Wednesday, October 15, 2014

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Man! Dude! Session #327

(M)an: Dude! Joe Reynolds, one of the many former Maytag employees now working for TPI Composites Inc due to Maytag’s abruptly closing down its plant in Newton, Iowa and then outsourcing jobs to Mexico ten years to the day yesterday, is the face of American Democracy and Resilience. Mr. Reynolds is my reason for standing up and making the Decision to Vote for the Democratic Ticket in the 2014 Midterm Elections.      

(D)ude: Man! What about the Congressional Republicans’ outrageous declarations that the Democratic Ticket is entirely comprised of the Executive Branch and that the Obama Administration is, and this is what Speaker John Boehner claims in press releases posted on the website  www dot speaker dot gov: rewriting laws by executive decree and importing Guantanamo Bay prisoners into the United States? What does John Boehner want? For the Obama Administration to idle by as the Congressional Republicans have done for the last four years and do absolutely nothing? Clearly, President Obama and his administration are exploring ways to close GITMO, which President Walker Bush Cheney instituted in order to avoid scrutiny at home vis-à-vis international law.     

M: Dude! Ed Schultz interviewed Joe Reynolds in Iowa for Tuesday, October 14, 2014’s  broadcast of The Ed Show and Mr. Reynolds spoke beautifully about leaving behind a legacy of innovation and progress for future generations. Mr. Reynolds elucidated as follows,

Family is first, like we’ve talked about. But I feel that when I was working at Maytag for 24 years, I was building washers and dryers. But wind energy is really what I’m proud of being now because of my grandkids. You know, as a family member or father, you always think about what you can do for your kids when they grow up. Now I’m building something that my kids can enjoy.     

D: Man! What’s the opposite of innovation and progress?  

M: Dude! Stagnation or old hat and failure or diminishment sound likely contenders or, simply stated, the Republican Party as the totalitarian imbecile of the new millennium that it is. Why?

D: Man! The Lockheed Martin Corporation announced its technological alternative research to green energy efforts today, a power source stemming in nuclear fusion rather than nuclear fission and referred to as the compact fusion reactor. But according to a Reuters’ article by Andrea Shalal today,

In recent years, Lockheed has gotten increasingly involved in a variety of alternate energy projects, including several ocean energy projects, as it looks to offset a decline in U.S. and European military spending.

M: Dude! Isn’t Lockheed’s Chief Executive Officer Marillyn Hewson?

D: Man! Yeah. She’s been with Lockheed since 1983. The defense business in the United States is big and Marillyn Hewson has been at the helm as CEO at Lockheed since 2013.

M: Dude! It’s been just over thirty years and now Marillyn Hewson’s CEO of the most successful defense contractor in the world?

D: Man! Defense contractors want worldwide theatres of warfare regardless of which sides win or lose! Lockheed Martin has placed Marillyn Hewson at its helm for the same purposes that General Motors decided on Mary Barra as its Chief Executive Officer in 2013 as well, to take the blame of past administrations’ deadly oversights.

M: Dude! Mary Barra was a Board Member for General Dynamics Corp, which sold to Lockheed in 1993 and then reemerged in 1999 with its Fort Worth Division entering back into aerospace defense by purchasing Gulfstream Aerospace.

D: Man! Do you think that the same folks manipulated Mary Barra to CEO status at GM as those folks who catapulted Marillyn Hewson to that exact position at Lockheed Martin? Could it be that GM has premeditated their treatment in federal court to be softer with Barra at the wheel than a male counterpart? Or could it be that the committee members in the congressional hearings that unfolded about the car accidents that took the lives of so many due to GM’s design carelessness are stockholders in the defense industry as Barra and Hewson may as well also have remained since their starts in the defense industry?

M: Dude! Could it be that Lockheed Martin premeditated something similar by manipulating Marillyn Hewson to CEO just in time for the umpteenth round of warfare in the Islamic World that the Republican Party in the United States shamelessly wants our sons and daughters in uniform to fight with their boots on the ground?

D: Man! If our sons and daughters in uniform have to put their boots on such treacherous grounds and be sacrificed, then I agree with Independent Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders’ approach to the terrorism in the Islamic World and that is to have the neighboring nations over there unite and place their own boots on the ground so that ISIL does not massacre our sons and daughters in the highly uneducated and lame rhetoric of pure savagery that they claim is Islamic when the truth is ISIL militants don’t even know how to write or pronounce accurate Arabic script themselves.

M: Dude! The Republican Party is made up of tax-fearing concierges who want to keep their cavaliere servente contented always, just as severe as the jizya tax for non-Muslims and the zakat tax for Muslims in the Islamic World. The Congressional Republicans and the billionaires that they service fully must be flown over the ISIL targets and parachuted out onto those exact battlegrounds that they wish to deploy our beloved United States Military personnel.

D: Man! Amelia Earhart’s disappearance happened while she was flying a Lockheed  Model 10 Electra, after which the company just happened to have produced and profited multitudinously with the Model 12 Electra Junior and the Model 14 Super Electra.

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