Friday, April 29, 2016

A question remaining to be answered by Hillary Rodham Clinton: Do you want to win or not? Answer US!! Now!!

(M)an: Dude! Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bernie Sanders need to grow up and become the formidable ticket that will win the White House come election day, November 8, 2016. Hillary Rodham Clinton is really acting like a right-wing Margaret Thatcher right now by not acknowledging how much Bernie Sanders has done for the Democratic Party.  Hillary Clinton’s silence is deadly for those of US who have contributed twenty-seven dollars to the Sanders Campaign. This election is clearly going to be won only when Clinton and Sanders converge for the sake of sons and daughters in uniform and in the shrinking middle class, if not already facing outright poverty and homelessness.
(D)ude: Man! Hillary Rodham Clinton must invite Bernie Sanders to run alongside her as her vice president. Otherwise, none of the revolutionaries standing up with Bernie Sanders will believe Hillary Clinton wants to win come fall. If Hillary Rodham Clinton does not want to go down as being just as venomous, as the House of Atreus, for the Democratic ticket, then she needs to get with the times and realize that the 1990s are history, that there is no excuse for there being no indigenous members on the Council on Foreign Relations, a public policy organization being run by predominantly white, exhaustively pedantic, establishment elites.       

M: Dude! Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the only winning ticket on the ballot for Election Day, November 8, 2016. You mentioned the House of Atreus, is it because the sins of one’s ancestors can instill in descendants the guilt and misfortunes of those having gone before them?   

D: Man! Something like that, yes. You see, Hillary Clinton’s got a prefect opportunity to right historical wrongs by accepting those of US who have contributed twenty-seven dollar supplements to the Bernie Sanders Campaign by embracing and not ignoring our soul, our candidate Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will make a formidable team if Hillary Clinton accepts Bernie as her running mate right now. The flesh wounds from the divisive media channels need to heal and Bernie Sanders must not interpret becoming vice president as a loss, but a win for our sons and daughters in uniform—having to spend four to seven hours together, at least, in the West Wing daily, Hillary Clinton will be better and stronger because of Bernie Sanders’ work ethic and code of ethics. Anyways, it’s about time the Democratic Party start looking at the populations of Americans who choose not to vote, mostly those who are destitute and disheartened as a result of their lot in life. 

M: Dude! It is healthy for all of US if Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton agree to disagree and compromise in favor of bettering our lot, those of US who are too poor to engage in activities of our choosing, having to work around the clock for menial wages and scared to death of being laid off at any moment. You know, Bernie and Hillary need to look at the world from the perspective of a single mother working three jobs and coming home only to crash into bed out of sheer exhaustion and insisting her children raise themselves as best as they can while remembering to remain grateful for the little that they do have.  

D: Man! Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders must prove that the Democratic Party and we the voters come before their individual egos. Clinton and Sanders must become selfless and work for our nation’s continued survival the next 8 years. We’ve got a Republican Majority in the United States Congress that still is siding with the travel industry and not tackling the threat of the Zika virus knowing that the Summer Olympics are only 99 days away and will be played in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a potential hotspot for the spread of the Zika virus. We’ve got Republican genocidal dolts like Paul Ryan from Wisconsin acting as Speaker of the House and insisting that the $600 million allocated is equivalent to the $1.8 billion asked for by the White House to combat the Zika virus. It’s ridiculous that the Republicans do not regularly tune into Chris Wallace’s Fox News Sunday programming because if they did, they would have seen Dr. Anthony Fauci making the case for immediate action and the critical point that only a lack of sufficient funding stands in the way of finding a vaccine and cure for the Zika virus, which can be transmitted sexually.

M: Dude! Hillary Clinton must show her strength by uniting the Democratic Party right now. Hillary Clinton cannot listen to her current advisers and must understand that only Bernie Sanders will never deceive her. In fact, Bernie Sanders will give the best advice about the hard truths needing to be addressed within the Hillary Rodham Clinton Administration. Knowing how to make hard choices while utilizing smart power, Hillary Clinton will flourish with Bernie Sanders as her vice president. Leon Panetta and the all the other rogues from her husband’s administration, including Madeleine Albright, are best advised to not advise Hillary Clinton. Instead, President Hillary Clinton ought to trust Vice President Bernie Sanders and build an administration and cabinet with new voices and perspectives. Why has there never been a Native American tribal leader in a position of power within an American president’s cabinet?

D: Man! Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders must leave the grudges to the Republicans and realize that it is naïve to deny each other’s brilliance and strengths. Hillary and Bernie have matching intellects and a basic sense of humor that is visible when they are not caught up in anything other than the moment of their discourse with each other at the debates. We’ve seen Hillary Clinton admire Bernie Sanders’ points of contention and vice versa. That’s why the two formidable candidates must come together and fight on behalf of all of US!

M: Dude! James Carville is the only political strategist who loves both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Hillary must realize that Carville is the only one in his field who understands her as an intellectual and a person. Others are only using and abusing her, but Carville is genuine and a gentleman, always taking seriously his wife’s ultraconservatism without snide swipes or sarcasm. James Carville has the genius to see through the politics and into the soul of any individual. His two daughters are blessed to have such a remarkably judicious father who respects their mother despite such stark differences of opinion. I honestly believe James Carville to be in a league of his own alongside the great Greek skeptics like Pyrrho and Aenesidemus.       

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