Thursday, May 22, 2014

GOP's Honky-Tonk Rewrites c/o Dick and Lynne Cheney 2014

(M)an: Dude! Karl Marx’s emphasis on revolution bringing forth a classless society is intriguing but most likely misinterpreted via a deliberate mistranslation by demagogues in order to fit the concepts to their personal advantages and prosperity. Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity is evidence of that corrupt, exploitive mentality.    

(D)ude: Man! So concerning what is the truth and what is the demagoguery, the Republican Party’s a defective and deceptive brand entrenched in destruction and death of the working classes and the poor to the point of instability and animosity, at which point the bourgeoisie commit the proletariat and those beneath even the proletariat to penitentiaries or other institutions of lower and limited functioning?

M: Dude! Yes! And the crux of the mistranslation by demagogues is the cornerstone of an effective business plan. Marx meant to stress a classless mentality, not necessarily a classless society, which would take humanity into an era of diversity and innovation.   

D: Man! What does a classless mentality have to do with an effective business plan? Wait! Does the bourgeoisie have to tolerate sitting and coexisting with proletarians like US in public spaces?

M: Dude! You’re onto something there. I was reading about the bourgeoisie owning property and the proletariat defining its significance in specialized skills sets that bring in specific range of wages and salaries, which then can be invested in maintaining a lifestyle that not just addresses personal care but the possibilities of familial development and a movement forward towards betterment.

D: Man! Is the Republican Tea GOP a bad business model in that it chooses to tear apart the social safety networks that define US?  

M: Dude! If you study Wikipedia’s series on organized labor, there is a section on Roman law and the Constitution of the Roman Republic, which specified social class distinctions according to how much property individuals owned. This information was used to determine one’s voting privileges and military duties, the lower classers voting after the higher classers had essentially decided matters for everyone by casting ballots earlier because of their advantageous station economically, which also determined how much armor and the caliber of protective gear and weaponry one was entitled to in battle, generally the lower classes receiving the lesser armor and the least arms.

D: Man! Oh! Bob Drury and Tom Calvin’s biography of Red Cloud is rigged with misinformation and the misfortune of attempting to blame both the Native Americans and the United States Army officers evenly for the massacres, alluding to the Native Americans pejoratively throughout and then pulling an “NRA” in the epilogue.          

M: Dude! Does an “NRA” have to do with the National Rifle Association’s evangelical ignorance towards matters concerning gun reform legislation in the United States of America? Like how Jimmy Swaggart’s wife and panelists on the Sonlife Broadcasting Network feign incomprehension themselves when criticized but then ruthlessly address critical callers as philistines. I know, that last word is quite controversial and I despise it for various reasons, but primarily because it is utilized at all in defining the uncultured and barbaric.        

D: Man! Bob Drury and Tom Calvin label the Native Americans and Red Cloud disparagingly the same way the crooked Swaggarts and their crooked panelists deem themselves enlightened and their faultfinders incomprehensible and unlearned.  

M: Dude! I’m convinced that the people who heralded the term philistine were swaggering philanderers like Jimmy Swaggart and monstrously prejudicial like Darrell Issa and thoroughly unthinking like Marco Rubio.

D: Man! The Native Americans won Red Cloud’s War, the only war lost by the United States in its history to an American Indian uprising. Of course, despite visiting the White House as well as taking on speaking engagements in New York City in 1870, Red Cloud could not negotiate a treaty with the United States because of the railroad expansion that was underway. It was like the situation with the Native American sacred lands that the Keystone XL Pipeline is being pushed through by the Republican Tea GOP.      

M: Dude! The Republican Tea GOP House of Representatives under Speaker John Boehner’s leadership is dead set with the Keystone XL Pipeline obstructing the Ogallala Aquifer in middle of the Great Plains Region of the United States and there are countless suburban neighborhoods along the Ogallala Aquifer alongside the American Indian reservations and sacred Native tribal lands.    

