Saturday, August 23, 2014

"Between their loved home and the war's desolation."

(D)ude: Man! American photojournalist James Wright Foley deserves a soldier’s burial at Arlington National Cemetery. The information available about his personal and career trajectories points to a soul brimming with a personal responsibility as the eldest brother to four siblings and a professional sense of duty towards serving justice in the face of life’s disparities as a teacher and mentor to the helpless and, for at least five years, as a photojournalist reporting the facts and heartfelt truths from active warzones despite the United States Media’s becoming accustomed to writing out so much of the crucial detail and corresponding realities about the world at large and the disenfranchised at home.     

(M)an: Dude! Yes, James Wright Foley is deserving of a final resting place alongside our selfless brave. Although there are documents required for scheduling a funeral service at Arlington National, the DD214 form or its equivalent indicating an honorable discharge and active duty service alongside a death certificate or cremation certificate, succession documents and other additional documents in order for family and loved ones to call and schedule the service, I believe the new millennium is calling out through Jim Foley’s resolute stare into the camera right before his demise for US to reevaluate how we define paramilitary forces working alongside our professional military.            

D: Man! So what’s a DD214 form exactly?

M: Dude! DD form 214 has been issued  by the Department of Defense since January 1, 1950 and identifies a veteran’s condition of discharge that could be one of the following: honorable, general, other than honorable, dishonorable or bad conduct.

D: Man! The Republican Party and its media outlets in the United States must be held accountable for misconduct, dissolving the ethical code practiced by the few and the brave like Tim Hetherington and Jim Foley due to John Roberts’ Supreme Court’s far right leaning with such characterless male justices and the Congressional Republicans who have already declared themselves the majority in the Senate and the House come January 2015 although voter registration hasn’t even commenced in much of the nation and Election TuesDay’s not until November 4, 2014.        

M: Dude! The Republican Party and its media outlets in the United States must be held accountable for the revelations they have made inadvertently about their true prejudicial nature of covering the major news stories at home and abroad. Tim Hetherington and Jim Foley are casualties of not just physical war, but a spiritual fight that the Republican Party and its media outlets have tried to whitewash with their broad brushstrokes of scorn and misdirection. The Republican Party and its media outlets should be shunned for their profane unprofessionalism, qualities that are exemplified by their latest “Trust Us” campaign that coincides with the Klu and Koch Klutz Klannishness that has gripped the likes of James Dao of The New York Times and even Bobby Ghosh, the ex-World Editor at TIME Magazine and now Managing Editor at Atlantic Media’s website Quartz.            

D: Man! James Dao’s missteps as editor would have remained overlooked if it had not been for Lawrence O’Donnell’s catching the fatalistic errors in the newspaper’s coverage of the eyewitness accounts being indiscriminate in the police killing of Michael Brown, Junior, without ever once providing evidence to back their statements and preserve journalistic integrity. Integrity is always highly questionable when it comes to the Republican Party and its media outlets, and I think that’s the reason talented souls like Tim Hetherington and Jim Foley venture onto the front lines in their search for justice and preserving the veracity of the personal accounts of the humanity lost in tumult and the enduring pain otherwise erased by distancing oneself from survivors of such horrors.         

M: Dude! The eyewitnesses who appeared on Lawrence O’Donnell’s The Last Word were thorough and composed and consistent, as was O’Donnell. Tiffany Mitchell and Michael Brady should not have to testify before the grand jury or a county prosecutor who reminds me of Florida’s Angela Corey in the way that the police officer Darren Wilson is being allowed to testify even after the fact of so many counts of criminal malpractice stacked against him. Their interviews with O’Donnell should be sufficient for the grand jury to study because of the Republican Party and its media outlets’ history viciously chaffing Rachel Jeantel’s witness testimony in their character assassination attempts of the murdered teenager Trayvon Martin.     

D: Man! Bobby Ghosh’s missteps as a guest contributor on Chris Matthews’s Hardball this week were purposely placed by the same nook of characterless caricatures that are the Republican Party and its media outlets, especially since Ghosh waited until the last moments he was on-air with Matthews this past Thursday to divulge his support for what Bush 41 did and criticize President Obama as follows…  

Well, there`s been plenty of criticism of ISIS from various
Arab states. What we haven`t got here is a sort of a focal point. We don`t have a leadership. As you pointed out, George Bush, Sr. -- he gathered all these nations together.

Obama hasn`t really tried that yet, and he hasn`t really shown an interest in doing that. So that`s what`s necessary. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that someone has to take the lead.

Nobody in the Arab world is willing to take the lead. The United States is the only country that seems to have the wherewithal to do so.

He`s said repeatedly, Obama has, that we`re not going to put too many boots on the ground and it has to be an effort from Iraqis and from the Kurds, and so on. OK, that`s fine. But getting all the Arab states together, and when necessary, knocking some heads together and getting them
to participate in the fight against... ISIS is something that has to come from Washington. It`s 
not going to come from Riyadh or from Amman or from any of the Arab capitals.

M: Dude! Bobby Ghosh’s journalistic integrity expired on Hardball with Chris Matthews on Thursday, August 21, 2014 with that rather too lengthy a sound bite to be indicative of the possibility of Ghosh unintentionally misspeaking. Instead, Bobby Ghosh knowingly sided against President Obama despite the obviousness of how much devastation and ruination were administered to the Middle East and the surrounds through the imperious Bush Dynasty.

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