Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"The State of Perversion within a Society starts with Disrespectful Language & Lack of Discipline"

Man! Dude! Session #339

(M)an: Dude! The Republican Party is bringing unneeded attention on the Jade Helm 15 military training exercise on purpose because it is itself planning to react violently towards the 1,200 United States Military troops scheduled to participate in the exercise from Monday, July 15, 2015 to Tuesday, September 15, 2015, all in the name of state rights. Why? Because the Republican agenda and American Press Corps are monolithic and rotting in absurdities and supremacist doctrines as a direct result of American Voters not showing up to cast their ballots in the 2014 Midterm Elections.

(D)ude: Man! American Voters are responsible for the chaotic inaction on part of the Republican-led United States Congress? I agree. Why aren’t Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bernie Sanders not addressing the importance of American Voters participating in this nation’s representative democracy? Did Stephen Colbert’s cankered commencement address at Wake Forest University get rave reviews from the presidential nominees from either party, as Time and Huffington Post did dispense such excessive praise on the foul-speaking cultural exudate reporting to CBS late night on September 8, 2015?  

M: Dude! Foul-speaking cultural exudates Lara Logan and Steve Kroft have returned to 60 Minutes to craft their so-called investigative reports with a biting neoconservative slant. Actually, all of the Sunday political talk shows were selling war as the only answer militarily for the United States of America. Bob Schieffer of Face the Nation formally designated John McCain as opening the way towards strategic change in the Vietnam War, emphasizing forgiveness on part of John McCain for having been imprisoned five years in North Vietnam but still overseeing diplomacy with the Vietnamese nevertheless which ultimately led to Saigon’s fall in 1975.  

D: Man! What is to become of our military if eighty percent of the American Press Corps is partisan and leaning towards the Republican Party’s doctrine of fear and warfare? American Imperialism has never been a success in the Middle East, President Eisenhower ordering the CIA to assist the Iranian Army in overthrowing Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddegh for the intent and purposes of private companies within the United Kingdom and United States gaining control over the Iranian oil industry through restoration of the Shah of Iran. Mosaddegh was challenging the British and American oil companies through the campaign for oil nationalization. You see, the British Anglo-Iranian Oil Company refused to offer Iran the 50-50 profit sharing deal that Aramco had offered Saudi Arabia.          

M: Dude! Lara Logan’s interviews with United States Army General John Campbell and Afghanistan’s President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani were craftily edited to present both men negatively. We must understand that journalists like Lara Logan are the kind that survive combat coverage because they have the support of the Republican Tea GOP in the United States of America, specifically Senator John McCain of Arizona and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, both of whom travel into the United States Military’s active duty exercises in the Middle East with such fluidity and confidence that our sons and daughters in uniform entrust them with intelligence which McCain and Graham use to directly forewarn the opposition forces over there. The money that is allowed through the Citizens United decision of 2010 is utilized by the neocons to finance the opposition forces on the ground in the Middle East. The Republican Tea Party and the Teabag Democrats do not desire a world culture and nation-building, only Trickle Down Reaganomics that allows for the top 2% to accumulate gross amounts of wealth while the rest of the United States suffers financially and the middle class vanishes. That’s why Lara Logan gets away with brashly suggesting to President Ghani of Afghanistan that he is laughing when, in fact he is crying visibly inwardly for the generations of his people lost because of American Imperialism. That’s why General Campbell appears questionably and mistakenly antagonistic, because Lara Logan is a journalistic sellout, trained and placed by the Republican Party for the price of American military lives senselessly lost due to the GOP’s avarice.   

D: Man! What about the lives of the children inside the Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar home? What about Chris Wallace agreeing to not question Mike Huckabee on his ties with the Duggar family and Josh Duggar’s record of molesting at least 5 underage girls as a teenager being destroyed last week by Judge Stacey Zimmerman’s orders, the judge herself appointed to at least two judicial committees in Arkansas by Mike Huckabee when he was governor of the state?   

M: Dude! The Republican Party’s shamelessly infiltrating multimedia worldwide with its double standards and criminal oversight. Google bought YouTube and now YouTube is optimally functional as an App available to download at the Apple App Store. However, when I tried to download the YouTube App onto an original iPad purchased in 2010, the following message came up over and over again,

This application requires iOS 7.0 or later. You must update to iOS 7.0 in order to download and use this application.  

D: Man! The detrimental implications of that move by Google, YouTube, and Apple are apparent. Are we supposed to throw away our devices and buy new ones nowadays? What will become of the waste generated by people disposing of their old tablets and phones for newer models? My mother’s friends take old tablets and phones overseas to give to developing schools and to gift to families who otherwise could not afford such technologies. But now those impoverished communities will not have unfettered access to YouTube and, pretty soon, Wikipedia, because the tech discards they get will no longer support complete access to the hugely popular websites that have been or will be turned into apps. Countless folks abroad know where to get free internet services and connections and rely on YouTube and Wikipedia and countless other websites to stay in the know about current affairs and issues effecting their lives.    

