Monday, April 6, 2015

Rise Up from the Past & March Forward with HRC & Bernie!!

Man! Dude! Session #334

(D)ude: Man! My nieces and I have had it with Teen Vogue and Lucky magazines! Their publisher Conde Nast has adopted the ways and means of the American Republican Tea GOP and its Teabag Democrat associates! Like the Republican GOP and Teabag Democrats and their false promises to constituents, Conde Nast makes upfront commitments with new customers about signing up for a full year’s subscription, in this case Teen Vogue and Lucky magazines, and receiving free gifts that are never delivered as advertised, with base substitutions mailed instead. 

(M)an: Dude! The Republican Party has me concerned for the very reasons you just outlined. Plus, they’ve got a bad attitude problem when they and their Teabag Democrat affiliates get confronted publicly about having profited from pushing the Keystone XL Pipeline legislation, which is archaic and strategically being pushed through so the American landscape is stripped of all ecosystems and replaced instead by lands unable to be cultivated, hence remain or become unpopulated, as a direct result of the onslaught and long term damage that pipelines inflict upon the land.

D: Man! That attitude problem manifests in the congressional hearings being held by the Republican-led committees inside the United States Congress: If you watch U.S. Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy’s testimony about organizational operations before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, you will find plenty of instances where abrasive committee members, Democrats as well as Republicans, self-indulged about their own records of successes as representatives than asking relevant questions and actually listening to Director Clancy’s wise responses.      

M: Dude! The concept that Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz and the House Oversight members struggled to comprehend was due process. Director Clancy patiently and intelligently kept reminding the members about the two due process clauses in the U.S. Constitution that kept him from disclosing details that could possibly violate his agents of their due process rights.     

D: Man! No kidding! You would think that Representatives Jason Chaffetz and Elijah Cummings could have at least scheduled the hearing after that due process interval had passed! The U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Government Reform claims “Blow the Whistle on Fraud and Abuse” as its bottom line online yet the Majority Party Republican Tea GOP and the minority of Teabag Democrats surreptitiously orchestrate havoc for the middle class and poor like US!     

M: Dude! You’re onto something significant here! You know how the Republican Tea GOP is parading about with that catchphrase the protected class?

D: Man! Of course! Don’t forget inherited wealth, an appalling appellative integral to the protected class!  

M: Dude! The Republican Tea GOP seriously believes no one can figure out its’ scriptwriters’ deleterious rewrites of English law and leadership through past centuries!

D: Man! The protected class consisted of landowners then and the Republican Tea GOP and their Democratic Teabags nowadays are trying to reconstruct the protected class, only this time it will be comprised of business owners! These nil-wits are willingly destroying American democracy, diplomacy, and the middle and working classes for their own projections of gross personal wealth amidst a World War III Christian Crusades themed annihilation of humanity’s poorest and most vulnerable worldwide. Why else would the Koch Brothers so arrogantly strip the American landscape of its beautiful and resilient design? 

M: Dude! The Republican and Teabag Democrat donors are all invested in the oil, gas, and coal infrastructures of the past that coincide with horrors and indignities such as human trafficking and unsustainable wages.        

D: Man! Yes, that too! However, going back to a point I made earlier, did you read Martin Greenfield’s memoir from last year entitled Measure of a Man?   

M: Dude! Martin Greenfield of Martin Greenfield Clothiers?

D: Man! Right! Well, let me catch you up on some necessary reading regarding the Jewish Holocaust from Martin Greenfield’s memoir.

Pages 64 and 65, “The Allies and the United Nations had set up displaced persons (DP) camps and other places of refuge throughout Germany, Italy, Austria, and elsewhere to take in the nearly quarter of a million displaced Jews. There you could sleep, eat, connect with fellow Jews, and receive educational training and relocation support. HAIS (which originally stood for the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) also held Jewish gatherings where you always felt safe and welcome.”

Pages 80 and 81, “The man explained to me that Jews were engaged in a covert ‘second immigration.’ The British, who controlled Palestine, had allied themselves with the Arabs to stop Holocaust survivors from going to the Jewish homeland. He said Jewish volunteers had launched a secret mission to smuggle Jewish refugees and survivors into Palestine. An underground network called the Brihah (‘flight’ in Hebrew) helped move Jews from DP camps in Germany, Austria, Italy, and elsewhere to port cities in places like Italy, France, and Greece. There, the refugees boarded boats bound for the homeland.

The Americans supported the effort and devoted 10 ships manned with 250 American veterans who had volunteered to help transport Jewish Holocaust survivors from Europe across the Mediterranean Sea. Holocaust survivors attempting to enter Palestine and intercepted by the
British went to internment camps.”

Page 87, “The family I desperately sought was an ocean away in the land of my liberators. The trip couldn’t come soon enough.

