Friday, May 29, 2015

Scoffing is Prohibited, page 454 [Ken Anderson]

(D)ude: Man! There are not just dangerous levels of water pouring into our homes and cars and businesses in the Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex due to severe climate conditions and torrential rains, but peaking levels of hate for the federal government being communicated in the Dallas Morning News and Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspapers.

(M)an: Dude! I’m petrified of the levels of hate rising amongst the White Flight neighborhoods hit hardest as a result of these ferocious storms. The supremacist GOP Republicans duped White Flight residents into voting for them, promising change that never came. The change the GOP Republicans are instituting right now, is to not declare states of emergencies until it is too late for people to plan their escape and recovery. Hence, our police officers and firefighters and military personnel end up rescuing preschoolers from floods when the water rushes into school classrooms and when school buses become stranded en route.    

D: Man! These delayed reactions are costing us lives! But that is exactly what the GOP Republicans want! Just look at the levels of flooding that have hit DFW so far. The dilapidated infrastructure, the roads and bridges we utilize while those who can afford the cost take the newly built toll roads, has been made even more dangerous with the flooding downpours as those roads and bridges were already in need of repair and now have sustained further architectural blows because of the floods rushing forth and wiping out entire towns underwater for hazardous lengths of time.   

M: Dude! The water damage the roads and bridges have sustained will result in further collapses as the federal money being requested by the municipal and state governments right now will be pocketed by the delegated GOP Republicans. Have you noticed just how frighteningly trashed Fort Worth and Dallas look since the 2014 Midterm Elections ushered into office Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick? The local parks and the municipal and statewide grass running through these two cities is not being maintained and people rely on that maintenance because they must trudge through those parks and grasses to and from work, the transit stops have been so neglected that the grass obstructs to the point where bugs begin to become bothersome as one is awaiting the arrival of the city bus.    

D: Man! Federal funds are being consumed by neoconservative politicians for personal wealth purposes, taxpayers mistakenly believing there are inspections being done and investigations being made into the structural breakdown of our levees and other preventative infrastructures that could have saved so many from harm’s way if the GOP Republican majority in our government had allocated funds with timeliness and honesty. Trust but verify should not apply only to other nations with whom we negotiate, but to the politicians we elect into office as well. I am appalled that there is no one auditing where exactly the money coming in from the federal government went and how the state budgets were dispersed amongst greedy politicians, not programs meant to sustain communities like ours.  

M: Dude! People who have seen the severest conditions from the floods are susceptible to bacterial and respiratory infections. Hospitals must provide free access to physical exams to determine just how much damage the victims, who must slog through such polluted sludge waters, have sustained. Such Third World conditions are being witnessed but going unreported by the neoconservative United States Press Corps and political majority. The only available coverage of the horrors unfolding in the DFW Metroplex is being broadcast by sportscaster Dale Hansen’s WFAA.     

D: Man! That sludge people are trudging through these days is poisonous hazardous material. The whole DFW landscape is covered with fracking infrastructure that is not being regulated nor held accountable for polluting the creeks and ponds and rivers surrounding the Metroplex. I am scared that the major bodies of water and the pipelines underground are colliding and producing flammable remains of homes and businesses that cannot afford to deconstruct entirely and clean out before rebuilding. The funding to finance such an endeavor will never reach the people of DFW, only to be pocketed by the Republican GOP Majority across the State of Texas.       

M: Dude! People who are without medical insurance must be mobilized and transported to nearby hospitals. You know, the overwhelming rest of us cannot afford helicopters like Chris Christie in the public sphere and Tom Brady in the private realm. Doesn’t Mitch McConnell’s Senate and John Boehner’s House of Representatives not understand that they cannot tarnish anybody but themselves as a result of deliberate inaction? Don’t the GOP Republicans know by now that their efforts to kill and maim the American People and the American Military by rendering climate change ridiculous make them come across as foolish dolts?  

D: Man! You just had to bring up the NFL Cheat Tom Brady! Look! The guy left his first wife in middle of the second and third trimester of pregnancy in order to court the underwear model Gisele Bundchen. The guy’s a dirt bag like no other and Gisele is an other woman like Julia Roberts, who broke up Daniel Moder’s first marriage to become his second wife. The four ought to get together in Tom Brady’s helicopter and whisk folks like us out of these swamplands that did not have to become the harsh realities that they are as a result of cheats like the Republican GOP.  

M: Dude! Would there be room in that helicopter for Leon Panetta and Robert Gates?

D: Man! Yeah, those two could also use the company of likeminded cultural degenerates.

M: Dude! That would include the people in charge of Vogue and Teen Vogue magazines. They’re selling ISIS and journalism as eroticism, with front page titles like [June 2015’s Vogue] “My ISIS Seducer: The Journalist and the Jihadi” alongside gross misrepresentations of the niqab and burqa inside.

D: Man! The niqab and burqa are not to be misinterpreted as terrorism! They serve the same purpose as the religious habit. Tunic, scapular, cowl, and veil! Muslim women wear the niqab and burqa with the same sign of consecration that Christian women avail the tunic, scapular, cowl, and veil. The former Marine Jon Ritzheimer ought to know better by now to want to desecrate the Father of Islam, Muhammed, and bring scoff onto Phoenix, Arizona. As the Bible warns us, scoffing is never an answer.

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