Thursday, October 30, 2014

Heartstrings or Pursestrings? Decide & Vote Tuesday, November 4, 2014!

Man! Dude! Session #330

(D)ude: Man! Who’s going to be calling the Republican Party’s bluff? Clearly, there is no way to be so sure of having won something that won’t officially be underway and conclude until next Tuesday Election Day November 4, 2014!

(M)an: Dude! The Republican Party today is a model for how not to conduct business. They are equivalent to the conglomerate of literary agencies that have sustained the elitism of publishing houses in the United States. The role of government, therefore and accordingly, is to tear down the walls of tyranny that come up regularly in the cycles of business. It’s like giving everybody a fighting chance as Elizabeth Warren has stated repeatedly throughout her campaign on behalf of her Democratic colleagues and we the American people, particularly those of US in chronic debt, a vehicular move in the Republican policy playbook that keeps those of us on the bottom rungs in society to remain there until death.              

D: Man! Do your debts die with you?

M: Dude! Yes and no. Voter Turnout on Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 will be determining the fate of our nation and particularly women and minority populations who are going to be facing challenges in physical autonomy and daily sustenance. We’ve got to be able to stand up and take action on behalf of our sisters and brothers by voting for the Democratic Ticket on Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014. Healthcare and living wages are nonnegotiable rights that we must stand up and protect. The Republican Party is against raising the minimum wage and is adamant about repealing the Affordable Care Act every chance it gets.    

D: Man! If the Republican Party really cared about US, it would not have so adamantly refused Medicaid Expansion in the states where it has control over the state legislature, like Texas and Wisconsin. If Greg Abbott and Scott Walker really cared about US, Texas and Wisconsin would be facing a surplus upon accepting Medicaid Expansion and not the abysmal numbers mess in deficits and the plummeting credit rating that Chris Christie’s imposed upon New Jersey year after year. Greg Abbott might claim to be in a separate sphere of existence than Rick Perry, but let’s not demarcate so hastily, after all the Republican Party today loves to all-out erase its stances like a wolf remains an unpredictable predator regardless of the length of time you invest in observation and interaction with such an animal.  

M: Dude! The Republican Party today is comprised of predatory legislators, indeed! They even want to practice law and order on a strictly despotic business model that discourages diversification and competition in the making of capital. That’s absolutely totalitarian talk from the Republican Party’s end plan for muting the agonizing cries for justice from the American populace that leads me to a critical concern for Jordan Davis’s mother and father. Did you watch the Thursday, October 2, 2014 episode of The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell?     

D: Man! Jordan Davis’s mother Lucia McBath’s affect was off balance. She described feeling complete jubilation after the verdict was rendered that the defendant was guilty of first-degree murder. However, the smile that accompanied Lucia’s elucidation of that sigh of relief she released upon hearing the verdict was clearly masking the truth of the extent of the tremendous perpetual pain of having outstayed her own child’s violent end.     

M: Dude! I’m reminded of Viktor E. Frankl’s book Man’s Search For Meaning, specifically the first part of the book entitled Experiences in a Concentration Camp where he clarifies in the beginning,

On the average, only those prisoners could keep alive who, after years of trekking from camp to camp, had lost all scruples in their fight for existence; they were prepared to use every means, honest and otherwise, even brutal force, theft, and betrayal of their friends, in order to save themselves. We who have come back, by the aid of many lucky chances or miracles—whatever one may choose to call them—we know: the best of us did not return.   

D: Man! Viktor Frankl accepted all the schools of psychology and embraced Freud and Adler and Jung with an intellectual interrelated easygoingness that could only come forth from such tremendous perpetual pain. Clearly, when you’ve been through such unimaginable horror and kept awaiting reprieve at any moment in such brutal conditions Viktor Frankl analyzes as the medical doctor and specifically the psychiatrist he was training to become when the world collapsed and his loved ones and he were sent to  concentration camps. And let’s not forget, the trains that transported Jews and their righteous gentile protectors ran through bustling European cities of the time while government officials in the United States and the Red Cross International Committee exchanged correspondence acknowledging disrespectfully the Jewish Problem as soon as 1942.               

