Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Still missing you, Bob Schieffer!"

Nigel-Wright Intra-galactic Relations #7

(K)ehkashan: Hillary Rodham Clinton is not in it to win it. She’s in it to give it all away to the Republican Party. Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky and I both be damned! Dianne Feinstein, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Hillary Clinton are bargaining behind the scenes with the Republican Party and basically selling the White House for another lottery jackpot whatever!

(P)apa Harry: Hold on! What kind of whatever exactly was that supposed to be?

(D)addy Anwar: Yeah! Another lottery jackpot what whatever?

(K)ehkashan: You know those casino machines where you have to match all three or four or five images in a row in order to win some more change than what you put into the machine in the first place, I think quarters? 

(D)addy Anwar: Slot machines! Gotcha! 

(P)apa Harry: I think quarters too!

(K)ehkashan: I know. Quarters are not middle class like Larry David says nickles and pennies are when he’s playing Bernie Sanders on Saturday Night Live! I know. 

(D)addy Anwar: “Don’t poo-poo the vaccuum penny! Don’t poo-poo it!” 

(K)ehkashan: Gotcha too, Dad, gotcha!

(D)addy Anwar: Why all the papers in your arms, Kehk?

(P)apa Harry: Do you have something to share?

(K)ehkashan: There’s a swamp of criticisms about President Obama and Secretary John Kerry’s approach to foreign affairs from this past Sunday’s news programs. There was a woman by the name of Ruth Marcus from the Washington Post who was getting grotesquely sentimental for President George Walker Bush’s words following the 9/11 attacks.

(D)addy Anwar: Ruth Marcus from the Washington Post? What’d she say?

(K)ehkashan: It’s right here. Let me see. Here! She said this on Face the Nation, “But I have to say this week I’ve been nostalgic for the good old days of George W. Bush and his soothing, calming, responsible words about Muslims after the 9/11 attacks.”

(D)addy Anwar: Nostalgic for Walker Bush 43? Was Ruth Marcus present at President Walker Bush’s news conference with Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany in Berlin on May 23, 2002?

(P)apa Harry: Walker Bush 43 making up his own lexicon as always?

(D)addy Anwar: More like his own laxative! 

(P)apa Harry: Logorrheic?

(K)ehkashan: Got it on the iPad here! The University of California at Santa Barbara’s The American Presidency Project is a favorite and thorough site! President George Walker Bush said the following in Berlin on May 23, 2002…
“Well, I guess to start with the critics, I'd say, would you rather have them on the launchers? Would you rather have the warheads pointed at people? I would think not.

Secondly, this issue about the so-called loose nuke issue has been around for quite a while. This isn't anything new. This is a problem that we are jointly working on. As you know, Terry—and others may not know—we've got what's called Nunn-Lugar, which is a significant expenditure of taxpayers' money to help Russia dispose of and dismantle nuclear warheads, which we're willing to do. As a matter of fact, the '03 budget is nearly a billion dollars toward that end.

We're working with Chancellor Schroeder on what's called 10-plus-10-over-10: $10 billion from the U.S., 10 billion from other members of the G-7 over a 10-year period, to help Russia securitize the dismantling—the dismantled nuclear warheads.”

(P)apa Harry: I see your point, Anwar. I see your point and I agree.

(K)ehkashan: Laxative, not logorrheic?

(P)apa Harry: Indeed! What else have you got, Kehk?

(K)ehkashan: Much! 

(D)addy Anwar: Oh! Oh?

(K)ekhashan: Lawrence O’Donnell’s last words on Thursday the nineteeth [November 19, 2015] were really the last words we should all accept about what is happening in the world right now. He said, “I began last night`s program with a note to the American news media, especially TV news, about why we shouldn`t call the organizer of the Paris attacks a mastermind. Mastermind glorifies this high school dropout who manage to get 129 people killed before he got himself killed. We don`t call American mass murderers masterminds when they shoot and kill unarmed people in our movie theater, in our schools, in our churches. We don`t pay them that compliment, mastermind.” And then he concluded with the most essential lesson of all, “There`s a term for what is going on here, for what is happening to TV news. It`s called semantic infiltration. Semantic infiltration means getting your enemy to use your language. ISIS is winning the semantic infiltration game with TV news this week. If ISIS could hack into TV news computer systems and rewrite scripts and the graphics that you see on the bottom of the screens at CNN and the BBC and other networks, is would be delighted to discover that the one word that they wouldn`t want to rewrite is mastermind. That`s tonight`s Last Word.”

(P)apa Harry: Are you still missing Bob Schieffer?

(K)ehkashan: Of course I am! He should cover the 2016 election for MSNBC, have a weekly review of the major headlines and headliners. I don’t know, maybe even bring back Martin Bashir and Alec Baldwin and Ed Schultz with him. I miss them all and, anyways, what about forgiveness and moving onwards? Martin Bashir got into a mess about Sarah Palin, Alec Baldwin got into a mess about same-sex coupling, and Ed Schultz got into a mess about Caitlyn Jenner. How come the Republicans get to misbehave and create mischief, while these guys cannot apologize and get wiped out completely instead?

(D)addy Anwar: Sounds like you’re seriously considering divinity as well as journalism as majors at Texas Christian University!

(P)apa Harry: Double major?

(K)ehkashan: Of course! I intend on attending both the Bob Schieffer College of Communication and Brite Divinty School! Of course, I’m also going to have to warn you both that I’m not doing all too well in music theory right now. I have performance anxiety when it comes to playing basic piano exercises, and I’m totally not getting the stuff with the quarter notes and half notes.

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