Sunday, July 20, 2014

Man! Dude! Session #292: Visceral Pain of Helpless Children Worldwide

(D)ude: Man! The Republican Tea GOP Majority in the House of Representatives wants to sue and impeach the Executive Branch, the Speaker of the House John Boehner insisting that the President of the United States can be found to be in violation of something in the Constitution of the United States of America. But what about Speaker Boehner and the Congressional Republicans violating that exact document themselves time and time again?

(M)an: Dude! Florida Republican Tea GOP Governor Rick Scott violated Article 4 of the United States Constitution when he allegedly forced on-duty Tampa Bay police officers to a local campaign event, which is a cited misdemeanor under Florida law as well. Article 4 states clearly that The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

D: Man! The Congressional Republicans and the John Roberts Supreme Court and places of business such as Hobby Lobby are violating Article 9 of the United States Constitution, which clearly states that the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. If, like how Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan spoke at their 2012 Republican Tea GOP political rallies, insisting that the crowds of attendees understand, as Mitt Romney declared, quote unquote “Corporations are people, my friend” with a sly smirk, then isn’t there a logical rebuke here that the we the people can insist upon? I mean, if corporations are people, then can we not declare corporations to be sexually abusive predators if they insist upon specifying something as confidential as birth control methodology to their female employees?    

M: Dude! They’re also violating Article 10 of the United States Constitution, which clearly states the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Women are people, too! And what about HIPPA and the entire medical records confidentiality and patients rights guarantees that are clearly being violated in the practice of the Hobby Lobby ruling by the John Roberts SCOTUS? Where are the American Medical Association and the National Association of Social Workers and the American Counseling Association anyways?     

D: Man! Probably wondering if their professional lives will be swept in the same swift hegemonic messiness of the Republican Tea GOP’s deconstructing the Office of Economic Opportunity, or OEO, that resulted from the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 through LBJ’s Great Society policymaking strides? And, speaking of hegemonic messiness of the Republican Tea GOP, I’ve got a lot to say with regards to the twentieth century of Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and H. W. Bush regarding Central and South America, and the Middle East and Asia, specifically the ending of FDR’s New Deal coalition and the current attack on civil rights and voting rights as the means to pit neighbor against neighbor domestically and abroad.

M: Dude! The OEO? You know, the Republican Tea GOP of today came to fruition with Eisenhower and Nixon and Ford and Reagan and Herbert Walker Bush, because Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were present in all five of those presidencies. It was a toxic concoction, really, considering others like Alexander Haig, George Romney, Billy Graham, Robert Dole, Margaret Thatcher, Bob Woodruff, and Peggy Noonan figuring into the mix to create the unnecessary havoc in the world of deliberated inaction at home.        

D: Man! The folks you just listed methodically tore apart OEO, beginning with the big trouble of the tremendous positive outcomes of the Office of Economic Opportunity’s reach with Native American populations in the United States attaining political capital and confidence through tribal community action programs. Maria Shriver’s father championed collaboration and cohesion as the first director of the OEO, from 1965 through 1968, the time period within which he successfully cosponsored funding alongside the National Congress of American Indians for Head Start preschools and modern tribal colleges, in addition to increasing availability to advanced legal counsel and medical services on reservations throughout the United States.    

M: Dude! In other words, as the Native Americans rose in stature economically and politically, particularly the Navajo, through the efforts of R. Sargent Shriver and the OEO, later directors, particularly its third director Donald Rumsfeld, became convinced of the intellectual hence political threat empowered minority groups posed for degenerates like Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney’s clique, after which the agency basically was dissolved into other federal government agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services? The current Congressional Republican budget proposal The Path To Prosperity outlines similar fates for federal government assistance lifelines, like Medicaid and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for example, on the grounds of waste and fraud. 