M: Dude! The fact that government officials inside the United States and the Red Cross chose to use such a derogatory term applied to the Jews collectively by the Nazis is just as obscene as the flawed words of the male justices perched on the United States Supreme Court. John Roberts’s flighty defrauder insisting

The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.

And, of course, Clarence Thomas’s abstruse anarchist configuring

This case represents yet another missed opportunity to right the course of our campaign finance jurisprudence by restoring a standard that is faithful to the First Amendment. Until we undertake that reexamination, we remain in a ‘halfway house’ of our own design.

D: Man! Setting limits on financial contributions violate whose First Amendment Rights?

M: Dude! According to the syllabus prepared for McCutcheon et al v. FEC

The right to participate in democracy through political contributions is protected by the First Amendment, but that right is not absolute. Congress may regulate campaign contributions to protect against corruption or the appearance of corruption.

It may not, however, regulate contributions simply to reduce the amount of money in politics, or to restrict the political participation of some in order to enhance the relative influence of others.

Justice Thomas agreed that the aggregate limits are invalid under the First Amendment, but would overrule Buckley v. Valeo and subject BCRA’s [Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002] aggregate limits to strict scrutiny, which they would surely fail.

D: Man! What makes Clarence Thomas so self-assured about his ability to argue anything into oblivion anyways?

M: Dude! Viktor Frankl describes the dynamics of suffering severe malnourishment at Auschwitz in Poland. The soup that was served to the imprisoned thinned out over time as did their deteriorating bodies. The SS foremen would pour the watered down nothingness with a ladle into the prisoners’ bowls and the prisoners deliriously prayed the ladle to descend as far into the cauldron of soup for the chance of being served a few peas as well.

D: Man! The Republican Party obstructionists are all for austerity measures for the economically disadvantaged while the number of billionaires has doubled since the financial crisis that President George Walker Bush’s two-terms worth of policies at home and abroad propelled us into. The number of billionaires in 2009 totaled 793 and today there are 1,645.

M: Dude! Poverty is manufactured and voting for the Democratic Ticket on Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 will turnaround the gridlock and terrible House Bills that the Congressional Republicans have been passing onto the United States Senate. It’s mindboggling how anyone could vote for such sloths as the Congressional Republicans, who have only convened Congress on Capitol Hill for a total of 98 days in 2014.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Question: What's on the line? Answer: Human Rights!!!!

Man! Dude! Session #329

(M)an: Dude! We’ve got one week left before Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 in the United States and politicians have given up all hope and chance for this nation of ours to rise above the ashes of partisan hate that the Republican Party and Corporate America are banking on in order for ordinary everyday folks like us not to care to show up to vote in this midterm cycle that depends entirely on the will of the citizenship.

(D)ude: Man! Civilians have a final chance at redeeming their democracy in these United States by showing up and voting for the Democratic Ticket come Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014. I see advertisements’ endorsing Republican candidates on such unsteady grounds like the notion that President Obama is the Democratic Party and that Senator Harry Reid is a permanent fixture in the Senate. Obviously, President Obama and Harry Reid are not reasons enough to go and vote for the Republican alternatives, as Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush are campaigning.

M: Dude! I was listening to Bruce Springsteen’s High Hopes album and it hit me when he sang We Take Care of Our Own Wherever This Flag is Flown. He’s definitely got that right about the United States Flag. But do his fans understand the trap Springsteen and all recording artists are in right now? Do the American people and potential voters understand that Springsteen’s hands are tied to Corporate America via Sony Music Entertainment, the parent company of Columbia Records?

