Thursday, October 30, 2014

Heartstrings or Pursestrings? Decide & Vote Tuesday, November 4, 2014!

Man! Dude! Session #330

(D)ude: Man! Who’s going to be calling the Republican Party’s bluff? Clearly, there is no way to be so sure of having won something that won’t officially be underway and conclude until next Tuesday Election Day November 4, 2014!

(M)an: Dude! The Republican Party today is a model for how not to conduct business. They are equivalent to the conglomerate of literary agencies that have sustained the elitism of publishing houses in the United States. The role of government, therefore and accordingly, is to tear down the walls of tyranny that come up regularly in the cycles of business. It’s like giving everybody a fighting chance as Elizabeth Warren has stated repeatedly throughout her campaign on behalf of her Democratic colleagues and we the American people, particularly those of US in chronic debt, a vehicular move in the Republican policy playbook that keeps those of us on the bottom rungs in society to remain there until death.              

D: Man! Do your debts die with you?

M: Dude! Yes and no. Voter Turnout on Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 will be determining the fate of our nation and particularly women and minority populations who are going to be facing challenges in physical autonomy and daily sustenance. We’ve got to be able to stand up and take action on behalf of our sisters and brothers by voting for the Democratic Ticket on Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014. Healthcare and living wages are nonnegotiable rights that we must stand up and protect. The Republican Party is against raising the minimum wage and is adamant about repealing the Affordable Care Act every chance it gets.    

D: Man! If the Republican Party really cared about US, it would not have so adamantly refused Medicaid Expansion in the states where it has control over the state legislature, like Texas and Wisconsin. If Greg Abbott and Scott Walker really cared about US, Texas and Wisconsin would be facing a surplus upon accepting Medicaid Expansion and not the abysmal numbers mess in deficits and the plummeting credit rating that Chris Christie’s imposed upon New Jersey year after year. Greg Abbott might claim to be in a separate sphere of existence than Rick Perry, but let’s not demarcate so hastily, after all the Republican Party today loves to all-out erase its stances like a wolf remains an unpredictable predator regardless of the length of time you invest in observation and interaction with such an animal.  

M: Dude! The Republican Party today is comprised of predatory legislators, indeed! They even want to practice law and order on a strictly despotic business model that discourages diversification and competition in the making of capital. That’s absolutely totalitarian talk from the Republican Party’s end plan for muting the agonizing cries for justice from the American populace that leads me to a critical concern for Jordan Davis’s mother and father. Did you watch the Thursday, October 2, 2014 episode of The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell?     

D: Man! Jordan Davis’s mother Lucia McBath’s affect was off balance. She described feeling complete jubilation after the verdict was rendered that the defendant was guilty of first-degree murder. However, the smile that accompanied Lucia’s elucidation of that sigh of relief she released upon hearing the verdict was clearly masking the truth of the extent of the tremendous perpetual pain of having outstayed her own child’s violent end.     

M: Dude! I’m reminded of Viktor E. Frankl’s book Man’s Search For Meaning, specifically the first part of the book entitled Experiences in a Concentration Camp where he clarifies in the beginning,

On the average, only those prisoners could keep alive who, after years of trekking from camp to camp, had lost all scruples in their fight for existence; they were prepared to use every means, honest and otherwise, even brutal force, theft, and betrayal of their friends, in order to save themselves. We who have come back, by the aid of many lucky chances or miracles—whatever one may choose to call them—we know: the best of us did not return.   

D: Man! Viktor Frankl accepted all the schools of psychology and embraced Freud and Adler and Jung with an intellectual interrelated easygoingness that could only come forth from such tremendous perpetual pain. Clearly, when you’ve been through such unimaginable horror and kept awaiting reprieve at any moment in such brutal conditions Viktor Frankl analyzes as the medical doctor and specifically the psychiatrist he was training to become when the world collapsed and his loved ones and he were sent to  concentration camps. And let’s not forget, the trains that transported Jews and their righteous gentile protectors ran through bustling European cities of the time while government officials in the United States and the Red Cross International Committee exchanged correspondence acknowledging disrespectfully the Jewish Problem as soon as 1942.               

M: Dude! The fact that government officials inside the United States and the Red Cross chose to use such a derogatory term applied to the Jews collectively by the Nazis is just as obscene as the flawed words of the male justices perched on the United States Supreme Court. John Roberts’s flighty defrauder insisting

The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.

And, of course, Clarence Thomas’s abstruse anarchist configuring

This case represents yet another missed opportunity to right the course of our campaign finance jurisprudence by restoring a standard that is faithful to the First Amendment. Until we undertake that reexamination, we remain in a ‘halfway house’ of our own design.

D: Man! Setting limits on financial contributions violate whose First Amendment Rights?

M: Dude! According to the syllabus prepared for McCutcheon et al v. FEC

The right to participate in democracy through political contributions is protected by the First Amendment, but that right is not absolute. Congress may regulate campaign contributions to protect against corruption or the appearance of corruption.

It may not, however, regulate contributions simply to reduce the amount of money in politics, or to restrict the political participation of some in order to enhance the relative influence of others.

Justice Thomas agreed that the aggregate limits are invalid under the First Amendment, but would overrule Buckley v. Valeo and subject BCRA’s [Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002] aggregate limits to strict scrutiny, which they would surely fail.

D: Man! What makes Clarence Thomas so self-assured about his ability to argue anything into oblivion anyways?

M: Dude! Viktor Frankl describes the dynamics of suffering severe malnourishment at Auschwitz in Poland. The soup that was served to the imprisoned thinned out over time as did their deteriorating bodies. The SS foremen would pour the watered down nothingness with a ladle into the prisoners’ bowls and the prisoners deliriously prayed the ladle to descend as far into the cauldron of soup for the chance of being served a few peas as well.

D: Man! The Republican Party obstructionists are all for austerity measures for the economically disadvantaged while the number of billionaires has doubled since the financial crisis that President George Walker Bush’s two-terms worth of policies at home and abroad propelled us into. The number of billionaires in 2009 totaled 793 and today there are 1,645.

M: Dude! Poverty is manufactured and voting for the Democratic Ticket on Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014 will turnaround the gridlock and terrible House Bills that the Congressional Republicans have been passing onto the United States Senate. It’s mindboggling how anyone could vote for such sloths as the Congressional Republicans, who have only convened Congress on Capitol Hill for a total of 98 days in 2014.

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