D: Man! The less than less than one percent of waste and fraud in Medicaid and food stamps has got the Congressional Republicans concerned? Then why, despite the booming statistically verifiable success of expanding Medicaid and twenty-two states and the District of Columbia finally agreeing, nineteen Republican Tea GOP-led state governments and their Republican Tea GOP governors are refusing Medicaid Expansion? And why are the Republican Tea GOP House of Representative members under Speaker John Boehner refusing to pass comprehensive immigration reform and a jobs bill after four years of essentially sitting on their hands and declaring themselves incapable of any constructive action, only willing to submit to the ridiculous rulings of the John Roberts SCOTUS while surrendering to oligarchic tomfooleries such as the Koch Klutz Klan?     

M: Dude! Have you seen the Sunday, June 1, 2014 broadcast of This Week With George Stephanopoulos, or read the rushed transcript online of that specific show?      

D: Man! Yeah! Did you see the Sunday, July 6, 2014 broadcast of Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer, or read the transcript online of the program?

M: Dude! Yeah! Yeah!  

D: Man! Sunday, June 1, 2014 was seven weeks ago! Wow! And I see you have really marked up the transcript in your hand. Seven weeks ago! Go ahead, you go first, I’ll follow since mine’s from last week. Yeah, aren’t the transcripts available online awesome?

M: Dude! Totally! Republican Tea GOP Senator Ted Cruz from Texas was on This Week with Stephanopoulos seven weeks ago and the President of the United States had just delivered the commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York the Wednesday before, if I remember correctly, May 28, 2014?  

D: Man! Yes, and Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl had just been released after five years of captivity by the Taliban the day before this particular broadcast you’re wanting to address, Saturday, May 31, 2014! Yes. In exchange for five Taliban detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay, Bergdahl’s rescue by special operations forces helicopter was immediately denounced and is still being criticized by Republican Tea GOP Senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and John McCain of Arizona et al.      

M: Dude! You’ve got three governments involved in the tedious brokering of a peaceful resolution in POW Bergdahl’s release: US, Qatar, and Afghanistan. Yet, the Congressional Republican Tea GOP reps like Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee’s seventh district keep repeating the same ambiguous messages over and over again, and again and again. Recycled, inconclusive, fragmentary scripts like the damaged vinyl records that our grandparents used to mourn or the scratched cassette tapes our parents agonized over. The sound and the insanity of the Republican Tea GOP! Talking about blasts from the past and the evident future of world affairs according to overzealous hoodlums who cannot keep from sharing their own abhorrent intents and actions tomorrow today, Senator Ted Cruz’s excitability on This Week with George Stephanopoulos was obscene, as he laid out the plans he would have made if he were given executive authority:

It’s [negotiating] not the only way. We can go in and use military force, as needed, to rescue our fallen compatriots. But, look, Sergeant Bergdahl was fighting to capture these terrorists.

D: Man! Ted Cruz gives me the creeps! Whether white men can’t jump or not, white men sure can corrupt! White men like Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky and the Congressional Republicans led by Ohio rep and Speaker of the House John Boehner, hide hideous hooded agendas and waste taxpayer money on keeping a filibuster going on the Senate floor for over twenty-one hours with readings of Dr. Seuss lit and endorsing reality television decay like Phil Robertson when white guys like us cannot afford a basic electricity bill without having to plan ahead of time as to whether to schedule an afternoon at the shopping mall or the public library when our bustling vacationing nieces and nephews complain about the temperature and humidity inside.      

M: Dude! What about stay-at-home moms living in public housing without means of transportation but in need of keeping their infants and toddlers cared for throughout the summer days? And what about the added stress of having school-age children home for the duration of a three-month summer? We the people must elect responsible replacements for the Republican Tea GOP kooks in the United States Congress who are  obstructing legislation, hence creating or worsening crises across the country and around the globe. Much worse, Senator Ted Cruz admitted to George Stephanopoulos seven weeks ago on television, Sunday, July 1, 2014, about being in that very region himself— interfering in President Obama’s strategies, particularly endangering the troops of United States Military Advisors being sent to assist Secretary John Kerry with international diplomatic negotiations—where the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed this past Thursday, July 17, 2014:

Well, you know, I just got back last week from traveling to Israel and Ukraine and Poland and Estonia. And it was striking – you know, one of the things Ambassador [Susan] Rice said that was absolutely correct is that America is the indispensible leader.

