Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Selection of the Finest Cheats: Six-Figure Salaried Freeloaders

(M)an: Dude! Don’t New Jersey voters understand that they are supporting irresponsible conservatism by voting for Chris Christie? Don’t people realize what it means that Chris Christie is going to be joined by former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani this  weekend on his campaign tour that is being funded heavily by the Republican Governors Association and the Republican National Committee?

(D)ude: Man! Rudy Giuliani was that mayor of NYC who did not respond aggressively enough to the World Trade Center bombing that took place on February 26, 1993, clearly eight years prior to the September 11, 2001 bombings that injured 6,000 and killed 2,977 victims.

M: Dude! The 1993 World Trade Center bombing claimed the lives of 7 victims, including thirty-six-year-old secretary and mother-to-be Monica Smith and her unborn child. Do the people of New Jersey remember the granite memorial fountain  honoring the 7 victims and how it too was decimated on September 11, 2001? Do they remember the inscription on that fountain built in 1995? “On February 26, 1993, a bomb set by terrorists exploded below this site. This horrible act of violence killed innocent people, injured thousands, and made victims of us all.”

D: Man! Do the women and the African American voters in New Jersey not understand that the “three balanced budgets without raising taxes” boast on Chris Christie’s campaign website does not reflect their best interests? Do they understand that as governor, Christie has to balance the budget every year and wants to too to the detriment of the working poor and the middle class? Realistically, do women and minorities and the poor really think that “without raising taxes” is triumph for them? Do New Jersey folks not get that Christie and his running mate for Lt. Governor, Kim Guadagno, are in office for the sake of the wealthiest New Jersey families?

M: Dude! Christie and Guadagno also boast on their campaign website, “best private sector job growth in 11 years” and I wonder if the people of New Jersey know the significance of public sector job growth for the upkeep of a striving working class and similar trends within the middle class, which depends on public sector job growth that the Democratic Party has been trying desperately to introduce through The American Jobs Act that Christie is clearly not in favor of and in fact stands behind the Republican Party obstructionists who, by the way, will have remained constantly on break for most of November 2013.

D: Man! Chris Christie and the Republican Party are acting like there is contention between them, which is in actuality a façade. As being against The American Jobs Act, Christie is standing against the most vulnerable Americans which includes the people of New Jersey who are trying to make ends meet and could indeed succeed in doing just that with the assistance provided to them via The American Jobs Act.  

M: Dude! Public sector job growth as described and proposed in The American Jobs Act will help in preventing teachers from being laid off and we must remember how Christie and Guadagno are very active in trying to get teacher unions and police and firefighter unions to give up their hard earned pensions slowly and steadily by introducing injustices like having them pay a significant fraction of their pensions into their healthcare coverage and towards balancing that very same budget that Christie boasts about having maintained and balanced for three consecutive years.

D: Man! That’s essentially what’s behind the boast, “landmark pension and benefit reforms that saved taxpayers $120 billion” that is also listed as a strength of Chris Christie’s on the website promoting him and Lt. Governor Guadagno for another term. The Democratic Party’s Barbara Buono will not balance New Jersey’s budget on the backs of union pensioners and will, instead, be upfront about the fact that those taxpayers that Christie sides with on all issues are in fact the upper crust of New Jersey society and predominantly wealthy who need to contribute something in return for all Americans to achieve their dreams and actually begin to aspire once again.  

M: Dude! The American Jobs Act is fully paid for but Chris Christie still doesn’t back down from misleading constituents that the President’s long-term deficit reduction plan is a failure and gives falsifications in order to support the blatant untruth. Christie’s misinformation makes me think about what’s currently happening to the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare: Chris Christie is saying erroneous things about the implementation of the healthcare marketplace by scaring youth in particular and every age group in fact with statements like, “The President told people that if they liked their health coverage, they wouldn't have to change it, but that is not true. The real problem is people weren't told the truth. The White House needs to square that with what was told to the American people and told to the Congress beforehand. You can see all the problems with this and what the federal government wanted us to do ... to take up this burden ourselves without telling us how much it would cost or telling us what authority we would have to run our exchanges.”

D: Man! Democrat Howard Dean of Vermont said it clearly. The former governor of Vermont, Dean explained how Obamacare promotes consumer protection through federal regulations, which, by the way, Chris Christie doesn’t want and in fact rallies against if you listen carefully to his rhetoric. Well, anyways, going back to Former Governor Howard Dean’s assessment, the general rule of thumb for insurance companies is to be spending at least 80% of what they bring in on healthcare specifically.

M: Dude! Exactly! The people who are having to change insurance plans are not being targeted themselves by the federal government, rather their lacking health plans are being discovered as inferior and in need of replacement. Obamacare is protecting consumers from having to pay exorbitant prices for subpar coverage and care. And Chris Christie doesn’t favor government regulations, like the majority if not all the members of the Republican Governors Association, which Christie is scheduled to preside over if he wins reelection.

D: Man! Chris Christie also boasts on his campaign website, “lowest growth in property taxes in 2 decades” and that he and Guadagno have, “cut taxes on small business”… but I would think The American Jobs Act would be a far more income equitable solution for New Jersey constituents to want to accept by voting for Democrat candidate for NJ Governor Barbara Buono on Tuesday, November 5, 2013.

M: Dude! Barbara Buono will make sure that, like listed already in The American Jobs Act, there are tax cuts to assist small businesses in New Jersey in hiring and expanding further while preserving the integrity and the existence of the working and middle classes in the United States. This last point is crucial and ought to get New Jersey voters to wake up and smell the indignity of stats revealing such injustices as the top 1% of families taking in 95% of the income gains post-Recession, and that the nutrition assistance cuts that the Congressional Republicans imposed before going on vacation themselves Friday, will hurt 559,000 people and 16,000 veterans in New Jersey alone.

D: Man! What about the parents who will disqualify for SNAP benefits because of Representative Eric Cantor’s loophole that they must find a job before they can qualify?

M: Dude! That’s just the beginning of the hellishness Eric Cantor wants to throw at able-bodied adults who rely on safety nets like SNAP to supplement their income that otherwise would not afford them food. And let’s keep in mind that 90% of the food bought with food stamps is not junk, but vital must-haves like fruit and veggies, grain products, and meats and dairy. And Eric Cantor is promoting a “culture of poverty” where states too will have an incentive to harass and disqualify parents from SNAP benefits, according to the New Jersey Star-Ledger Editorial Board.

D: Man! The states have the incentive of keeping half the savings made from disqualifying parents from receiving food stamps due to inability to find a job immediately, regardless of high rates of unemployment and the obstructionist Congressional Republicans blocking all of President Obama’s researched, bipartisan proposals and taking an astonishing number of holidays and breaks on the backs of working class constituents like us! 

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