Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dignity in the face of Adversity 2016: Madeleine Albright and Donna Brazile and Voting for the Democratic Ticket

(D)ude: Man! Donald Trump and Mike Pence live in an alternate reality where videotaped and recorded audio evidence of what they did and said doesn’t stand up to their outrageous denial of the realities captured on videotape and audio. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are inept, a characteristic that defines liars and bullies. Trump and Pence are bumbling media personalities, Trump having made a career out of pretending to be a billionaire on television and Pence having made a career out of pretending to be a political commentator on the radio in his home state of Indiana. 

(M)an: Dude! Mike Pence is just as big a threat to American democracy and diplomacy as Donald Trump. American voters must become aware of the fact that there is no moderate journalism in the United States today. Look at how MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell has begun mimicking Fox News’s Megyn Kelly. Mitchell’s remarks of ridicule and rudeness towards Madeleine Albright on Monday, October 24, 2016, paralleled with Kelly’s remarks of ridicule and rudeness towards Donna Brazile on Wednesday, October 19, 2016.

D: Man! Fox News and MSNBC are Republican commodities and American Voters must understand that what they see and hear on television and radio are essentially tell-tell signs of what sinister policymaking is in store for US if organized criminals like Donald Trump and Mike Pence and the Congressional Republicans overtake the White House and Congress in this election cycle. Look at the state and local level Republican Majorities as well as Congressional Republicans and you find that they are getting ready to wreak havoc upon Main Street by aligning themselves with Wall Street if Trump and Pence take the White House and Congressional Republicans maintain control of the United States Congress.    

M: Dude! Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and the Republican Party buttressing Wall Street deregulations are criminals. Not white collar criminals, but mobsters who are planning to bankrupt social services across the globe for the intent of scoring big in terms of personal wealth for themselves and their crony accomplices. American Voters who remain undecided must know the facts of the 2016 presidential election cycle and the facts are that Hillary Clinton has evolved brilliantly over the course of the last year and a half of campaigning and she and Tim Kaine actually wrote concrete plans of actions in the first-of-its-kind paperback book entitled Stronger Together: A Blueprint for America’s Future. In fact, Bernie Sanders has clearly stated many times his intension to write the legislation as a Senator from Vermont that will favor Main Street over Wall Street. So American Voters mustn’t hesitate over who they will be casting their ballots for in this election cycle. Early voting is underway in Texas this week and the American Voters must elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine if they wish to see the changes that Senator Sanders has vowed to write up and send through the United States Congress and to the White House.

D: Man! That is if Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine and the Democrats win the White House and reclaim Congress. New York Senator Chuck Schumer and California Representative Nancy Pelosi are relying on US to vote for the Democratic Ticket so that there is a Democratic Majority in both houses of Congress. We have a lot to lose if we do not vote, an action that guarantees a loss for the Democratic Ticket as well as Clinton and Kaine, which means that Senator Bernie Sanders will not get the opportunity to rewrite all the wrongs done by an inactive-for-the-purpose-of-obstructionism United States Congress under the as-inept-as-Trump-and-Pence Republicans like Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell and Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan.  

M: Dude! Speaking of Mike Pence’s stint on talk radio before being elected as a United States Representative from Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District in 2000, he actually got the chance at being Representative due to his predecessor deciding to run for the governorship of Indiana instead. But going back to his talk radio days, Pence admired Rush Limbaugh to actually call himself a weaker version of the obnoxious nilwit. Mike Pence is as cruel a legislator as one can get. Pence is a strong proponent of dark money in campaign finance as allowed by the Citizens United ruling from the John Roberts Supreme Court in 2010 and declared outright lies himself about how Citizens United protected free speech. Pence was a co-sponsor alongside Michigan Republican Representative Justin Amash of a constitutional amendment in 2011 that would place a cap on federal spending. According to Richard Kogan at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 

The amendment would force radical shrinkage of the federal government, taking the nation down the road toward antigovernment activist Grover Norquist's vision of "starving the beast." If the proposal were in full effect today, for example, the spending cap for fiscal year 2012 would be 14.7 percent of GDP, a stunning $1.3 trillion below projected spending for this fiscal year.

Under the proposal, the spending cap for any year would equal the average level of revenues for the three prior fiscal years, adjusted for inflation and population growth since those years. As a result, whenever the economy weakened and pushed tax revenues down — and whenever Congress cut taxes — the spending cap would drop automatically and force still deeper budget cuts.

