Saturday, May 17, 2014

Man! Dude! Session #282: Reba Couture Spring 2014

(D)ude: Man! Don Jones will be completing sensitivity training before he is allowed back into activities with the Miami Dolphins football team. I think Donald and Shelly Sterling would be appropriately placed if they too had to attend the training Don Jones will be participating in.

(M)an: Dude! The bloodthirsty Republican Party is in need of that very same sensitivity training, not to mention the bloodless American Press Corps and the cold-blooded University of North Dakota students who chose Koch over civility as well.

D: Man! There does seem to be a methodology to the sudden influx of obscenities. It’s like David and Charles Koch are infiltrating their brand of corporate chauvinism everywhere the youth of the United States—and other decisive voters for the 2014 election midterms in the United States—conference, in front of the television mainly.

M: Dude! What about radio and online newsmakers? This is the time for MTV and Lady Gaga and Comedy Central and Jon Stewart to revamp and reissue the “Rock the Vote” campaign! Redemption is always there for the taking during midterms and voter outreach and mobilization needs big names and iconic faces.

D: Man! The nonpartisan nonprofit Rock the Vote survived the 2004 allegations made by the Republican Party about it falsely claiming during that presidential election cycle that the George Walker Bush Administration was seriously considering reinstating the military draft.     

M: Dude! The truth was that Rock the Vote was only trying to spark consciousness in an otherwise numb electorate, but it was not successful in reawakening the young eligible voters that year and George Walker Bush won reelection. Obviously, the Supreme Court too played a hand in bringing Bush #43 back into the office of the presidency unelected a second time.

D: Man! Yeah, but what about the public service announcements being passed around by that nonpartisan nonprofit organization featuring then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s signature at the bottom of a document promoting a possible military draft?

M: Dude! Rock the Vote only wanted to bring forth enlightened conversation about Army General John M. Keane’s remark to Congress, before his retirement in 2003, about how adding 50,000 troops would entail returning to the draft!   

D: Man! Is that right? Then why is the Republican Party intent on not reading the over twenty-five thousand pages worth of documentation gathered thus far in the Benghazi, Libya tragedy? Why aren’t they constructing educated insights about the words committed to paper so far? Clearly, the Republican Party has been unsuccessful in tracking down a congressional intern with the reading comprehension necessary to produce supplemental notes and graphs that Representative Paul Ryan or Senator John McCain can then waft in the faces of those who have read the original papers in their entirety, like former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and current Secretary of State John Kerry.    

M: Dude! But, of course, Hillary Rodham Clinton is being questioned and criticized over the veracity of the concussion she sustained in December of 2012. The Republican Party is trying to level the playing field to their lowly standards of conduct and conduciveness. But Hillary Rodham Clinton is far more dignified and brilliant than any of the Republican Party’s membership. There is fortitude and finesse in Hillary Rodham Clinton, whereas these Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio and Rand Paul and Jeb Bush candidates for 2016 are laughable fools with extraordinary fraudulence.       

D: Man! Speaking of extraordinariness, did you read Chelsea Clinton’s recent interview with Lynn Sherr in Parade Magazine? No? Well, the former First Daughter, mother-to-be is abrasive, hence self-injurious, retelling the time when she was standing in line at a coffee shop in New York City and, “I ordered a coffee with two shots of espresso, because I was very tired. And this guy said, ‘Chelsea, you seem like such an interesting person, and that’s such a boring drink’ and I said, ‘I’m so sorry, sir. You know, I drink coffee for the caffeine and because I like the taste, not because I think I need to be, you know, expressing myself’.. But moments like that are also privileges, when people share their thoughts or their questions or their ideas. And it gives me a window, in some ways, into the zeitgeist.”    

M: Dude! If my father were president and my mother insisted that I learn the names of all the members of the United States Congress and whosoever before attending any official gala, I would be lost in a superficiality and pain too intense for composure. I think the curtness is due to an absence of happiness. Being presented publically before the cameras since birth, I think Chelsea Clinton cannot respond genuinely to even herself and hasn’t been able to overcome the callous remarks by others that come with an awkward adolescence, although I do believe she has proved herself a swan nevertheless.      