D: Man! The United States of America did not negotiate fairly with the Native Americans and even violated the terms of the agreements that were made. And the American Press Corps was just as shifty and shady in its reporting then. Reminds me now of the way headlines and newscasters proclaim ruthlessly that President Obama and the Democratic Party are confirmed losers in the midterm elections that are to be held nationwide on Tuesday, November 4, 2014.

M: Dude! There are diamonds like Jill Abramson, nevertheless! The male bosses at The New York Times most likely felt intellectually challenged and ethically eclipsed by Jill Abramson, which led to what a lot are calling her demise. I, however, disagree. I believe Jill Abramson confronted insiders about preeminent periodicals being bought by the Koch Brothers, and Dick Cheney and his wife Lynne Cheney basically contributing to a honky-tonk history the Republican Tea GOP honky-tonkers like the Cheneys are trying to rewrite. The New York Times recently made Lynne Cheney’s honky-tonk about James Madison a notable book and Jill Abramson chose not to conspire in endorsing that honky-tonk as an executive editor.  

D: Man! Jill Abramson needs to construct an online newsmagazine or newspaper or both! She is a force of nature for all aspiring feminists. I admire her genius, especially after the commencement address she gave on Monday at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. She said that her father raised her to anticipate not just accomplishments and successes, but how enduring setback after setback created strength and resiliency.    

M: Dude! Chris Wallace interviewed the Cheneys this Sunday. Wallace kept asking Dick and Lynne Cheney for bricks and mortar but kept getting apples and broccoli in return.   

D: Man! What does a classless mentality have to do with an effective business plan?

M: Dude! The bankers, loan officers, small investors, strategic investors, and venture capitalists that you address as your audience in your business plan are crucial. However, Michael Miller’s 2002 classic Business Plans in 24 Hours does not address the need for you the entrepreneur to actually embrace the product yourself as a potential consumer. And two businesspeople come to mind who have embraced their creations and actively sought out solutions to their own specific visions and quirks: Steve Jobs and Tamara Mellon.    

D: Man! How are Steve Jobs and Tamara Mellon exemplary of what you believe to be the cornerstone to good business?   

M: Dude! Steve Jobs gave the world meticulously superb technological breakthroughs that he utilized and as a result improved, while Tamara Mellon actually wears the fashion she meticulously designs so that she can relate one-to-one with her clients.

D: Man! I remember a time in the 1980s when companies produced top quality appliances like kitchen centers with the blender and the dough kneading gadgets and the sewing machines that lasted forever. But brands like Oster and Singer don’t produce appliances that hardy anymore.

M: Dude! Does your mother still have her 1982 model Oster kitchen center? She’s still got the 1984 Singer sewing machine too, no?

D: Man! Yeah. My father bought my mother the latest kitchen center with the noodle maker and the mixing bowl gadgetry two years ago. But she only displays the new kitchen center, resorting to getting out the old 1982 model Oster and its accessories from the cupboards whenever there’s something to be prepared.  

M: Dude! Didn’t a neighboring relative come by and demonstrate a stitch on the 1984 Singer sometime that year and accidentally ran the machine between two fingers?

D: Man! It was an avuncular relation in fact. You know, my mother was in middle of preparing the ingredients for a cake with the 1982 model recently when another avuncular relation dropped by with a parcel from yet another avuncular relation. You know, my mother’s father’s got too many brothers! I’m not lying!

M: Dude! And?

D: Man! And what?

M: Dude! Finish the avuncular disquisition.

D: Man! Well, the avuncular relation with the parcel strolled into the kitchen recently and asked my mother whether she was deterring a break-in with antiquated appliances on display. The drapes were parted and he was certain that my mother was making the case for her home to be deemed unfavorably by passersby.

M: Dude! Remind me to recommend to your mother that she replace those drapes. They’re so luminous that I cannot help but sleuth about myself.

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