Sunday, August 25, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #191

(M)an: Dude! Where do you find the words to describe Paul Ryan and Rand Paul?

(D)ude: Man! Urban dictionary?

M: Dude! So you are only allegedly utilizing the urban dictionary?

D: Man! Do you really want to undermine me?

M: Dude! The way the Republican Party operates reminds me of the pinching game that we used to play in crowds while growing up. Likewise, the Republicans like John McCain and Rand Paul pinch one nation in the deluge of Muslim countries and go to the sidelines themselves afterwards and laugh at how they and the GOP managed to mangle up Obama Administration’s efforts to keep things from falling apart so much so that a USA military intervention seems even more unquestionable.  

D: Man! You mean to say that the Republican GOP is to blame for the chaos?

M: Dude! Where does all that PAC money go? Jonathan Karl was leading the round table discussion on This Week With George Stephanopoulos today and there was a message on the bottom of the screen from Rand Paul of Kentucky mentioning something being like assigning a wolf to look after a hen house.   

D: Man! I remember that too! Could that mean that Rand Paul is the guy responsible for the Republican pinching game with our Middle Eastern allies? Rand Paul was tooting with his bazooka about a junta and how the US needs to cut off aid to Egyptians and others struggling with the refugee crises.

M: Dude! Remember how we would pinch another kid’s arm in a crowd at school and he would turn around and pinch somebody else because he was convinced they were the culprit when in fact we had blended into the crowd and moved ahead from where we had stood and horsed around?

D: Man! What are we to do about the rascality of the Republican GOP? They are clearly incapable of initiating peace talks with anyone who is not like them! Do you think we could hand over a red perm wig to anyone who wants to speak to Rand Paul so that the junior senator from Kentucky does not feel alienated and booby-trapped?

M: Dude! Rand Paul is a mouse with countless lives! He talks himself into multiple booby-traps that would be the end of anybody else’s political career, but not his because of father Ron Paul’s faithful backward Tea Party followers.

D: Man! Does kava render backwardness? I don’t think so. I mean, if it did, China and India would have quite an intellectual fit!

M: Dude! We cannot speak of countries like this! We must give the utmost respect and dignity, a trait seriously lacking inside the Republican GOP!

D: Man! What about a solution to the problems in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East? The pundits all say that military inaction will give Iran encouragement, no?

M: Dude! What do the cognoscenti know? Do they understand that in Islamic culture, there are still tribal cultures within the overall political framework? And that the Prophet Muhammad understood how women and children were used as collateral and ended such a practice with the acceptance of multiple marriages in the times of war and unrest.  

D: Man! I am reminded right now of Euripides’ The Trojan Women. The surviving women of Troy are made concubines and slaves or sentenced to death! Do you mean to say that the Prophet Muhammad tried to appease the cutthroat cultural consequences facing those most vulnerable to the aftermath of warfare and defeat?

M: Dude! In Islamic culture, hearts are filled with gratitude over allies coming in and taking care of the fighters’ women and children! If the women and children are dishonored, it is interpreted as dishonoring entire families including the fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons who have voluntarily gone to participate in whatever domestic conflict their nation is wrapped up in at the moment.

D: Man! What should the United States do right now?

M: Dude! Right now the Syrians are fighting amongst brothers but if the United States interferes, the Syrians will forget the original purpose of their fighting, hence, all Syrian citizens will join together against the newly identified enemy from outside- the United States! It is a dangerous step for US and the Middle East.

D: Man! What if the Europeans had intervened in Birmingham, Alabama when it was burning up with racial violence? Seriously! If outside forces had come into the United States and taken sides with either the status quo or minority communities, it would have destroyed the purpose behind the fight for civil rights inside the United States! There are chemical attacks happening in Syria, but wasn’t there teargas and a lot of military means of intervening being utilized in the American South prior to the mid-sixties?

M: Dude! The poisonous gas released upon the suburbs of Syria where there are crops and farms, like in the Ghouta area just days ago, are disenfranchising even more grandmothers and mothers and children who will be needing a safe haven of some sort to retreat to regain their strength and sort out possibilities with, hopefully, the US aide going into neighboring countries who are opening up their borders to the populations of refugees fleeing in masses from hostility to plausible hope.

D: Man! Do Damascenes know who is responsible for the chemical weaponry?

M: Dude! So far, no, the Damascenes only blame the side they oppose. And, right now, the two sides are the government and the rebels.

D: Man! The government and the rebels are far safer bets than having the Republican GOP force the Obama Administration into an all-out international war theatre with countries like those providing a place and resources for displaced refugees.

M: Dude! The Obama Doctrine ought to be one of reconciliatory repair. The world is doing its best and to run in and place missiles in the air and boots on the ground would be like ceding the entire region to the pain and end that has faced every region where the United States has been involved since the nineteenth century series of naval battles in the Mediterranean Sea with the Ottoman Empire.

D: Man! You know, one of the first things you’re taught in soccer and ice skating is how to fall and get back up. It is traumatizing in soccer, but quite fun in the ice skating ring.

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