But what our allies are expressing over and over again is that leadership is missing. And the most frequent thing you hear when you talk to an ambassador, a foreign minister of our friends and allies is they pull you aside quietly in hushed tones, they say, “Where is America?”

Number one, President Obama should have spoken out clearly in support of freedom, in support of the protesters when the protesters began in the Maidan Square [centrally located in Kiev, Ukraine].

I had the privilege of traveling through Maidan Square, being led by 16-year-old high school girl who saw her compatriots shot by army snipers. And they continue to protest for freedom. America should speak out for freedom.

But then after that, we should stand with our allies and not give into Russia. We should, number one, right now, install the anti-ballistic missile batteries in Eastern Europe, in Poland, the Czech Republic, that were scheduled to go in 2009, that President Obama canceled in an effort to appease Putin. That hadn’t worked.

And number two, we should be using energy as a tool to help liberate the Ukrainian people and impose costs on Putin. There are over 20 applications to export liquid natural gas bottled up in the Obama Administration. He should approve them because that would be a meaningful step to stand with the Ukrainian people and free them from Russia’s economic blackout.

D: Man! And this is how Bob Schieffer conveyed what Republican Tea GOP hawks John McCain and Lindsey Graham were up to in the Middle East and the surrounds, having conveniently returned from Afghanistan at the exact time that the head of the militant group ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, surfaced on videotape in Iraq urging followers towards hawkishness, keep in mind this Face The Nation episode was broadcast two weeks back, on Sunday, July 6, 2014:

And here in Washington, we’re joined now by Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, who spent a lot of time there [Israel]. They are also just back from Afghanistan. Let me start with this video we just saw of this child [15-year-old Palestinian-American and Tampa, Florida resident Tariq Khdeir who was beaten by Israeli security forces during summer break in East Jerusalem when violent protests erupted as a result of the teenager’s cousin’s abduction and death earlier]. The State Department has put out a statement condemning the beating. They’re demanding a full investigation. But is there anything the United States can do here, Senator McCain, to calm this situation?

M: Dude! The child, teenager Tariq Khdeir, is an American citizen and lives in Florida. He has recovered, but he too now is vulnerable to feeling the visceral pain helpless children and women and families suffer as the direct result of Republican Tea GOP hawks purposefully breaking down President Obama and Secretary John Kerry’s peace talks and negotiations abroad while obstructing President Obama and Secretary Jeh Johnson’s efforts at home to protect the middle and working classes while compassionately confronting poverty—versus the resolute inaction and incompetent  insistences on part of the Congressional Republicans—as well as resolving the refugee crisis that the Republican Tea GOP hawks insist is entirely a matter of securing our border physically.

D: Man! Imagine the emotional trauma that the unaccompanied immigrant children and women suffered at the hands of deliberately misinformed, hence unwelcoming protestors blockading Homeland Security buses carrying them, conscionable refugees unwilling to submit to the violent, cartel, terrorist, separatist, underground opposition party dynamics that have shredded the sovereignty of Central American governments. The Republican Tea GOP is responsible and has applied this method of gradual yet corrosive corruption in India with the calculated downgrade of Rahul Gandhi and the United Progressive Alliance to second place status during the 2014 Indian General Election in which the victor, Narendra Modi and the National Democratic Alliance, had already been on the Republican Tea GOP radar, specifically congratulated by Republican Tea GOP Representative Aaron Schock from Illinois’s eighteenth district, on Friday, January 3, 2014 on the House floor, for Modi winning reelection a third time as Chief Minister of Gujarat, the Western Indian State and site of the 2002 Gujarat riots, which Modi handled with the same animus as that of Congressional Republican Representative Darrell Issa towards Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings in the House Oversight Committee.

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