D: Man! What’s the way out? Obviously, it’s not an intelligent move to fall for anything the Republican Party membership promises. The only thing guaranteed with a Republican Ticket is gridlock for the next two years and President Jeb Bush and Vice President Mitt Romney in 2016 alongside a complete disintegration of the 21st Century tactics and strategies employed by Secretary John Kerry and set into motion by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  

M: Dude! The American People need to open their eyes to the brutal realities facing the middle and working classes in this country. If we do not get up off our bums and cast our ballots for the Democratic Ticket, we will be dialing back the times of the Clarence Thomas hearings that expunged the perverted brute and raised him to the coveted position of Supreme Court Justice that has since been responsible for such destructive pathways by which corporations are legally people too, the very same philosophical principle upon which Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney plan to win the presidential election in 2016.   

D: Man! We’re going backwards all the way to the time of Jim Crow racial segregation laws that mandated a separate but equal status for African Americans. But this time around, the United States will be divided up unevenly between the top 2% of income generators holding all the power while the rest of us 98% fight over limited resources purposefully limited by the top 2% so that the 98% never are able to look past the disparities that Senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky want to set into motion through rereading and reinterpretation of the Civil Rights Act to mean that the private sector can remain immune to the laws of the nation and the public sector varies state-to-state depending on every individual state’s legislature.

M: Dude! If the American People want convoluted rewrites of the United States Constitution and a return to the past, then they have the clear choice of the Republican Party’s candidates. But I believe the American People are strong enough to withstand the sway of the Republican Party’s bogus agenda of equating all the Democratic Ticket candidates as aligning with the President of the United States Barack Obama. Ironically, the Republican Party is far more homogenous and tit-for-tat in itself than ever before in history. There is a paradigm shift underway in world politics and the United States Midterm Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 will set the tone for the next decade. The Democratic Ticket has the background and the diversity needed to succeed in reforming  President Obama and Vice President Biden. American Voters will be guaranteed a good fight at the level of federal government only if the Democrats win.    

D: Man! The Republican Party is really misreading everything in the news cycle and the newscasters are misleading every potential voter from caring about registering and then voting on Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014. That’s because the American Voter is still the most powerful player in this Election Cycle. Like any sensible business plan, you need to focus on customers and employees and potential investors. If American Voters do not report to active duty on November 4, 2014, they will have essentially crashed the system of government within fifty-six presidential terms or less than three hundred years by electing the Republican Party to majority status in the United States Congress, which is like handing over power to Corporate Tyranny and eliminating the role of customers and employees in one’s business planning and totally surrendering power to potential investors.  

M: Dude! That’s why we’ve got the federal government in the United States! To regulate the regulators in the private sector enough to keep them from divulging in the public sector and blurring all the lines and potentially setting US on the road to crashing our democracy, as you rightfully estimated, within a short span of fifty-six presidential terms. Keep in mind, the Republican Party has done absolutely nothing but obstruct and destruct these past 4 years and only cares about its potential investors. Governor Chris Christie heads the Republican Governors Association for a reason and that is to cater all legislation in the United States of America to the top 2% of society while slashing pensions and privatizing Medicare and Social Security. It’s really tragic, but a lot of American Voters do not understand that they are not the taxpayers that Chris Christie and the Republican Party represent in government. The taxpayers that they represent have incomes above six figures.  

D: Man! Ora pro nobis!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ohio's "Opportunity Corridor" & Harris Parkway via "The Chisholm Trail"

Man! Dude! Session #328

(D)ude: Man! The Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Thomas Frieden and the Obama Administration are under fire by rightwing neoconservative conglomerates such as the United States Press Corps and the Republican Party stationed in the United States but wheeling and dealing in an underhanded counter government scheme that was utilized by the Republican Party abroad during the Kennedy Administration to label Martin Luther King, Jr. and The Civil Rights Movement as prideful militarists deserving the fatal end and violence that was orchestrated at them by the 1950s and 1960s mechanics of GOP leaders like Congressmen Joseph William Martin, Jr. of Massachusetts, Charles A. Halleck of Indiana, John J. Rhodes, Jr. of Arizona, and Leslie C. Arends of Illinois.     