D: Man! Remember my awkwardness during adolescence? I have to admit my self-esteem was buried beneath the earth. Like ginger rhizomes, my facial acne was unruly and unbecoming. That’s probably why I’m down-to-earth and soft-spoken, that and not having to endure perpetual attention.    

M: Dude! You’re down-to-earth? You’re soft-spoken? Endure perpetual attention? Although, I do agree with the final point, I must say I have not met anyone with as much conceit as you! You, and that feline that I have to skedaddle off every morning over by the neighbors’ birdfeeders, are self-indulgent.    

D: Man! Everybody in the United States must combat fate’s cruelties being spread right now by the backstabbing and dishonest Republican Party. Every American Voter must register to vote and then vote regularly up until Election Day November 4, 2014, a Tuesday. The wilting leaves of democracy need to be replenished with a wholesome dose of an influx of representative government where ordinary folks take back their enfranchisement, return to embracing diversity and deliverance, not doubt and destruction.         

M: Dude! The electorate needs to shout out and sound off at the ballot boxes this year! This election cycle, the privileged elite is anticipating that everyday people will not figure out the fact that all the 435 seats in the House of Representatives are up for reelection, including obstructionists like Wisconsin Rep Paul Ryan and Ohio Rep John Boehner and Virginia Rep Eric Cantor. That’s why Republican Party members are clamoring to hold onto their positions inside the House of Representatives. If the American people decide to register to vote in these upcoming 2014 midterms, they can take back their rights by voting out obstructionists that are blocking the President of the United States from doing the work the American people popularly and overwhelmingly reelected him to do two years ago.  

D: Man! I don’t understand how Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad acclaim and now recognized for dazzlingly playing President Lyndon Baines Johnson on Broadway at the Neil Simon Theatre until June 29, 2014, can say the things he says to Parade Magazine’s Mark K. Updegrove in the April 27, 2014 issue about President Barack Obama, especially when the title of the article exploring Cranston’s successes is “You Need a Healthy Dose of Luck”.. This is what Bryan Cranston said President Barack Obama can learn from President LBJ, “There are two things LBJ had that our current president doesn’t have. One is extensive experience in Congress. By the time he became vice president, Johnson not only knew everyone, he knew what his or her pet projects were. So he was ready to make deals and trades. ‘You support me on this, I’m going to give you that bridge.’ [laughs] The second thing is the [political] climate. In LBJ’s time, politicians knew they’d have to cross the aisle: ‘Our philosophies might be opposite, but I’m going to try to work with them.’ And what we have now is a digging-your-heels-in: ‘they are trying to hurt the country. Only our way is the right way’—whether you’re in the Republican or Democratic camp. It is so polarizing and distrustful and disrespectful.”

M: Dude! Two words came up in my mind while you read that quote, male and white, two traits that I’m pretty sure the two of US share with Bryan Cranston the actor, right? 

D: Man! Yeah! The guy is the meth-madman from Breaking Bad! Remember?

M: Dude! Two lives flashed before my eyes while you read Bryan Cranston’s words aloud, Sylvia Plath and her masterpiece The Bell Jar’s heroine Esther Greenwood.

D: Man! Sylvia Plath? Who is The Bell Jar’s heroine Esther Greenwood?

M: Dude! Sylvia Plath’s quasi-autobiographical novel about the thin line between sincerity and insincerity that upsets her heroine Esther Greenwood in and out of the present tense from page 86 onwards, brings to bare the interpersonal affecting the intrapersonal alarmingly, particularly the strain of competitiveness that clutches male specimens, and is directed detrimentally towards their female counterparts, who feel suffocated inside an overturned bell jar.            

D: Man! Is that so? Then I’ve got a totally new interpretation of the Hillary Rodham Clinton that had her daughter study the names of statesmen and stateswomen. I’m rethinking and believing that President Bill Clinton actually requested that their only child Chelsea be groomed to remember such astonishing breadth and depth of detail about her sociopolitical surrounds.

