Monday, June 16, 2014

Reading Rainbow is Returning Happily Ever Forever

(M)an: Dude! We’re well into 2014, six years from 2020, and the future is bleak if American voters don’t feel compelled to vote in the 2014-midterm elections this November 4, 2014, Election Day Tuesday. 

(D)ude: Man! If American voters do not begin to register to vote in order to cast their ballots on November 4, 2014, Election Day Tuesday, the Republican Tea GOP will continue their assault on the world that they’ve initiated with Boko Haram in Nigeria abducting at least 200 of our precious daughters there, Hamas in Palestine causing yet another unrest with the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers from the West Bank, and the Al Qaeda-linked  Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or the ISIS that is purported to have posted photographs of hundreds of Iraqi soldiers being executed online via Twitter last week. We must clean out both the United States Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives if we really want peace and justice at home.   

M: Dude! Cannot the American Public and American Press Corps connect the dots and form the necessary lines of degeneracy that is the Republican Tea GOP? Why won’t the New York Times and the Huffington Post and the Daily Beast and the Washington Post recall when the Republican Tea GOP leaders snickered about an October Surprise as way back as January 2012, and this doesn’t involve Hurricane Sandy’s affecting 24 states in the USA when it hit our shores around October 29, 2012. It involves the Benghazi, Libya tragedy of September 11, 2012.

D: Man! The United States Congressional Republicans have started a new catch phrase about how they are not “qualified scientists” to discuss climate change and its effects on the United States and the entire globe for that matter, Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner and Florida Senator Marco Rubio dismissing the entire phenomenon on the fact of their own ignorance about the mechanisms of climate change. And then you have Representative Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee dismissing the entire phenomenon of climate change as being not cost effective enough, forgetting to specify whether she’s addressing the short term or the long term in her cost benefits analyses.

M: Dude! I just read the first chapter of Michio Kaku’s 1997 masterpiece Visions. Do you know that the Republican Tea GOP is operating on total corruption?

D: Man! I read the first part to Michio Kaku’s Visions too! Twice! It took at least another reread to finally get myself to comprehend the basics of the quantum revolution that lead to two others, the computer revolution and the biomolecular revolution. But I don’t quite understand the concept of the quanta and the Schrodinger wave equation. What exactly are these two concepts from the era of reductionism?

M: Dude! Well, the era of reductionism began with the laws of motion that Isaac Newton of England conjectured and published in 1687 and ended up with the quantum theory conjectured around 1925 by Erwin Schrodinger of Austria and Werner Heisenberg of Germany primarily. You see, Max Planck of Germany won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918 for originating the quantum theory, however. Planck’s quantum theory and Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity are the bases for our understanding atomic and subatomic mechanisms-which is quantum physics, and space and time-which is relativity.    

D: Man! So the era of reductionism propelled humanity to an understanding from the observational to the microscopic to the atomic and to the subatomic while conjecturing a space and time continuum that has applications to everyday life like the Global Positioning System, or GPS, that is the hallmark of modern electronics and only proves Albert Einstein’s relativity true, that the speed of light remains constant for all observers, but that space contracts and time dilates depending on observer velocity.  

M: Dude! Planck’s stand during World War I was to sign onto the October 23, 1914 Manifesto of the Ninety-Three that declared the ninety-three intellectual powerhouse cosigners as supporters of the German military in the early phases of that particular theatre of war. But do we throw Planck’s Law of Thermal Radiation to the wayside because of his political bent?  

D: Man! I get it! I get it! The Republican Tea GOP wants to create so-called terrorists in Eurasia and the Afro-Asiatic by inflicting wounds through purchasing and training troublemakers with their Super-PAC finances that billionaires like the Brothers Koch and Sheldon Adelson are not only participating in, but that the newer generation of Silicon Valley billionaires are partaking in as well unknowingly, like Twitter and Facebook. There should be more discriminating mechanics in place to keep images like the ones to come out on Twitter from the ISIS in the first place, and Facebook’s dissection of its users’ gender identity into 56 categories is very undemocratic to say the least. And there is always a high price to pay for indiscretions, just look at how Tina Brown and Newsweek Magazine were wiped out of paper print by controversy surrounding the newsmagazine’s release of the late Tim Hetherington’s photograph.     

