Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #127

(M)an: Dude! The Republican Party is misbehaving to extreme once again.

(D)ude: Man! Have the Republicans ever not done anything dirtier and meaner than the current sequestration?

M: Dude! I am afraid that Paul Ryan’s budget will go through and Medicaid and Medicare will be chopped from national concerns to statewide concerns.

D: Man! That’s what Jeb Bush wants in order to find himself and his son George P. Bush in the White House in 2016 and 2028.

M: Dude! As farfetched as it sounds, you are onto something very important and worrisome here. Jeb Bush, like the Republican Tea Party members across the country, was so convinced that his colleague Mitt Romney would win the White House, he wrote a manifesto that was officially released today about immigration and what essentially he and Romney had concocted to do away with in the years ahead. In the book, Jeb Bush describes providing a path to citizenship for those who came here illegally as being “undeserving”!

D: Man! Jeb Bush has flipped sides once more despite his book release today. He now believes that there may be a case for providing a path to citizenship. I don’t believe it! The Republicans are getting away with enforcing the principles that were outlined in the Paul Ryan budget proposal last year, which is not available online anymore, having been replaced with a convoluted website and a ten pager with double wide margins and font sizes varying so dramatically throughout that I seriously think I temporarily lost my ability to read smaller and concise writings, including the daily comics.

M: Dude! The Republican Party is thrashing the poor and working classes like us, and then going after the integrity of the American middle class phenomenon by eliminating the social safety nets that defined US. We cannot afford to have our healthcare and workfare benefits reduced to vouchers that the individual states decide to ration.

D: Man! I am scared! What is it that the GOP wants? To create a mess to blame President Obama for making when Paul Ryan doesn’t even have the courage to put his original budget plan online for everyone to see? That is a grave injustice, to demand transparency of the Obama Administration and then not practice transparency within the Republican caucus. Marco Rubio went to Israel to bargain under the veil of compassion with those who the Republican Tea Party GOP conglomerate is protecting through shady dealings.

M: Dude! You think that Netanyahu has been bought?

D: Man! Who has not been bought abroad? The Democratic Party is also infiltrated with Republican operatives. Look at senatorial hopeful Ashley Judd from Kentucky. Junior Senator from Kentucky Rand Paul and Senior Senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell have purposefully constructed a Hollywood coup-d’état by which McConnell will be reelected this November.

M: Dude! Okay. So, Ashley Judd is Republican Hollywood like Gloria and Emilio Estefan?

D: Man! They at least were outspoken about their contributions in the eighties and nineties! But Ashley Judd is a part of a bigger action plan that Republicans do not want distilled. The GOP is sending shameless pipes like Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham on the road selling a bipartisan immigration plan, which is of interest only now because GOP lost Hispanic voters considerably.

M: Dude! The immigration hype and the disintegration of the American middle class and the elimination of the poor and working classes are factors that will guarantee a less-diversified voter turnout in 2014 and 2016.

D: Man! The Republicans have put together a construct of such factors so that people do not want to immigrate to the United States and white men like us are only allowed easy access to the polling stations and booths. And, to top the polar ice cap, Antonin Scalia has already used shark wordage to basically sink Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which would mean even more crooked Republican tactics like voter suppression and outright disqualification methods like identification and photographic proofs.

M: Dude! I was told I did not resemble my driver license photograph the other day. I spoke with Bob and Marta just yesterday and they laughingly showed me their driver license photos and insisted that many African-Americans have the same double take stares from police officers due to the lack of clarity in driver’s licenses.

D: Man! We are hard liquor White-Americans like Ashley Judd and her famous family. But I wonder if Ashley Judd would insist on gathering more evidence upon seeing Bob and Marta’s driver licenses if she were a cop. I know what I would do if I were a cop. I’d practice an equal opportunity impartiality. Not because of not being able to decipher minorities, but my equally embarrassing inability to decipher the status quo. Did you know I couldn’t get my uncles and aunts straightened out on either side?

M: Dude! You cannot tell the difference between blue and green eyes and auburn and strawberry blonde!

D: Man! Please don’t even try to engage me in that hair and eye color contrasting business. I have nightmares of having to sit in a salon chair and have my own hair not just dyed, but highlighted as well!

M: Dude! We are hard liquor White-Americans, but not rich like the Judd country music and movie legends.

D: Man! Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died of cancer today. He is said to be with the left and the poor, but became inflicted with the double-dealings that go along with politics. And it got me thinking… The GOP is menacing, not stupid as Bobby Jindal alleges.

M: Dude! Democracy is in the hands of the people and Medicare and Medicare not being wrecked by the currently unavailable and elusive Paul Ryan budget proposal must be brought to the table and graded by bipartisan United States public high School teachers and the interdisciplinary mettle available at community colleges like ours. Like a courtroom jury selection process, except this time the chosen can be intelligible, unlike NRA’s newest spokesperson Colion Noir.

D: Man! Colion Noir? Is that the NRA’s deliberate take on the Black Panthers? Because the “Noir” can be translated as “black” in French and “Colion” brings to mind the lion and the whole “co” prefix that could mean co-opting the rigidity of Wayne LaPierre.

M: Dude! Couldn’t have dissected it better myself! 

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