M: Dude! I remember how memorizing the multiplication tables made me develop an edgy temperament in the third grade, particularly when it came to the number 16 and its details. In fact, I was overwhelmingly confused whenever there was a wedding in the family because of everyone’s refusal to avail table designations, a practice that was considered too far-fetched for such a familiar and frequent occasioning.

D: Man! Far-fetched, familiar, and frequent summon into mind that Reba McEntire song “Fancy”.. Speaking of Reba, the women of ABC News and Stephen Colbert carry about on television in Reba couture, you know? In fact, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s fashion sense has me questioning whether she has the same stylists and seesaw politics as the ABC Newswomen. As for Stephen Colbert, he’s catapulted himself up in hot air deceptiveness, a bona fide conservative gasbag.            

M: Dude! While Hillary Rodham Clinton took on the responsibility of seeing Chelsea achieve such incredible intellectual acrobatics, President Clinton reveled in the role of the popular and preferred parent?

D: Man! Yeah! So does The Bell Jar’s Esther Greenwood, like Hillary Rodham Clinton, take on the role of the responsible rector in her family life?

M: Dude! It is unclear as to whether or not Esther Greenwood goes on to marry and become a mother. But the one clear certainty that grips Esther Greenwood is the need women professionals in all disciplines, particularly medicine, especially psychiatry. And Sylvia Plath presents the issue brilliantly through the characters of Esther’s childhood acquaintance and boyfriend Buddy Willard and Esther’s female physician Doctor Nolan.

D: Man! How so?

M: Dude! Well, Buddy Willard is the composite male companion persuading Esther Greenwood to marry him and Doctor Nolan is the composite female collaborator encouraging Esther Greenwood to embrace her independence and not be afraid. 

D: Man! Esther’s afraid? 

M: Dude! Surprisingly, Buddy Willard is responsible for the plaque that cuts short Esther Greenwood’s homely idealism and prompts the feminist within to burgeon.

D: Man! How is Buddy responsible?

M: Dude! Esther Greenwood and Buddy Willard’s first major fallout is physical and on a ski slope at Mount Pisgah in the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate New York. On Page 98, Sylvia Plath unleashes the truth, the venom inside Buddy Willard for Esther Greenwood’s accomplishments. You see, Esther learns skiing basics from Buddy and then excels beyond expectation upon her first lone attempt downhill on skis.

D: Man! She did not get all giddy and vainglorious after the initial success?

M: Dude! Yes, Esther Greenwood does get giddy and vainglorious after her successful first attempt downhill alone. So much so, she gathers the strength to go back up and attempt a second time, the only point in the book where Sylvia Plath allows her heroine to indulge in happiness and a self-esteem boost.

D: Man! How does the venom ooze out of Buddy Willard’s pores?

M: Dude! Esther Greenwood breaks her left leg in an accident on her second attempt and the people around her inform her of how she was intercepted by Buddy Willard, the reason for her fall and fractures.

D: Man! Fractures?

M: Dude! Esther Greenwood informs Buddy Willard, the then-medical student, that she is going to go for a third attempt, this is the final exchange they have at the end of chapter eight,

“I’m going up,” I said. “I’m going to do it again.”

“No you’re not.”

A queer, satisfied expression came over Buddy’s face.

“No, you’re not,” he repeated with a final smile. “Your leg’s broken in two places. You’ll be stuck in a cast for months.”

D: Man! I’ve seen the queer, satisfied expression come over the Republican Party leaders’ faces whenever they accuse President Obama for the problems that they themselves created! Through obstructionist tactics—like sequestration and endless mindless loopholes by which to satisfy their billionaire donors—the Republican Party postpones calculatedly all the decision-making and negotiating needing to be addressed just so they can write disparagingly about President Obama in the history books.

M: Dude! The Democratic Party is conspiring with the billionaire Republican donors because of an ingrained prejudice and intellectual envy that President Obama and his Administration are able to regroup after every derailment by the Buddy Willard-like characters in the United States Congress.

D: Man! President Clinton could become a Doctor Nolan and encourage. Didn’t Chelsea Clinton recently receive a doctorate from Oxford?

M: Dude! Doctor Clinton could encourage as well. I really wish she would. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if she did?

D: Man! Never regress with success! For sure!

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