Thursday, December 10, 2015

"A time for peace, I swear it's not too late!" -The Byrds

(D)ude: Man! What happened to Rahm Emanuel?

(M)an: Dude! He has been politically booby-trapped by Teabag Democrats and the Republican Party of Illinois. Emanuel was totally genuine in his apology and must remain Mayor of Chicago. This is the 21st Century, warfare and removal of Emanuel from office through protests is not safe in the long run. 

D: Man! Why is removal of Emanuel not safe?

M: Dude! The same dynamics hit Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri when the Ferguson protests erupted in violence. The Teabag Democrats and the Republicans in Missouri were trying to displace Claire McCaskill, a strong champion of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Likewise, Rahm Emanuel was misled and deceived by his own staff and political supporters because he was in President Bill Clinton’s Administration.

D: Man! Sounds to me like Rahm Emanuel has been framed by the Teabag Dems and the Republican Party because he is so closely associated to the Clintons and did their finances so brilliantly when Bill Clinton was on the campaign trail. But what are the protestors in Chicago supposed to do now?

M: Dude! Rahm Emanuel needs to conduct a series of public forums involving the protestors and himself addressing their concerns and pain. Emanuel needs to do this personally and not lose his authenticity and patience, but endure the strife of the people directing their frustrations and fears with him publicly.

D: Man! Does Emanuel have what it takes to conduct himself in such a pragmatic approach to the situation in Chicago and do the protestors have the courage to grant Emanuel 12 months to reform himself and his staff and crew?

M: Dude! The protestors must be vigilant and demand the opportunity to be able to review Emanuel’s conduct throughout the duration of the 12 months they grant him to reform himself and his staff and crew.

D: Man! The protestors need to remember the Ferguson unrest and know that, like Claire McCaskill over there in Missouri, Rahm Emanuel as Chicago Mayor will be their safest route to reformation and a change that takes US all forward?

M: Dude! Yes! However, the public forums must be aired on public television in full alongside online transcripts available to all to review and provide email and Facebook and Twitter feedback to the Mayor and his constituents plus all concerned activists who would like to address Rahm Emanuel directly. Like the peaceful protests in Chicago right now, the public forums’ participants must observe decorum and decency and dignity.

D: Man! I’m in!

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