To waive the cap would require a two-thirds vote of the House and Senate, even in the midst of a recession. (The two-thirds requirement would also apply during wars and other military conflicts.) In other words, a determined minority such as the Republican Study Committee (a group of strongly anti-government House Republicans) would have the votes to ensure that massive budget cuts be instituted regardless of the state of the economy or to demand other concessions in return for their votes.

To secure budget cuts of this extraordinary magnitude, Congress would almost certainly have to severely cut or dismantle programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. To illustrate: if Congress fully protected Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid but total expenditures had to be $1.3 trillion lower in 2012, all other programs would need to be cut 70 percent, on average. Everything else — veterans' health, basic research, education, law enforcement, transportation, defense, and the safety net for low-income children, parents, and elderly and disabled people — would be at serious risk.

Moreover, the proposal places no limitation whatsoever on tax cuts. To the contrary, it invites antigovernment crusaders to propose unlimited tax cuts because, the amendment is designed to guarantee that all tax cuts — no matter how large or how tilted toward high-income households, powerful corporations, or other special interests — would eventually be paid for by cutting government programs.

This is why the proposal comes as close to, or closer than, any other in embodying Grover Norquist's dream of huge tax cuts and massive shrinkage of government. The proposal is essentially a "starve the beast" spending cap as a matter of Constitutional law.

D: Man! Republican Representative Justin Amash continues to represent Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District today! A vote either for Donald Trump (and Mike Pence) or third-party candidates like Jill Stein and Gary Johnson will only bring out the worst in American political theory. American Voters must understand that Hillary Clinton is the only candidate in this presidential election cycle who has evolved in the direction of defending even more everyday folks like us with specific action steps that we can hold her accountable for! The American Press Corps has essentially blocked coverage of Hillary Clinton’s book, Stronger Together: A Blueprint for America’s Future, that she coauthored with Tim Kaine in midst of a severely difficult election cycle. To write a book and be ready to be held accountable to your campaign promises by the American people is a first in our nation’s history. Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are indeed the most transparent and exceptionally brilliant candidates for the American presidency and vice presidency since George Washington and John Adams.    

M: Dude! The choice is very clear as to who we can entrust to get us growing and to a surplus as a consumer economy again. Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are ready with breathtaking details as to how to empower the most vulnerable Americans while keeping Wall Street in check by continuing the stringent regulations on the financial sector whose unbridled greed led the United States into recession. In fact, American voters need to understand that they can change the course of history this election cycle since all the members of the House of Representatives are up for reelection as well as all the Tea Party nilwits in the United States Senate. According to Richard Kogan of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,

If the proposal [set forth in 2011 by Republican Representative Justin Amash of Michigan and cosponsored by Mike Pence, then a Republican Representative from Indiana] had been in full effect since 1954, for example, the armed forces would still have 1954 standards of weaponry; unemployed people or those in poverty would receive the equivalent of 1954 levels of benefits (yet housing and food cost substantially more, even adjusting for inflation); there would be 1954 standards of Medicare and Medicaid coverage (that is, zero, since neither program existed in 1954) and 1954 quality of health care for veterans; there would be 1954 levels of aid to education (near zero); there would be a 1954 interstate highway system (none, as the system had not yet been started); and so on.

D: Man! Andrea Mitchell and Megyn Kelly join the same league of female sellout journalists as Tina Brown and Arianna Huffington and Mika Brzezinski? That is the truth. But I am not surprised. MSNBC has deteriorated significantly since Microsoft abandoned it. Did you know that I have to program my DVR every morning before leaving for work in order to catch the programs on MSNBC? Some days there are no hourly designations as to who will be anchoring the daytime newscasts and other days there are very specific hourly designations. The net effect is that I either have to fast forward through 8 hours of continuous coverage or actually go hour-to-hour and fast forward through every individual daytime anchor.

M: Dude! Just record CSPAN and then search for specifics on the Internet! MSNBC only provides full coverage of Donald Trump’s stump speeches. Or Rudy Giuliani’s. Very wretched.

D: Man! But I actually caught ten crucial minutes of Retired General David Petraeus’s interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe right before the cyberattack on the American East Coast Friday, October 21, 2016. I wrote a transcript of what General Petraeus said using my DVR. Apparently, every time I tried to stop and write down a line or two using the YouTube clip of General Petraeus on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, I was redirected elsewhere online.


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