Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Question: What's on the line? Answer: Human Rights!!!!

Man! Dude! Session #329

(M)an: Dude! We’ve got one week left before Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 in the United States and politicians have given up all hope and chance for this nation of ours to rise above the ashes of partisan hate that the Republican Party and Corporate America are banking on in order for ordinary everyday folks like us not to care to show up to vote in this midterm cycle that depends entirely on the will of the citizenship.

(D)ude: Man! Civilians have a final chance at redeeming their democracy in these United States by showing up and voting for the Democratic Ticket come Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014. I see advertisements’ endorsing Republican candidates on such unsteady grounds like the notion that President Obama is the Democratic Party and that Senator Harry Reid is a permanent fixture in the Senate. Obviously, President Obama and Harry Reid are not reasons enough to go and vote for the Republican alternatives, as Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush are campaigning.

M: Dude! I was listening to Bruce Springsteen’s High Hopes album and it hit me when he sang We Take Care of Our Own Wherever This Flag is Flown. He’s definitely got that right about the United States Flag. But do his fans understand the trap Springsteen and all recording artists are in right now? Do the American people and potential voters understand that Springsteen’s hands are tied to Corporate America via Sony Music Entertainment, the parent company of Columbia Records?

D: Man! What’s the way out? Obviously, it’s not an intelligent move to fall for anything the Republican Party membership promises. The only thing guaranteed with a Republican Ticket is gridlock for the next two years and President Jeb Bush and Vice President Mitt Romney in 2016 alongside a complete disintegration of the 21st Century tactics and strategies employed by Secretary John Kerry and set into motion by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  

M: Dude! The American People need to open their eyes to the brutal realities facing the middle and working classes in this country. If we do not get up off our bums and cast our ballots for the Democratic Ticket, we will be dialing back the times of the Clarence Thomas hearings that expunged the perverted brute and raised him to the coveted position of Supreme Court Justice that has since been responsible for such destructive pathways by which corporations are legally people too, the very same philosophical principle upon which Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney plan to win the presidential election in 2016.   

D: Man! We’re going backwards all the way to the time of Jim Crow racial segregation laws that mandated a separate but equal status for African Americans. But this time around, the United States will be divided up unevenly between the top 2% of income generators holding all the power while the rest of us 98% fight over limited resources purposefully limited by the top 2% so that the 98% never are able to look past the disparities that Senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky want to set into motion through rereading and reinterpretation of the Civil Rights Act to mean that the private sector can remain immune to the laws of the nation and the public sector varies state-to-state depending on every individual state’s legislature.

M: Dude! If the American People want convoluted rewrites of the United States Constitution and a return to the past, then they have the clear choice of the Republican Party’s candidates. But I believe the American People are strong enough to withstand the sway of the Republican Party’s bogus agenda of equating all the Democratic Ticket candidates as aligning with the President of the United States Barack Obama. Ironically, the Republican Party is far more homogenous and tit-for-tat in itself than ever before in history. There is a paradigm shift underway in world politics and the United States Midterm Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 will set the tone for the next decade. The Democratic Ticket has the background and the diversity needed to succeed in reforming  President Obama and Vice President Biden. American Voters will be guaranteed a good fight at the level of federal government only if the Democrats win.    

D: Man! The Republican Party is really misreading everything in the news cycle and the newscasters are misleading every potential voter from caring about registering and then voting on Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014. That’s because the American Voter is still the most powerful player in this Election Cycle. Like any sensible business plan, you need to focus on customers and employees and potential investors. If American Voters do not report to active duty on November 4, 2014, they will have essentially crashed the system of government within fifty-six presidential terms or less than three hundred years by electing the Republican Party to majority status in the United States Congress, which is like handing over power to Corporate Tyranny and eliminating the role of customers and employees in one’s business planning and totally surrendering power to potential investors.  

M: Dude! That’s why we’ve got the federal government in the United States! To regulate the regulators in the private sector enough to keep them from divulging in the public sector and blurring all the lines and potentially setting US on the road to crashing our democracy, as you rightfully estimated, within a short span of fifty-six presidential terms. Keep in mind, the Republican Party has done absolutely nothing but obstruct and destruct these past 4 years and only cares about its potential investors. Governor Chris Christie heads the Republican Governors Association for a reason and that is to cater all legislation in the United States of America to the top 2% of society while slashing pensions and privatizing Medicare and Social Security. It’s really tragic, but a lot of American Voters do not understand that they are not the taxpayers that Chris Christie and the Republican Party represent in government. The taxpayers that they represent have incomes above six figures.  

D: Man! Ora pro nobis!

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