As it turned out, the Aliyah Bet’s days were nearing an end as well. In July, an Aliyah Bet ship called the Exodus 1947 left the French port of Sete carrying 4,515 Jewish men, women, and children. A week later British troops boarded the ship—now just miles from Palestinian shores—sparking a deadly skirmish in which two passengers and a crewman were killed. The British shipped the passengers back to France, but the Jews refused to disembark. The French told the British they would not assist in forcibly removing them, so the British decided to send them back to Germany. The news that a ship full of Holocaust survivors was being sent back to the country that has tried to exterminate them provoked international condemnation. At the end of 1947, the United Nations voted to cut Palestine into two countries, one Jewish and the other Arab. On May 14, 1948, the modern state of Israel was born.”

M: Dude! The Republican Tea GOP and the Teabag Democrats remain convinced that there is no option but American military boots on the ground in the Middle East and throughout Asia. But humanity has progressed passed the errors of the Morgenthau Plan and transcended the era of the Marshall Plan.   

D: Man! Huh?

M: Dude! Speaker of the House John Boehner and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell think the Republican Party and Teabag Democrats can sustain the United States of America through distractive forestalling mechanics like congressional hearings in place of bipartisan legislation to the next Republican President who will drive the world economy on the backs of our sons and daughters in uniform warring ineffective fights with outdated strategies and world maps.

D: Man! No! No wonder the Republican Tea GOP and Teabag Democrats want to bar C-SPAN cameras from the congressional hearings! There’s not going to be any transparency left in government proceedings! And then the GOP and the Teabags will be insisting on limited or no debates at all for the 2016 presidential election. I want to hear what Hillary Rodham Clinton’s got to say as a candidate as well as Bernie Sanders, the Independent Senator from Vermont who has some of the most eclectic fan base across the country.

M: Dude! Have you seen the crowds that gather in Austin, Texas for Senator Sanders?

D: Man! Wow! Imagine the possibilities if HRC and Senator Sanders take the floor in  enlightened debates for the progressive ticket at the University of Texas campuses across the State of Texas! We need building blocks in the Middle East and throughout Asia, not chopping blocks. HRC and Senator Sanders deserve to be heard and asked questions just as diverse as their incredible grasp and love for learning.

M: Dude! That would be nine academic universities and six health institutions. Fifteen debates would encompass the entirety of the University of Texas System.

D: Man! Who wrote about that friar who abandoned his flock in order to survive The Plague himself?

M: Dude! That would be Adam Nicolson and his book God’s Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible!

D: Man! I’ve seen that book somewhere… Oh! Here it is! Where was it? The passage about that friar was irresistibly funny!

M: Dude! Let’s see…

Page 26, By midsummer, London under plague now looked, sounded and smelled like a city at war. It was by far the worst outbreak England had known. Here now, grippingly, and shockingly, the first and greatest of the Bible Translators appears on the scene. It is not a dignified sight. Lancelot Andrewes was a man deeply embedded in the Jacobean establishment. He was forty-nine or fifty, Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge. He was also Dean of Westminster Abbey, prebendary of St Paul’s Cathedral, drawing the income from one of the cathedral’s manors, and of Southwell Minster one of the chaplains at the Chapel Royal in Whitehall, who under Elizabeth had twice turned down a bishopric not because he felt unworthy of the honour but because he did not consider the income of the sees he was offered satisfactory. Elizabeth had done much to diminish the standing of bishops; she had banished them from court and had effectively suspended Edmund Grindal, the Archbishop of Canterbury whose severe and Calvinist views were not to her liking. Andrewes, one of the most astute and brilliant men of his age, an ecclesiastical politician who in the Roman Church would have become a cardinal, perhaps even pope, was not going to diminish his prospects simply to carry an elevated title.”

Pages 27 and 28, “At the beginning of the year, there were about 4,000 people in Lancelot Andrewes’s parish. By December 1603, 2,878 of them had been killed by the disease.

Andrewes wasn’t there. He had previously attended to the business of the parish, insisting that the altar rails should be retained in the church (which a strict Puritan would have removed), doubling the amount of communion wine that was consumed (for him, Christianity was more than a religion of the word) and composing a Manual for the Sick, a set of religious reassurances, beginning with a quotation from Kings: ‘Set thy house in order, for thou shalt die.’ And he certainly preached at St Giles’s from time to time. But throughout the long months of the plague of 1603, he never once visited his parish.”

D: Man! Ora pro nobis!

M: Dude! How about a solution that embraces offering the sincerest literary translation of The Koran to Muslims in the Middle East and throughout Asia?

D: Man! Are you talking about academics like linguists at colleges and universities? If so, I would highly recommend another route through the TED Open Translation Project.

M: Dude! TED Open Translation Project? But I thought they were focused on translating TED Talks exclusively?

D: Man! Imagine TED Talks featuring speakers like President Bashar al-Assad and Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

M: Dude! I don’t understand why the Republican Tea GOP is so invested in destruction and death in the Middle East and throughout Asia.

D: Man! What about the destruction and death the Republican Tea GOP has brought to the United States of America? Eric Harris’s killer is the latest law enforcement officer who contends he meant to grab for his Taser, not the round of ammunition he shot into Harris. The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office has already labeled and disposed of Eric Harris as a drug dealing conman who was targeting them.

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