(M)an: Dude! Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham and Representatives Newt Gingrich of Georgia and John Boehner of Ohio had comparable predecessors who fouled  American Policy and were just as toxic to American Democracy as their coconspirators inside the United States Press Corps. And let’s remember that the late Andrew James Breitbart set into motion Arianna Huffington’s The Huffington Post online in 2005 before the 2007 online launch of his own publication conglomerate Breitbart DOT COM.  

D: Man! Breitbart was a self-identified liberal who became a Tea Partier conservative activist, while Arianna Huffington was the intransigent conservative who wrote the following 1973 criticism of feminism or the women’s movement,

Women’s Lib [Women’s Liberation Movement] claims that the achievement of total liberation would transform the lives of all women for the better; the truth is that it would transform only the lives of women with strong lesbian tendencies.    

M: Dude! I would relate Arianna Huffington with Henry Kissinger politically, but for her own history within Svengali bureaucracies as democratic a tutelage as her relationship with Bernard Levin and as fascist a surrendering as her marriage to Michael Huffington.     

D: Man! What ever became of that 1983 television movie starring Jodie Foster and Peter O’Toole? Svengali? I think it’s still available and the actor performances still higher up in caliber than the usual afterschool specials and made-for-television features. Remember those?

M: Dude! Goodness! If American Voters do not vote and the Republicans manage to attain majority party status in both houses of the United States Congress, our nieces and daughters will have to endure the same dynamics of compromise within their relationships with men as Arianna Huffington has proven through her lifetime of sacrifices within the status quo with both Levin and Huffington.

D: Man! We have to get up and register to vote and cast our ballots on or before Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 for the Democratic Ticket candidates across the United States regardless of our prior political affiliations or fallouts because if the Republican Party manages to lie, cheat, and steal through shredding voter registration applications like they’re doing in Georgia, or through Voter ID Laws like the ones in Texas not willing to accept Student IDs as valid forms of identification for the purpose of registering to vote and then actually following through with voting on or before November 4, 2014.   

D: Man! Georgia and Texas have predominantly Republican-led State Legislatures. What’s it like politically in Ohio? Are any of the hospitals dealing with Ebola over in Ohio a part of the Texas Health Resources and USMD Hospitals Network?   

M: Dude! Why are the state health officials at the Ohio Department of Health in Columbus, Ohio recommending instead of enforcing Ohio hospitals to train and prepare for the possibility of coming into contact with the Ebola virus?

D: Man! Can Ohioans trust the Republican Governor John Kasich to follow through on his commitments to low-income constituents? The Opportunity Corridor Project in Cleveland, Ohio is of particular concern to me as is The Chisholm Trail toll road in Fort Worth, Texas.

M: Dude! How so?

D: Man! Wake up and smell the gasoline! Gasoline is a fossil fuel?

M: Dude! Enlighten me! I’m totally listening! We’re dealing with an oil and natural gas economy being hammered into our lives and homes by corporations being run by women like Marillyn Hewson of the defense industry giant Lockheed Martin and a Press Corps totally committed and obligated to the Republican Party and being run by women like Arianna Huffington and Tina Brown. Tina Brown’s got a Svengali like tale of success as well and, again, I register and vote in these Midterm Elections in the United States on or before Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 because I do not wish our nieces and daughters to have to endure the wrath of such disrespect and degradation as the GOP Male has planned for all girls and women, mere chattels who will be told to find their own personal Christ and until then be delegated the humiliation and indignities of Mary Magdalene.

D: Man! The Republican Party wants to close down hospitals in the United States accepting ObamaCare recipients in a last ditch effort before the Midterm Elections concluding on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 to distract voters from registering and voting on the basis of the GOP’s portrayals of President Obama and his Administration as adversarial and as ineffective as the Congressional Republicans.

M: Dude! Talk to me about the Opportunity Corridor in Ohio and the Chisholm Trail Toll Road. I haven’t driven on the toll road although it gets you from Harris Parkway in Fort Worth to Downtown Fort Worth in less than 13 minutes when traffic’s okay, not too congested. But is traffic ever going to be congested on that toll road if the Republicans demolish us like they did Detroit, Michigan?

