Sunday, August 2, 2015

Family Planning & Preventive Care & Women's Autonomy & Integrity in the United States of America post-Citizens United

Man! Dude! Session #345

(M)an: Dude! My nephew and his wife are being treated for infertility at Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties in California and are devastated at  possibly having their team of specialists at Planned Parenthood dismantled and dismissed by the Congressional Republican Tea GOP and Teabag Democrats in both the Senate and the House of Representatives enforcing the shutdown of the organization as well as government. 

(D)ude: Man! Why won’t the American Press Corps and the United States Media Outlets investigate the Planned Parenthood Employees on those videotapes? Clearly, the Planned Parenthood employees have sold their code of professionalism literally to the neoconservatives who covertly scripted the entire videotaped encounter beforehand, with collaboration from these Planned Parenthood sellouts and David Daleiden’s political organization entitled “Center for Medical Progress,” which released these questionable videotapes to the public.  

M: Dude! David Daldeiden?

D: Man! You mentioned your nephew and his wife utilizing Planned Parenthood for infertility counseling and treatment. Get this, David Daldeiden released his covert operations with Planned Parenthood accomplices on videotape to two GOP Tea Republicans in the United States House of Representatives weeks before the videotape surfaced in the media, hence, the public. The two GOP Tea Republicans are Congressmen Trent Franks of Arizona’s 8th Congressional District, and Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District. And, by happenchance, Congressman Trent Franks and his wife of thirty-five years utilized a donor egg and surrogate mother in 2008 in order to become parents of twins in their later life.

M: Dude! Doesn’t this constitute hypocrisy? 

D: Man! Of course! And, consider this, Senator Rand Paul and his father Representative Ron Paul of Texas’ 14th Congressional District parrot the same message regarding inflation that David Koch expressed to Barbara Walters in that December 14, 2014, television special, The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2014. I have the transcript here. Look at the way David Koch explains away his concerns about the economy as it only pertains to himself and the business that he inherited from his father and the wealth he and his brothers litigated against each other to procure.  

M: Dude! No way! Let me see the transcript! 

D: Man! How about if I read Barbara Walters’ part and you read David Koch’s lines?

M: Dude! Okay!

D: Man! Describe your political point of view. David Koch! 

M: Koch! I’m basically a libertarian. I'm a conservative on economic matters, and I'm a social liberal.

D: Walters! You support gay rights. You support a woman's right to choose. But conservative candidates you support, many of them, do not have those views.

M: Koch! Well, that's their problem. I do have those views. What I want these candidates to do is to support a balanced budget. And I'm very worried that if the budget is not balanced, that inflation could occur, and the economy of our country can suffer terribly.

D: Walters! So the candidates you support are because of their fiscal policies most important? 

M: Koch! That's exactly right, Barbara. I'm really focused intensely on economic and fiscal issues because if those go bad, the country as a whole suffers terribly.

D: Walters! [David Koch was born in Wichita, Kansas, in 1940. He got his love of the arts from his mother, Mary. He got his politics from his father, Fred Koch, a self-made millionaire who founded what would become Koch Industries. Deeply conservative, Fred Koch helped create the John Birch Society, a radical right-wing organization]… You were born rich.

M: Koch! I was born well off, not rich.

D: Walters! Do you think, had you been born poor, you would be the same view? 

M: Koch! I certainly think so. I have a value system that my father instilled in me, and I've been following his beliefs and his value system all my life. 

D: Walters! [Koch Industries went on for 15 years. At the height of the conflict, their mother, Mary, disinherited any brother who sued any other brother. That led to another lawsuit. And although the lawsuits were eventually settled, there were many years when David and Bill scarcely spoke]… Were you and Bill close growing up? 

M: Koch! We were. We had our differences, but as time went on, we grew closer and closer. And not long ago, my brother Bill asked his longtime girlfriend to marry him, and he called me up crying. He said, “Would you be the best man in my wedding?” I started crying. And I said, “Billy, this is a great honor. I never thought you'd want me to take this role, and I will do my darndest to be the best man for you I can be.”

D: Walters! You have been suffering for a long time now with prostate cancer. 

M: Koch! I found out I had prostate cancer back in 1991. And I've had many, many different treatments. And the last one is a new medication that looks like its cured me of my prostate cancer. I can now live with certainty that when my children grow older, I can see them graduate from college and hopefully see them get married.

D: Walters! So, we're in David Koch Plaza and the David Koch fountains.

M: Scoundrel! Rascal! 

D: Man! Koch?

M: Dude? Oh! Koch! I think it's magnificent. And I love the variation.

D: Walters! Well, now that you're healthy, I can ask this question -- what do you want your tombstone to say?
M: Dude? Oh! Koch! Well, I'd like it to say that David Koch did his best to make the world a better place and that he hopes his wealth will help people long after he has passed away.

D: Walters! Walters? Oh, yeah! That’s the concluding line of that interview!

M: Dude! Koch Industries and Sheldon Adelson and Jeb Bush’s billionaire loyalists Larry Ellison and Norman Braman and Donald Trump are going to be financing the return of their fellow dynastic George Herbert Walker Bush’s Annals of American Non-transparency & Cyclic Backwardness that perpetuates obscene wealth and societal inequities through oil and gas and wars.

D: Man! Larry Ellison and Norman Braman are labeled by the press as Marco Rubio loyalists?

M: Dude! Yeah? 

D: Man! Gotcha! No wonder Donald Trump has opted out of the upcoming debate! Jeb Bush is his shephard, hence, Trump shall not wanton about in Jeb’s presence!

M: Dude! The Congressional TEA GOP and TEABAG DEMS are going to use the Supreme Court of the United States to determine election results in 2016, have Jeb Bush in the White House, and then institute a lack of transparency and defrock the judicial branch by removing Supreme Court Justices and implanting their neoconservative crony degenerates from state judiciaries alongside the only three justices allowed to remain because of their shameless worship of Bush idols and ideology, Scalia and Thomas and Alito.

D: Man! How can this be true?

M: Dude! It is called a regime and the last one we had was George Walker Bush 43! 

D: Man! No!

M: Dude! I was reading the 1990 classic textbook by Angus McLaren entitled A History of Contraception, From Antiquity to the Present Day and was stunned by page 15 in particular. It reads as follows, 

This greater stress on the chastity and seclusion of women presumably emerged with the replacement of the older warrior aristrocracies of the ‘Dark Ages’ by the urban oligarchies of the city states. Such a state was little more than a federation of the oikoi or households under the power of individual patriarchs. There was no Greek word for ‘family’ as we use the term today; the oikos included not only a man’s wife and children but his slaves and property as well.

The domestication of females that took place in this particular family form, as spelled out in the laws, was obvious, respectable women in theory having no life outside the home. Determining the reality of the situation is more difficult. Women’s position varied considerably according to class, time and place. Moreover, it must be remembered that our evidence is drawn primarily from documents pertaining to the lives of upper-class Athenians. The sort of female segregation envisaged would have been a luxury accessible only to an elite.

D: Man! Ora pro nobis! Ora pro nobis! 

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