Sunday, January 4, 2015

Kooky Professor Schnooki 2.1: (Canine) Client Spritzkuchen

2.1: (Canine) Client Spritzkuchen

Professor: Greetings Spritzkuchen. I am Professor Schnooki. What brings you into the office this holiday season?

Client: What brought you to decide to keep office hours during the holidays? Don’t get me wrong. Although grateful, I am in serious need of consultation and rehabilitation this afternoon. The pressure to detoxify soulfully has left me stressed and exasperated, hence the fearlessly reproachable attitude.    

Professor: What particular circumstances have brought upon you the desire to change and, secondly, the will to achieve betterment? 

Client: I have no place else to aspire, Professor. I am forever embedded in the confines of notoriety and cannot maneuver myself into the fields of possibilities and posterity.  

Professor: Is this notoriety comprised of three-fourths naughtiness on your part and one-fourth concern from those you finagle into believing those plights you have not experienced but do indulge in vicariously?  

Client: I am a dramatist! An indulgent dramatist!

Professor: What sort of personas have you undertaken? 

Client: Preferably I am drawn to the fates of those who have accompanied the greatest characters in literature and film. I remain convinced that Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler’s daughter Bonnie Blue would have been better served with a puppy than that rascal pony from which she fell and was summoned to the heavens precipitately.  

Professor: Hooves and paws come four-legged and are both equine, are they not?

Client: Yes, the case has been confirmed numerous times by Mendelian genetics. Let me indulge in macaronic verse momentarily, hooves are rather allele and paws are dominant and distinguished. But I am not labeling alleles as amphigory. How else would I have been blessed with such phantasmagorial green eyes? There are amphigory executives and phantasmagorical engineers at Apple, however. 
Professor: Apple? How so? Aren’t allele genes remarkably atypical surprises, such as your splendid green eyes?  

Client: Avant-garde? I am in all my characteristics, but Apple has slumped substantially, having chosen to discontinue iWeb and, instead, promote art apps that do not measure up to the design ethics and innovative stylishness set forth by Steve Jobs.    

Professor: I agree. Please continue.

Client: I shall! Have you seen the new ad campaigns put forth by Apple on their website? The quality of the results from actual Apple users utilizing applications from Apple’s App Store to create so-called original artwork with their Apple devices is debatable. And there’s no calculus involved in Apple executives and researchers employed at Apple, Inc. to figure out except that the only applications worthy of the heroic and iconic Steve Jobs were those non-WYSIWYG components encapsulated in 2009’s iLife program iWeb.

Professor: Please refresh my memory. WYSIWYG?

Client: Are you getting visions of stereotypically costumed people spelling out YMCA in a  cheerleader-like fashion on New Year’s Eve? I get temporarily lost in thoughts of David Copperfield being forced to perform his magic shows during today’s post-Magician’s Code era of thieving politicians and monopolistic businesspeople who basically pull the carpet from under constituents’ and customers’ feet but constituents and customers are left standing and pointing fingers towards fracking sites as if they will too be compensated in the tens of thousands if not millions of dollars if their loved ones would just sign the croaked contracts by crooked contractors from the oil companies promising an expedient crude rush next door or at an adjacent elsewhere.

Professor: I believe I have recovered sufficient memory to figure out the acronym in question. Is it What You See Is What You Get?

Client: Yes! Was it the reference to the YMCA, David Copperfield, or the fracking crude rush that reawakened your memory?

Professor: I cannot say my memory was ever asleep as much as it was riveted by the fact that Rupert Murdoch’s Faux Network was the first to broadcast the eighteen episodes of Breaking the Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed.

Client: Your memory has certainly recalled quite a riveting fact, Professor Schnooki! Allow me to share another: iWeb is still the standard of excellence that no App Developer can surpass since its discontinuation. iWeb is the Rosetta Stone of WYSIWYG and App Developer Entrepreneurs featured on Apple dot com, like Hideko Ogawa, Takako Horiuchi, Theodore Gray, Torsten Reil, Jocelyn Leavitt, Mengting Gao, Fabian Lucas, Sun Yong, Yuta Tsuruoka, et al, deserve the chance to quicken their innovative pulses by demanding iWeb’s return.     

Professor: One of the incalculable feats carried out by Steve Jobs’s perpetual insistence for product integrity in all details, iWeb made the iMac experience the Zeitgeist of the new millennium, bringing autonomy and confidence to those who otherwise struggled with mathematics and computer sciences.

Client: People will want to learn code and attend Apple Workshops if they receive public library access to an iMac with iWeb particulars like Inspector, which allows one to beautifully adjust colors and sizes and shapes while being able to innovatively color and size and shape images taken by Apple devices like iPad, iPhone, and including the iMac itself. As things stand now at Apple dot com, I’m convinced that living in the surrounds of the elusive feline presence Cat-Zillah is far more fetching than that frighteningly rubescent cat over there!

Professor: I believe that incarnadine presence is only an emoji, Spritzkuchen. Only an emoji.

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