D: Man! Speaking of Chisholm Trail toll road in Fort Worth, Texas makes my heart ache. Texas Health Resources is a non-profit health care deliverer operating since 1997, when Fort Worth’s Harris Methodist Health System and Dallas’s Presbyterian Healthcare Resources merged. There are twenty-four hospitals in North Texas that come under the Texas Health Resources umbrella and they are all situated along prominent highways, particularly Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest Fort Worth that is located off Harris Parkway, the road that the Chisholm Trial toll road runs alongside.

M: Dude! Texas Health Resources is a nonprofit network of hospitals and affiliates therefore the Republican Party wants to demolish its infrastructures and construct fracking sites all along that toll road they have carefully constructed alongside Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest Fort Worth. Ora pro nobis!

D: Man! The Republican Party is masterminding ways to get the Ebola virus spread to the extent that the GOP can declare Texas Health Resources facilities contaminated, after which American voters will refuse to venture outside and, instead, remain self-quarantined in their homes until the Big Scare of 2014 concludes with the Republicans taking over the House and Senate in January 2015 due to another underhanded tactic of declaring runoffs in December 2014 because none of the listed candidates in any of the races managed to get a majority of the vote on Election TuesDay November 4, 2014.

M: Dude! What did you read up on the Opportunity Corridor in Cleveland, Ohio?

D: Man! Northeast Ohio’s The Plain Dealer’s Alison Grant wrote up an article titling Opportunity Corridor historic pact sets aside 20 percent of contract dollars for minority-owned firms. Although dating back to September 11, 2014, this necessary reading exposes the highest degree of treacheries defining the Republican Party agendas in the 21st Century,

Black-owned companies are to get 8.5 percent, or $22.7 million of the total contract awards; Hispanic-owned companies are to get 1.5 percent or $4 million, as are Asian/Native American companies. All other companies certified as disadvantaged businesses, which can include female-owned businesses, are in line for an 8.5 percent, or $22.7 million share.

Though the percentages and amounts are expressed as "goals," Kasich said he would ride hard on his cabinet members to make sure that they are met. He noted government-funded construction projects in the state routinely miss their disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) targets.

"I think it's fair to say that we are going to meet the set-aside numbers for the first time in Ohio history," he predicted.   

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

ATTN: Wikipedia needs funding ASAP & CSPAN needs a second camera

Man! Dude! Session #327

(M)an: Dude! Joe Reynolds, one of the many former Maytag employees now working for TPI Composites Inc due to Maytag’s abruptly closing down its plant in Newton, Iowa and then outsourcing jobs to Mexico ten years to the day yesterday, is the face of American Democracy and Resilience. Mr. Reynolds is my reason for standing up and making the Decision to Vote for the Democratic Ticket in the 2014 Midterm Elections.      

(D)ude: Man! What about the Congressional Republicans’ outrageous declarations that the Democratic Ticket is entirely comprised of the Executive Branch and that the Obama Administration is, and this is what Speaker John Boehner claims in press releases posted on the website  www dot speaker dot gov: rewriting laws by executive decree and importing Guantanamo Bay prisoners into the United States? What does John Boehner want? For the Obama Administration to idle by as the Congressional Republicans have done for the last four years and do absolutely nothing? Clearly, President Obama and his administration are exploring ways to close GITMO, which President Walker Bush Cheney instituted in order to avoid scrutiny at home vis-à-vis international law.     

M: Dude! Ed Schultz interviewed Joe Reynolds in Iowa for Tuesday, October 14, 2014’s  broadcast of The Ed Show and Mr. Reynolds spoke beautifully about leaving behind a legacy of innovation and progress for future generations. Mr. Reynolds elucidated as follows,

Family is first, like we’ve talked about. But I feel that when I was working at Maytag for 24 years, I was building washers and dryers. But wind energy is really what I’m proud of being now because of my grandkids. You know, as a family member or father, you always think about what you can do for your kids when they grow up. Now I’m building something that my kids can enjoy.     

