Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Stand Up To Adversities. Register, Then Vote.

(M)an: Dude! The Republican Party may have bought the American Press, the Supreme Court of the United States, and gerrymandered themselves to majority party in the House of Representatives but it cannot buy the American Midterm Election results. However, if Americans do not register to vote and then vote for the Democratic Ticket on or before Election Day Tuesday November 4, 2014, the United States of America will have lost its chance to flourish forward as an evolving democracy because of the financial restrictions  placed upon the Executive Branch and the subsequent chaos that the Republican Party wants to inflict upon the American people through orchestrating unimaginable campaigns of bigotry and intolerance.        

(D)ude: Man! Isn’t the Republican Party already financing bigotry and intolerance across the nation and the globe because of the lack of transparency and accountability since the Supreme Court essentially declared instituting campaign finance reform and the implementation of voting rights as superfluous?    

M: Dude! Americans must grasp that the Congressional Republicans are taking US down the same road of destruction and corruption as Pakistan’s Bhutto-Zardari and India’s BJP-Modi. In fact, the Congressional Republicans have molded their tactics of cheating and defrauding from these fomenters and, if the Republican Party wins the midterm election this fall, it and the American Press will declare yet another quote unquote revolution as they did in the 2010 midterms with the racialist Republican Tea GOP. And the American voter needs to understand that when the Republican Party chose to take in the Tea GOP they became afflicted with the same characteristics of that snake the Tea Party chooses to identify with in its motto Don’t Tread On Us!         

D: Man! The only people the Republican Party is concerned for are the taxpayers and the Klu or Koch Klutz Klan. White Americans like us need to wake up to the reality of our fate, that the Republican Party is against our best interests. Rather, the Republican Tea GOP is only in it to loot the United States Treasury, violate the United States Constitution, and bring to the floor of the House and Senate pointless degenerate digressions.    

M: Dude! Yes, you are right. The United States Constitution states, each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and with the Concurrence of two thirds expel a Member. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul’s blustering filibustering logorrhea on September 24, 2013 was termed a marathon by Politico admiringly while Ted Cruz was extolled by CNN with the headliner Anatomy of a very long speech: How Ted Cruz did it.

D: Man! CNN is so tender with the Republican Party that its anchors could evaluate Ted Cruz’s ordure with the headline Anatomy of a very long evacuation: How Ted Cruz did it.  

M: Dude! Yes, you are absolutely onto something here. The United States Constitution also states, The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses. John McCain and Lindsey Graham and the entire slew of them have most certainly breached the peace at home and abroad to the point of treason and felony, the lack of campaign finance reform allowing the moronic Congressional Republicans and their terribly shrewd oligarchs to transfer monies to political crooks like Bhutto-Zardari and BJP-Modi who finance destruction in their own countries because the disenfranchised choose not to vote in the election cycles because of blackmail and harassment.     

D: Man! The Republican Party has blackmailed and harassed President Bill Clinton about his extramarital misconduct to the point that he cannot even make public appearances in support of the Democratic Ticket without an apparent unease. That’s why the Democratic Ticket will have to reassess its internal policies towards swindlers in the organization. The American Press jumps to tear apart the character of the Democrats while covering up the baseness of the Republicans. The only reason Karl Rove fluted deliberately miscalculated statistics and numerous additional social offenses—we have two narratives here. One narrative emerging from the black community that the police killed a young black man who was approaching with his arms up, saying don't shoot. We have a second narrative which is we have a young - a violent young black man who assaulted a police officer and the police officer felt threatened. We won't know until the justice system works its way through which narrative is correct… Instead, it sounded like he [Eric Holder] was putting his thumb on the scale saying, this young black man did not deserve to die, and we're going to get this cop—on Faux News Sunday with Chris Wallace was because of his political party’s failure to link the current President with any double-dealings or wrongdoings.      

M: Dude! Hence the Republican Party’s newfound accusations that President Obama is detached from and lacking competence in comparison with his advisors who are running the country on their own. As Karl Rove roved to Wallace, Well, look, we also had secretary of State Kerry who said the object is to crush ISIS. So, a lot of the president's advisers sound much more robust than the president had thus far. You know, it's hard to read how this administration makes foreign policy decisions. You would expect most of the time that statements like that from Hagel, the chairman of the joint chiefs, the secretary of state, the deputy national security adviser, would be representative of the thinking of the president. I'm not certain that's the case here.            

D: Man! Yeah, nowadays Karl Rove may be questioning the professional competency and chief integrity of President Obama. But where was Karl Rove when George Walker Bush and Dick Cheney were designing the elaborate plan to lie about Weapons of Mass Destruction in order to invade Iraq and plunder its oil infrastructure?

M: Dude! When the George Walker Bush White House was putting its entire hand on the scale to misadjust the Middle East and its surrounds, where was the American Press then?

D: Man! The American Press was exactly where it is today!

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