M: Dude! The Republican Tea GOP is responsible for the leaks onto Twitter from the ISIS and the 56 categories of gender in place at Facebook will only mean trouble ahead for all users of the website if American voters choose not to come out and vote for the Democratic Ticket this November 4, 2014, Election Day Tuesday. 

D: Man! Why do the Republican Tea GOP leaders want to even play such a dangerous game by equipping random groups of wretchedly disenfranchised men and boys abroad in order to create chaos and tragedies that they then come onto national television and blame President Obama for?

M: Dude! The American people have a lot to be grateful for, but most of all the fact that they popularly reelected President Obama for a second term. According to Michio Kaku’s timeless estimates, human civilization on Earth has not risen to Type 1 status yet. We are a Type 0 civilization focused heavily on dead plants to fuel our machines with energy, primarily coal and oil.  

D: Man! President Obama and his Administration are trying hard to get American voters to the polls this November 4, 2014 because the Republican Tea GOP is driving this country to ruin. The American voters will have to decide Election Day Tuesday, November 4, 2014 if they want to congressionally drive their political wills with the handbrake on or not. Basically, it’s a matter of driving with the handbrake on and ruining the country in the long term, or releasing the handbrake and voting in the 2014-midterm for the country to calmly advance onto a Type 1 civilization, which President Obama is focused on US becoming by 2020.      

M: Dude! If you deal crude, then you’re a Republican Tea GOP, and if you deal with crude, then you’re a Democrat. President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are being dealt a lot of crude by Republican Arizona Senator John McCain and Republican South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham and the obstructionist Congressional Republicans. I would not listen to either one of the two, especially since they agreed to the point of disagreeing on the approach in Iraq and with Iran.  

D: Man! Both McCain and Graham are just trying to divert the American voters attention onto the chaos their political party, the Republican Tea GOP, has been financing since 2011 abroad. This weekend they were both bragging on the Sunday talk shows about having predicted war three years ago in Iraq. But wait! Didn’t they both also snicker around about impending doom on President Obama’s foreign agenda around this same time before the presidential election of 2012?  

M: Dude! They knew about Benghazi, Libya and General Petraeus should be grilled about the state of affairs then instead of being dismissed for an actual extramarital affair that surfaced so conveniently into his resignation on November 9, 2012.

D: Man! The McCain and Graham operatic overtures playing out right now must be taken seriously and American voters must understand that they hold the keys to the world’s future as a planetary civilization. And the American voter must understand that the future of the entire planet and our solar system rests in their hands and their power to vote in the upcoming November 4, 2014 elections. We need to run forward with solar energy and then advance onto galactic energy, remembering that Star Trek is just a glimpse inside a Type 2 civilization and that problems like chronic diseases require that we embrace the polygenic perspectives waiting to be tackled and not be afraid of such a discipline as science, especially now that knowledge lies in integrating DNA sequencing and robotics through manipulating quanta in miraculous achievements that could impress the prophets.  

M: Dude! A global culture is impossible with the destructiveness of the Republican Tea GOP, which only thinks of the world as a video game console and themselves as thieving political operators who decide who shall die where and when and how in order to benefit their own attainment of obscene wealth and reign. The Republican Tea GOP needs obscene results fast, meaning there has to be a result of victory in the end for themselves and there must be a loser on the opposite side. The world is too multicultural and multilayered to be cut into factions and sectors.

D: Man! I think all the faiths in the world are beautiful and worthy of coexistence. But the Republican Tea GOP basically decides how missionary work too must be doled out abroad. In Nigeria, the Muslims and the Christians were coexisting just fine, but the Republican Tea GOP felt challenged in the midterm election season that is upon US now and they want to place any blame upon President Obama’s shoulders so that American voters feel so discouraged and defeated and disappointed that they stay home and not vote on Election Day Tuesday, November 4, 2014.

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