D: Man! What’s the opposite of innovation and progress?  

M: Dude! Stagnation or old hat and failure or diminishment sound likely contenders or, simply stated, the Republican Party as the totalitarian imbecile of the new millennium that it is. Why?

D: Man! The Lockheed Martin Corporation announced its technological alternative research to green energy efforts today, a power source stemming in nuclear fusion rather than nuclear fission and referred to as the compact fusion reactor. But according to a Reuters’ article by Andrea Shalal today,

In recent years, Lockheed has gotten increasingly involved in a variety of alternate energy projects, including several ocean energy projects, as it looks to offset a decline in U.S. and European military spending.

M: Dude! Isn’t Lockheed’s Chief Executive Officer Marillyn Hewson?

D: Man! Yeah. She’s been with Lockheed since 1983. The defense business in the United States is big and Marillyn Hewson has been at the helm as CEO at Lockheed since 2013.

M: Dude! It’s been just over thirty years and now Marillyn Hewson’s CEO of the most successful defense contractor in the world?

D: Man! Defense contractors want worldwide theatres of warfare regardless of which sides win or lose! Lockheed Martin has placed Marillyn Hewson at its helm for the same purposes that General Motors decided on Mary Barra as its Chief Executive Officer in 2013 as well, to take the blame of past administrations’ deadly oversights.

M: Dude! Mary Barra was a Board Member for General Dynamics Corp, which sold to Lockheed in 1993 and then reemerged in 1999 with its Fort Worth Division entering back into aerospace defense by purchasing Gulfstream Aerospace.

D: Man! Do you think that the same folks manipulated Mary Barra to CEO status at GM as those folks who catapulted Marillyn Hewson to that exact position at Lockheed Martin? Could it be that GM has premeditated their treatment in federal court to be softer with Barra at the wheel than a male counterpart? Or could it be that the committee members in the congressional hearings that unfolded about the car accidents that took the lives of so many due to GM’s design carelessness are stockholders in the defense industry as Barra and Hewson may as well also have remained since their starts in the defense industry?

M: Dude! Could it be that Lockheed Martin premeditated something similar by manipulating Marillyn Hewson to CEO just in time for the umpteenth round of warfare in the Islamic World that the Republican Party in the United States shamelessly wants our sons and daughters in uniform to fight with their boots on the ground?

D: Man! If our sons and daughters in uniform have to put their boots on such treacherous grounds and be sacrificed, then I agree with Independent Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders’ approach to the terrorism in the Islamic World and that is to have the neighboring nations over there unite and place their own boots on the ground so that ISIL does not massacre our sons and daughters in the highly uneducated and lame rhetoric of pure savagery that they claim is Islamic when the truth is ISIL militants don’t even know how to write or pronounce accurate Arabic script themselves.

M: Dude! The Republican Party is made up of tax-fearing concierges who want to keep their cavaliere servente contented always, just as severe as the jizya tax for non-Muslims and the zakat tax for Muslims in the Islamic World. The Congressional Republicans and the billionaires that they service fully must be flown over the ISIL targets and parachuted out onto those exact battlegrounds that they wish to deploy our beloved United States Military personnel.

D: Man! Amelia Earhart’s disappearance happened while she was flying a Lockheed  Model 10 Electra, after which the company just happened to have produced and profited multitudinously with the Model 12 Electra Junior and the Model 14 Super Electra.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bigotry In Motion

Man! Dude! Session #326

(D)ude: Man! Speaker of the House and Representative from Ohio’s Eighth Congressional District John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader and Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell are continuing and will be reinstating their austerity measures and approach towards President Obama’s Administration by retreating to their individual states instead of convening the United State Congress on Capitol Hill or  preferring to attend Republican Billionaires’ retreats for compliant congressional concierges like themselves.

