping Hillary Clinton in the general election. Feels to me like Hillary Clinton is ready to lose! Both she and Howard Dean are constantly in conferences with various governors across the country, but they refuse to disclose the names of these governors that they’re in close contact with! I suspect they are Republican.   

(D)ude: Man! Hillary Clinton is Republican! And so is Howard Dean! That’s why Hillary Clinton has chosen to argue that the Republican Majority in the United States Congress is not going to allow for the measures Bernie Sanders is willing to fight for on behalf of everyday Americans, voters like US!  

M: Dude! This is what happens when Americans, voters like US specifically, don’t care to show up and vote in troves in the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections! Bernie Sanders is correct when he reminds US that we can take back both houses of Congress and maintain a Democrat in the Oval Office if only voter turnout is high in 2016! And people mustn’t forget their part in these final primaries and caucuses!   

D: Man! I don’t understand why people choose not to vote in the primaries and caucuses and the general election in the United States of America. Clearly, Americans need to become aware of the hard truth and that is this, the only way to block Republican Governors like North Carolina’s Pat McCrory and Michigan’s Rick Snyder from cutting off our constitutional rights and basic standards of living is to vote against them and the Republican ticket in the primaries and caucuses and general election! Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Republican ideology is surfacing fast in her hawkish foreign policy stances and we still have time to avert her and the billionaire class from taking control of the White House. We must cast our ballots for Bernie Sanders in these remaining primaries and caucuses, Bernie needs high voter turnouts in the 70s and 80s in terms of percentiles, but it is not impossible.    

D: Man! Hillary Clinton is not as intelligent as she likes to appear. She is incapable of participating in debates and town halls, because she doesn’t perform as well as Bernie Sanders in these formats. Whereas Bernie Sanders is consistent and persistent in his commitments to US, Hillary Clinton waffles and refuses to address criticism and states that she cannot make promises she cannot keep, including whether or not she will or will not engage our sons and daughters in uniform into further wars in the Middle East. She hasn’t even addressed the possibility of drafting women into the military in the foreseeable future.   

M: Dude! Our daughters in the military lack the basic resources to help them facilitate recovery when they return home, including shelters and rehabilitation facilities like those afforded our sons who return home from the services. Sexual assault in the military and female soldiers returning home to homelessness are issues that haven’t been addressed sufficiently yet the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee has an upcoming bill in Congress that will include drafting women into the military if and when the need for a military draft ever comes up. It will definitely come up if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, because she is aligned with Jeb Bush and Donald Trump in agreement to attack Iran and bring about regional agitation to a boiling point where World War III will become an inevitable (and a much hoped for) outcome.        

D: Man! What proof is there?

M: Dude! Read Tim Eaton’s article for BBC News entitled Should there be a no-fly zone over Syria from October 12, 2015. Tim Eaton captures the heart of the matter so succinctly in the following three paragraphs from that October 12, 2015 article. According to Tim Eaton’s meticulous research,

A no-fly zone would ensure that aircraft of the warring parties are not allowed to enter the designated space. A no-fly zone would not, however, prevent the continuation of hostilities on the ground.

A buffer zone, or a safe haven, would require intervention to ensure that such fighting is brought to an end. The UN-recognized designation of a safe haven would also require a UN Security Council resolution, but this is unlikely, as any resolution would almost certainly be blocked by Russia and China.”

D: Man! The United States Congress and a President Hillary Clinton will definitely go after Russia and China too then!  

M: Dude! Listen to how Tim Eaton pieces together how the United States Congress under a Republican Speaker Newt Gingrich and a Democratic President Bill Clinton went after unrest in the Middle East back in the 1990s. According to Tim Eaton in the BBC News article,

The US focus on IS led it to refer to the establishment of an "Isil-free zone.” Yet with no agreement over who would constitute the force on the ground, the initiative soon fizzled out.

Humanitarian considerations are also regularly cited in favor of no-fly zones and buffer zones (often also known as "humanitarian corridors" or "safe zones"). No-fly zones in particular have been presented as an option that could bring an end to the Syrian regime's campaign of barrel bombs that are killing 200 civilians a week.

But there is currently no prospect of a no-fly zone in the areas where this bombing is concentrated. In any case, it would not protect civilians from warring parties continuing the fight on the ground. In 1995, the massacre of more than 8,000 Bosniaks in Srebrenica took place in a NATO-enforced no-fly zone.

Turkey has argued that a buffer zone would allow Syrians to return to their homeland. Yet experts warn that the situation is not that simple and that it could become a guise for the forced return of refugees to areas that are not in fact ‘safe.’”

D: Man! Ora pro nobis! Clearly, the Republican Party and the Teabag Democrats Hillary Clinton and Senator Chuck Schumer are purposely not discussing foreign policy, let alone allowing debates in this presidential cycle of elections. What do we do?

M: Dude! Feel the Bern and then vote for Bernie Sanders! It’s tough, but the only way for US everyday Americans to win back our democracy and heal our nation from the wounds of 2010’s Citizens United ruling by the John Roberts Supreme Court of the United States, is by voting for Bernie Sanders in the upcoming primaries and caucuses and then making sure we the people turn out to vote in huge numbers for Bernie Sanders to be our spokesperson on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, 2016! 

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