Saturday, October 29, 2016

Just say no to TOC & Vote for Smart Power as defined by Hillary Clinton and embodied by Tim Kaine!!!

(M)an: Dude! Why is it that the Republican Party and Donald Trump can engage in corruption alongside their sycophant accomplices within the American Press Corps and get away with policy proposals centered on eliminating government stability and democracy through privatizing federal agencies in the United States of America?  

(D)ude: Man! Donald Trump and the current congressional Republicans and their sycophant accomplices within the American Press Corps are proponents and financiers of the growing threat to national and international security known as Transnational Organized Crime. Let me refer to the National Security Council’s online executive summary addressing the “Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime.” According to this National Security Council, or NSC, online executive summary—and I am quoting the parts I found alarming in the sense that, knowing Donald Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns, the American Press Corps may just be exposing its own seedy history of fanning the riotous flames of prejudice and hate for the sake of complying with organized criminals that pose as white collar chief executives on the outside as Donald Trump does, but are truly the most coldblooded perpetrators of violence, including terror, around the world, as Donald Trump doesn’t want to reveal about himself and his Republican cronies through the release of his tax returns—

Transnational organized crime (TOC) poses a significant and growing threat to national and international security, with dire implications for public safety, public health, democratic institutions, and economic stability across the globe.

In countries with weak governance, there are corrupt officials who turn a blind eye to TOC activity. TOC networks insinuate themselves into the political process in a variety of ways. This is often accomplished through direct bribery (but also by having members run for office); setting up shadow economies; infiltrating financial and security sectors through coercion or corruption; and positioning themselves as alternate providers of governance, security, services, and livelihoods.

M: Dude! Great Britain’s David Cameron is an example of a corrupt official who turned a blind eye to TOC activity, such as 2016’s Brexit, or Britain’s exit from the European Union, which has resulted in empty-headed sellouts like Theresa May and Boris Johnson coming into power as England’s latest Prime Minister and her Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. The congressional Republicans in the United States are an example of corrupt officials who turned a blind eye to TOC activity, such as 2010’s Citizens United decision playing alongside the sudden rise of the Tea Party Caucus, which has resulted in empty-headed sellouts, and chief architects of gridlocking obstructionism, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, coming into power since both houses of the United States Congress were hijacked by Tea Party Republican Majorities that actually facilitated the rise of Donald Trump through the same financiers as Brexit, like tabloid media specialist Rupert Murdoch, BP and its oil producing partners like TNK. 

D: Man! I agree with you. Plus, corrupt officials are positioning themselves as alternate providers of governance, security, services, and livelihoods in Great Britain as a result of people being confused into either voter apathy and not voting or misled deliberately by the tabloid media into casting protest votes against Britain maintaining its membership in the European Union without seriously considering the consequences of such an exit.  

M: Dude! The consequences are grave for the English, having been confused into not voting or casting protest votes against their country’s sovereignty by inviting corrupt officials like the intellectually compromised Theresa May and Boris Johnson to misguide them towards that pivotal vote severing England’s ties with the EU.

D: Man! The American Voter must not get confused in this year’s presidential election cycle propaganda by the American Press Corps and Donald Trump and the Congressional Republicans encouraging the same level of apathy and protest votes as in Brexit, emphasizing falsehoods like there are no reasons to turn out and vote or that your vote will not make a difference because of the state you’re living in or that Hillary Clinton has not facilitated any change in the United States of America nor the world. These are outright lies being fed to the American Electorate in the final days of early voting and right before Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, 2016, by the American Press Corps, Donald Trump, and the Congressional Republicans for the purposes of making this election result in one of the lowest voter turnouts in the history of American politics, which has always been the vehicle that drove Republican candidates into the White House. 

M: Dude! Regarding the American Press Corps, Donald Trump, and Congressional Republicans’ allegations that Hillary Clinton has done absolutely nothing constructive in her many career roles, I noticed the printout of a photograph from June 9, 2010 in your hands showing this year’s Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Juan Manuel Santos with the then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. What was Hillary Clinton’s role in the Colombian President’s success in settling the dispute between the guerrilla warfare entity FARC and the Colombian government?

D: Man! Juan Manuel Santos’s story is indicative, again, of the importance of high voter turnout in the United States of America and the subsequent installment of a Democrat as President in the Executive Branch in the new millenium. 

M: Dude! How so?

D: Man! Santos became Colombia’s Minister of Defense in 2006 during the Administration of President George Walker Bush in the United States. Within 2 years as Defense Minister of Colombia, Santos’s decision-making capabilites were criticized regarding the 3,084 cases of extrajudicial executions that had taken place since 2002 when Santos was concluding his term as the Minister of Finance and Public Credit, the year the then-President of Colombia Andres Pastrana broke off a negotiated treaty for a demilitarized safe zone for Colombian guerrilla warfare entities like FARC.

M: Dude! Did I just hear you say that the coming of the Republican President George Walker Bush threw off the negotiations between the Colombian government and guerrilla warfare groups like FARC?

D: Man! Malevolence is the way of the Republicans in foreign interventions since Richard Nixon’s presidency. Beneficence in foreign interventions is the way of the Democrats since Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency.

M: Dude! Why?

D: Man! Again, I’d have to refer to the National Security Council’s online executive summary. According to the NSC’s Strategy To Combat Transnational Organized Crime, or TOC,

TOC threatens U.S. economic interests and can cause significant damage to the world financial system through its subversion, exploi­tation, and distortion of legitimate markets and economic activity. 

TOC activities can lead to disruption of the global supply chain, which in turn dimin­ishes economic competitiveness and impacts the ability of U.S. industry and transportation sectors to be resilient in the face of such disruption. Further, transnational criminal organizations, leveraging their relationships with state-owned entities, industries, or state-allied actors, could gain influence over key commodities markets such as gas, oil, aluminum, and precious metals, along with potential exploitation of the transportation sector.

M: Dude! Hillary Clinton’s “smart power” tactics, as outlined in her book Hard Choices, saved lives around the world by reestablishing the lines of communication purposely manipulated and then blacked out by Republican operatives like George Walker Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld. 

D: Man! George Walker Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld indulged in TOC, ruining peace treaties in Colombia and the careers of politicians like Pastrana and Santos. And Cheney and Rumsfeld are ready to reign again within a Donald Trump and Mike Pence White House, one not releasing his tax returns and both denying recorded evidence, which only confirms their unsuitability for the office of president and vice president.  

M: Dude! There is an inherent goodness in the American people, but Donald Trump and Mike Pence are the direct result of the Republican Tea Party and the Congressional Republicans importing Third World hellishness upon the United States of America as a result of American voters not turning out to vote in the midterm elections, hence the transition of American government from a checks and balances system to an oligarchy. When Americans do not vote, they sever their rights and humanity to the likes of the Waltons of Wal-Mart, Helen Walton once reiterating monopolistic dynastic stagnation within societies like those in the Third World, in a quote insisting that, “It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.”

D: Man! Let the American Electorate gather their historic strength in numbers and show up at the polls to vote for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine and checks and balances beneficence and transparence, not the monopolistic dynastic stagnation and all-out TOC of the Trump and Pence ticket, a reinstitution of not just arms industry extortionists Dick Cheney (Mike Pence’s role model) and Donald Rumsfeld, but malevolence and uncertainties like just how many American soldiers will lose their lives in the intolerance of segregationists and genocists like Trump and Pence and the Republican oligarchs who will be financing carnage at home and abroad.

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