(M)an: Dude! Speaker John Boehner insists on the United States Congress stalling outside Capitol Hill and not reconvening until January 15, 2014 when the Congressional Republicans hope to convene with Republican majorities in both the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. But when it comes to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families or TANF, John Boehner and the Congressional Republicans falsely insist that their passing H.R. 890 or “Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Programs Act of 2013” was unfairly blocked by the Democrats in the United States Senate under the leadership of Senate Majority Leader and Senator from Nevada Harry Reid and that there are over 46 such jobs bills just as worthy of passage as H.R. 890.       

D: Man! How are the Congressional Republicans falsely insisting theirs was a productive four years for which they should now be reelected back into office so that they can pass legislation that’s been historically hurtful to women and minorities much the same way that the Republican Party is toxic to American Democracy and Diplomacy presently?    

M: Dude! The “Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Programs Act of 2013” or H.R. 890 from the 113th Congress’s first session states that it is,

AN ACT to prohibit waivers relating to compliance with the work requirements for the program of block grants to States for temporary assistance for needy families, and for other purposes.

D: Man! What’s a waiver?

M: Dude! The American Heritage Dictionary’s Third Edition states a waiver as being such,

1. An intentional relinquishment of a right, claim, or privilege. 2. The document that waives a right or claim.

D: Man! The Congressional Republicans of the 113th Congress only passed H.R. 890 to limit what the Secretary of Health and Human Services at the time, Kathleen Sebelius, could do in terms of the requests coming in to the Department of Health and Human Services from both Democratic and Republican Governors across the United States of America pleading for what Liz Schott and LaDonna Pavetti described in their February 26, 2013 article entitled Changes in TANF Work Requirements Could Make Them More Effective in Promoting Employment as much needed

…greater flexibility than the work participation rate (WPR) afforded them [the states] in designing work programs. 

M: Dude! The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities published that article a month before the Congressional Republicans passed H.R. 890 in the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, Schott and Pavetti did not follow up on the implications of H.R. 890 once it passed the House and landed in the United States Senate only to be deferred due to the severity with which it restricted the operations of the Department of Health and Human Services and Kathleen Sebelius who was facing another turmoil concocted by the neoconservative counter government’s pledge to impair if not repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.     

D: Man! You really think the neoconservative counter government was responsible for the technical glitches and the two failed launches of the ObamaCare website portal?

M: Dude! The Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act’s web portal was hacked with the same rightwing intolerance towards President Obama as displayed by Jon Stewart on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show on Comedy Central [October 13, 2014]. Jon Stewart is the drudge that swore to ingest 100 onions in order to avoid 100 lashings as punishment at the hands of a bloodcurdling bloodthirsty enslaver who agreed to the enslaved workhorse’s challenge knowing that by the end of such stunt the enslaved would only have achieved ingesting at most 99 onions and, therefore, still be subjected to the awaiting 100 lashings.         

D: Man! That’s cruel! Bigotry is cruel! Jon Stewart’s a bigoted captive of the neoconservative rightwing television executives! Wait! Jon Stewart is a neoconservative rightwing television executive!

M: Dude! What’s really cruel is that there are no alternatives afforded to any of the fifty states by the Congressional Republicans’ H.R. 890 so that every state may implement individualized improvements in the  outcomes for needy families on TANF state-by-state.    

D: Man! According to Schott and Pavetti,

The 1996 welfare law established the TANF block grant and requirements that states must meet, including rules related to work requirements, time limits, child support, and immigrants’ eligibility. Under the work provisions of the law, states must require recipients to engage in work, impose sanctions (by reducing or terminating benefits) if an individual refuses to participate in required work activities, and achieve a work participation rate measured in accordance with detailed provisions of the law.

M: Dude! How about work requirements for the lax Congressional Republicans?

D: Man! Vote for the Democratic Ticket on or before November 4, 2014 or suffer the government shutdown planned by the GOP fifty-nine days from tonight.