M: Dude! What about the detrimental implications of the move by the Duggars and Mike Huckabee and Judge Stacey Zimmerman to destroy Josh Duggar’s police records and insisting that the children molested thirteen years ago are being revictimized by the public disclosure of the records prior to their demise and the move now to fire the police officer who released the reports? Springdale, Arkansas Police Chief Kathy O’Kelley is a hero, like the two female police officers who detected something very wrong in the dynamics between Jacey Duggard and her captor as they traversed the UC Berkeley campus that fateful day when Duggard was finally rescued and her captor arrested.    

D: Man! The Republican Tea GOP under Sheldon Adelson and David Koch are attempting to raise the country’s tolerance and pain thresholds and the United States Press Corps is complicit in the movement towards perversion. The state of perversion within a society starts with disrespectful language and lack of discipline as exhibited by Stephen Colbert’s commencement address delivered Monday, May 18, 2015 and conspicuously celebrated by the American Press and their careful selection of Wake Forest University students’ feedback, although upon careful observation one can detect boos from the audience and even disgust on part of the faculty sitting behind Colbert. I found a copy of that commencement address on Wake Forest University’s website under the heading “Commencement News” and subheading “Speaker Stephen Colbert” and was disappointed by what I read, statements such as the following,

And you look amazing. Although it’s a little embarrassing you all showed up in the same outfit. Really. Even all the accessories are the same. Everyone has a black and gold tassel. Or, is it blue and white? Grandparents, just know this was the issue that divided a generation. You had the Vietnam War. Your grandchildren had an ambiguously colored Tumblr post.

Wake Forest has always been a leader. In the late 19th century, this was among the first Southern schools to teach biology in a lab. Before then, you weren’t supposed to learn biology until marriage.

Still, while Wake has been a trailblazer, this is a school that respects tradition. Traditions like rolling the Quad with toilet paper after big wins. And this is actually an eco-friendly tradition because, looking at this season’s win-loss record, you guys saved a lot of paper.

Yes, you are graduating into an election year, which is the technical term for “two years before an election.” A lot of candidates will be vying for your attention, and you will perform the ultimate civic duty: deciding for whom you will swipe left and for whom you will swipe right. Because I think we’re voting on Tinder now. At least the Republicans are. Democrats might be voting on Grindr. I don’t know.

So do yourself a favor: Be an easy grader. Score yourself on a curve. Give yourself extra credit. You have the power. You are your own professor now. Which I know is a little creepy because that means you’re showering with your professor. But you have tenure. They can’t fire you.

So I hope you find the courage to decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong. And then, please expect as much of the world around you. Try to make the world good according to your standards. It won’t be easy. Get ready for my generation to tell you everything that can’t be done — like ending racial tension, or getting money out of politics, or lowering the world’s carbon emissions. And we should know they can’t be done. After all, we’re the ones who didn’t do them.

M: Dude! Highly inappropriate, of course. Just like the guy who introduced Senator Elizabeth Warren with an expletive at the 2015 California Democrats Convention.

D: Man! Speaking of that particular expletive spoken a the 2015 California Democrats Convention, Jon Stewart and his team of writers were celebrated by the Huffington Post for having run the hashtag “FUCO” episode in which children as young as elementary schoolers said that expletive alongside the word cooperate. Why can’t you ____ing cooperate, that was the phrase over at Jon Stewart’s show.

M: Dude! Did you know that Jon Stewart is leaving for CBS as well? Yeah! The 3 major television networks are lowering the intellect of our young adults and teenagers by instituting late night bores who cannot function without a script. Lightweight geese like Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, the latter will be replacing Cordon Bleu at CBS.

D: Man! Cordon Bleu at CBS?

M: Dude! James Corden!

D: Man! Oi!

M: Dude! Advertisers are pulling ads but TLC hasn’t cancelled the show that follows and films the Duggar family, even People Magazine chose to continue following up on Jessa Duggar and her husband Ben Seewald in this week’s issue.

D: Man! Reminds me of the story of the great ballet Abyss as described by George Balanchine and Francis Mason in the 1977 Edition of the book Balanchine’s Complete Stories of the Great Ballets,

Based on a story by Leonid Andreyev, Abyss shows what might happen when an innocent young couple encounter bestial forces… A young girl and boy, not old enough yet to be seriously in love but close since childhood and certain one day to marry, walk one day alone in the forest. There they are suddenly attacked by three menacing figures. The boy is powerless to protect the girl and she is carried off by two of the men. When the boy eventually finds her again, she is distraught and half out of her mind. He is about to leave her in horror at what the attackers have done. But he finds himself also curious and attracted. The abyss opens before him and he, too, seizes the girl.

M: Dude! The Republican GOP is taking US back to February 21, 1956!!

D: Man! Ora pro nobis!

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