Monday, August 19, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #187

(M)an: Dude! There must be a separation between the mosque and military in the Middle East, yet there is an undercurrent set in place by  Ronald Reagan that is still being rehashed lately about prayers in public schools in the United States. I think the way the Michele Bachman and the John Boehner Congressional Tea Party Republicans formally outlawed Sharia Law within the United States this year is indicative of illiterate rage on the part of the GOP.

(D)ude: Man! The world dynamics are such that you could probably categorize all countries according to the side they take in terms of being with the majority Democratic Party or the majority Republican Party in the United States of America. You either acknowledge corruption charges and do not, for the most part, hide such individuals like the USA Democrats, or you never out and acknowledge corruption within your own party and everyone knows you are shamelessly corrupt practitioners as in the USA Republicans.

M: Dude! Either way you have to eventually take one of the sides of the primary superpower in the world today, the United States! And these days, The US Democratic Party is the party of transparency and the US Republican Party is the party of steamed out windows.

D: Man! But, essentially, like the saying goes, everybody is naked in the sauna, meaning that everybody is corrupt and accepting everybody else because all are nakedly shameless and corrupt. But, I always wonder about the female everybody. What about them?

M: Dude! I think the glass ceilings inside the saunas from which the heated debates cannot leak are waiting for someone to break them. And, as I was saying earlier, even the first wife of Muhammad, Khadija bint Khuwaylid, could not break the glass ceiling for anyone but herself. She was a brilliant merchant and married thrice and had children from all her marriages.

D: Man! Can women only break glass ceilings for themselves and society must respond in kind? That’s really tragic! Especially when you consider the forces from the far right trying to push US backwards. Look at how Chris Christie is straddling the fence in terms of big issues whose fates he’s vetoed, like the ban on military rifles in New Jersey, that I consider a blatant tell-tell sign of his ties with the NRA.  

M: Dude! I’m really off on the religious end of the spectrum right now. I want to calibrate myself to come back to center. But I cannot get that image of the sauna out of my mind. Even the corrupt minority senators like Marco Rubio are sitting with the Republicans inside the sauna of underhanded contemptuousness!  

D: Man! You know, you’re feeling inundated by Thomas Kinkade images and paintings? 

M: Dude! No? No! You’re absolutely right!

D: Man! Remember how the Middle East flourished in the 1960s and 1970s?

M: Dude! Yeah?

D: Man! Afghanistan was a cultural homestead for UNESCO stints by what were essentially scholars like Dr. William Podlich and his family, who left Arizona State University for a two-year excursion to the land of what Podlich recalled recently as a “fierce and proud yet fun loving people [who] have been beaten down by terrible forces.”

M: Dude! Harry S. Truman was run out of office instead of becoming a two-term president, most likely because of the litany of policies that not only expounded upon FDR’s New Deal, but introduced what was essentially known as the Fair Deal. Alongside the Fair Employment Practices Act at home, the Truman Doctrine was adopted to assist both Turkey and Greece against bullying Russia. And The Marshall Plan, named after Truman’s Secretary of State, was a stimulus package intended to boost the recovery efforts in war-devastated Western Europe.

D: Man! Kind of like how President Obama is staying put our sons and daughters in uniform and allowing the world theatre of war and strife to play out, but instead of airlifts, he is supplying financial assistance in the billions of dollars for the countless refugees and their families in essentially exile. There were thousands of displaced individuals brought into Iraqi territory recently, no?

M: Dude! Yes! The way the surrounding community of nations is harboring and saving the refugees from hunger and death is monumental. The assistance is like the harkening back of that Middle East that was sound and safe in its own existence, before British Colonization, and the back and forth between Russia and the United States. 

D: Man! Truman decided not to run again, no?

M: Dude! No. The White House website has excerpts on the United States presidents and I firmly believe that President Truman decided not to run because the American Press Corps was bought into the right wing agenda and he did not want to have his legacy torn apart by politics as usual.  

D: Man! Thank goodness President Obama did not back down from running for a second term! Where would we be without him?

M: Dude! At war with everybody!

D: Man! Goodness no!

M: Dude! The American voters must be made aware of the dynamics abroad and at home too in order to get them to run to the polls in the midterm elections.

D: Man! I cannot find a list of all the people running in the midterm elections! Have you found one?

M: Dude! It’s very tedious, but possible, but barely!

D: Man! With no outside warring strategy in the hands of the United States, there is a hope and certainty that the groups fighting with one another right now over there will come to the epiphany, “Why fight? Why not talk peace?” sooner than if we intervene militarily, that fighting is a course of action that only Hosni Mubarak and Bashar al-Assad and the USA Republican Party want continued.

M: Dude! The GOP is engaging in all-out gang violence abroad, against President Obama’s Administration. And, keep in mind that those who form gangs rarely, if ever, die. There is gang membership and then there’s the innocent bystander. The Republican Party is the gang leader and the bystanders are United States soldiers and civilians who are trying to rationalize how an entire party like the GOP can even imagine and start to shred the social safety net in our superpower democracy!

D: Man! If there are starving and poor people at home, not enough to eat and subsist on, then the GOP will have accomplished the goal of trying to get disenfranchised Americans so wrapped up in their own hellish nightmares to look the other way at the hellish nightmares that the Republican Party is personally instigating.

M: Dude! The AP’s Erica Werner has said it best about Immigration Reform in the USA. That Marco Rubio is scared that if the legislature cannot come up with comprehensive immigration reform, the mentally disparaging things the GOP wants won’t be included under President Obama’s watch, and that are more and more border security and the implementation of an e-verification system of finding out workers’ legal status.

D: Man! The GOP has always had a fringe mentality. But, this time, they are flooding US with fringe policies at home as well as abroad.

M: Dude! The alleged rapist Julian Assange endorses father-son pair Ron Paul and Rand Paul. Edward Snowden lists Dick Cheney as a hero. I bet this whole NSA controversy has been blown out of proportion and constructed by Republicans behaving badly. I mean, I wonder, if people really think their conversations are so provocative and one-of-a-kind to need protection. What do the American people want to protect? Hackers have managed to hack into practically everything, including for reasons-beyond-reasonableness baby monitors!

D: Man! Really?

M: Dude! Yeah!

D: Man! Where were the disgruntled when George W. Cheney started it all?

M: Dude! Hibernating?

D: Man! Perhaps. But, seriously, I see your point. If the Supreme Court of the United States cannot keep from indulging in partisanship, then why should anyone be surprised if Hosni Mubarak is being released and Bashar al-Assad is still on the loose?

M: Dude! Exactly!

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