Monday, March 23, 2015

Intentional Syncopic Conditioning

Man! Dude! Session #331

(M)an: Dude! You’re back early! There are a good eight days remaining until 3.31.15!

(D)ude: Man! Karl Rove brought me back from vacationing with his rot bananas and baloney babbles about Hillary Rodham Clinton and Huma Abedin on Chris Wallace’s March 15, 2015 Sunday broadcast on Fox News.

M: Dude! You’re right! Karl Rove managed to bring out the progressive in all the otherwise neoconservative panelists while Chris Wallace chortled with actual giggle snorts before dismissing the entire segment and the panelists as having come under the influence of the caffeinated coffee on set.     

D: Man! That’s hooey hogwash! Hooey hogwash! It’s everywhere! The politicians, pundits, and press in the United States are resolute in mangling the foreign policy and domestic agenda of the President of the United States and his Administration. The American politicians, pundits, and press choose to overlook the facts in favor of telling complete lies about the state of affairs in the United States of America.    

M: Dude! The only end to the congressional claptrap hearings would be for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to intervene and seize all the servers belonging to the press, pundits, and politicians in the United States from the time of President Herbert Walker Bush onwards.      

D: Man! Why not from the time of President Ronald Reagan? Peggy Noonan and The Wall Street Journal remain capable of reaffirming poisonous applesauce and spinning fabulously grim fairy tales about the mathematics of President Bill Clinton’s years in office.       

M: Dude! Servers were not commercialized for personal computers until the 1990s!     

D: Man! Yeah! You’re onto something here! The neoconservatives and the telecom companies only bothered into the net neutrality debate to stop the profusion of free speech and diverse websites because Peggy Noonan and The Wall Street Journal et al did not want competitive perspectives to evolve and become embraced by the masses, especially not in an era where businesses reign and politicians, pundits, and press sellout cheap. The Koch Brothers are wanting the Keystone XL Pipeline completed in the United States of America because of their own financial investment in Canadian tar sands transport benefitting no one but David Koch and his siblings. The price at which all the Republican Senators and nine Democratic Teabags, like Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri, signed onto the legislation promoting Keystone XL totaled just over thirty-one million dollars.        

M: Dude! Speaking of Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri, have you read about her latest efforts to address sexual violence on college and university campuses nationwide?

D: Man! The Campus Accountability and Safety Act of 2015?

M: Dude! Yes! In response to this latest piece of legislation, Senator McCaskill had this to say, To truly curb these crimes, we’ve got to have a road map for colleges and universities to increase responsiveness when crimes occur, better protect and empower students, and establish better informed guidelines that actually have some teeth. But I question whether Senator Claire McCaskill is aware of the secluded nature of the  highways that have been built to accommodate the transport of tar sands across the United States. The highways are toll ways hence they remain deserted and without traffic. There is too much secluded infrastructure all over Dallas Fort Worth that I suspect that these highways will assist human predators in finding, attacking, and disposing of their child, adolescent, and adult prey easily.    

D: Man! That’s the grim reality, isn’t it? Unless these newly constructed toll ways become available for travel to the general public without the pricings, they will be accessories to the most horrific unreported crimes in the new millennium. Imagine if Phillip Craig Garrison had access to the practically empty and tolled highways of DFW? Jaycee Lee Dugard was found by police on the UC Berkeley campus eighteen years after her abduction, of course. But I cannot help but tally up the exhaustive list of schools and campuses in the DFW area and all the possibilities for criminals to supplant themselves near these schools and campuses for the intent and purpose to molest and kill victims.    

M: Dude! Is Senator Claire McCaskill not aware of the plight of Native American women living near oil and gas and mining operations already? Is Senator McCaskill just outlining ways to increase responsiveness to prepare for the oncoming dire straits that will consume White American women living in poverty as well and residing next to these abandoned highway systems?      

D: Man! What about the refugees that are being taken care of by our coalition partners in the Middle East? Turkey and Jordan and Afghanistan and Pakistan are providing refuge for displaced persons from Syria and across the region. Iran and Iraq are participating with their boots on the ground together. But United States politicians, pundits, and press refuse to even cover which 60 countries attended The White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism.

M: Dude! What about White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough addressing the 2015 J Street Conference today in Washington, DC? And President Obama visiting with Benjamin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres in Israel last Wednesday, March 18, 2015? The American Press Corps deserves a serving of chortling giggle snorts for its intentional syncopic conditioning.

D: Man! I’ll tell you about applesauce. I was eating some today for lunch, the unsweetened kind I like from Aldi. The taste took me back through years of memories that I had, honestly, never had the honor of ever experiencing. It was like the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales which I’ve never read but nevertheless know by heart. Well, actually, just a fraction of the tales as they were originally written have I had the privilege of knowing. I think the fates of the folks and fairies in the original storybook were much, much somber.

M: Dude! The Republican GOP and Democratic Teabags like Representative Tulsi Gabbard and Senator Bob Menendez, however, are the onions which bring tears to my eyes these days.

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