Sunday, December 1, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #242 Republicans axing voting rights and female autonomy

(D)ude: Man! Would Dick Cheney have rejected his heart transplant if he had known a Hispanic American had been the donor?

(M)an: Dude! How do you come up with such unfathomable scenarios like that? I think Dick Cheney would be accepting regardless of the ethnicity and race of the donor. 

D: Man! I think the status quo is likely to keep the barriers intact between the donor and the organ recipient. Unfortunately, that’s the same mentality employed by the status quo regarding the middle class and working poor.

M: Dude! I agree with that. The United States Supreme Court has essentially sold the fate of the American Worker to Corporate America and then gone on to degrade the disenfranchised further by axing their voting rights and female autonomy. 

D: Man! They deconstructed female autonomy by severing abortion rights and they deconstructed male autonomy by axing voting rights. The Republican Party chose to divide its brand into neoconservative and conservative groups and conquer the House of Representatives and gain seats in the Senate then. Now they are embracing the Wall Street Journal strategy that Peggy Noonan and Jason L. Riley perfected during the Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush eras.  

M: Dude! Peggy Noonan and Jason L. Riley’s books ought to be studied in order to get an unsettling perspective of how the status quo deliberately brings on very specific distractions to sideline the issue of immigration reform. One cannot assess the conservatives as being simple minded, they are very cunning.

D: Man! Tell me something I don’t already know! The distractions are twofold, either the Republicans engage in warfare in foreign lands and engage our sons and daughters in uniform in conflicts being brought forth by the private sector contractors that have become an unsettlingly more and more unreliable force, or the Republicans engage in what is essentially a newfound mess of government sequesters and shutdowns.

M: Dude! The American people cannot afford to be misled as they have been by the American Media, another forceful private sector entity inside the United States. Speaker John Boehner refuses to bring issues to the table in the House of Representatives and that methodology of killing legislation through deliberate inaction is reprehensible.   

D: Man! And the American Media’s inability to free itself from the clutches of Corporate Mendacity is infecting its level of performance across the board. The standards have dropped in order to create a crudeness that, if left unchecked, can leave people indifferent to the cruel realities that have been preserved for eternity in Victor Hugo’s novels. 

M: Dude! In The Hunchback of Norte Dame, Victor Hugo mourns about how he has to recreate the architectural beauty of buildings no longer standing due to unrest and war, man’s manufactured shortfalls. I sadden whenever I recall that particular passage.       

D: Man! Isn’t that passage at the beginning of the novel? Well, I have the same ongoing heavyheartedness whenever I read Les Miserables, Hugo leaves no tears unshed. 

M: Dude! There will come a time when someone will do similarly for the twentieth century World Trade Center Towers that Hugo did so remarkably for the medieval Palace of Justice.       

D: Man! Did you know that the First Lady accompanied the President of the United States to the National Mall this past Friday to meet with the activists who have been fasting, only hydrating with water, in protest to congressional inaction since November 12, 2013?   

M: Dude! The Congressional Republicans are, through inaction, agreeing with the 1996 immigration enforcement strategies implemented by President Clinton and then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich, which favored the original Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952’s restrictive components specifically.

D: Man! Harry S. Truman was President in 1952 and Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first year in office began in 1953. Do you think Truman thought he would win reelection and continue to polish the nonrestrictive measures in the INA?   

M: Dude! The world would have been far more transparent with Truman than with Eisenhower. Keep in mind that the Republican Party has a very elitist etiquette whenever they win the White House, probably because they are the status quo and there is an undemocratic deferential deference made to them by the American Media.     

D: Man! So the American Media’s never really been able to detach itself from the enchantment it has with the status quo?

M: Dude! No. The American Media has always embraced learned helplessness in the wake of change and revolution. It is combative towards change and revolution.

D: Man! Why do we have to go to the brink of death to become benevolent?

M: Dude! While the American Media is combative towards moving forward, the American Voter must be summoned to combat the status quo by voting for that forward momentum. The American Voters must stand up for their welfare and rights for once and get these dangerous inaction enthusiasts that identify themselves as Congressional Republicans out of office.

D: Man! I wish people in the United States were just as quick to step-up for their Voting Rights and overall Female Autonomy by registering to vote and securing at least a passport and a valid photo ID for the 2014 Midterms. Where are the organizers and organizations that will provide the funds necessary to cover the costs for those who cannot afford to pay for photo IDs?

M: Dude! How do you mobilize entire communities and keep them hopeful throughout the arduous and costly hurdles that the Republican State Legislatures and the United States Supreme Court have imposed?

D: Man! It’s going to be difficult with voter suppression tactics in place in states like John Boehner’s Ohio and David Dewhurst’s Texas. But State Senator Nina Turner in Ohio and State Senator Wendy Davis in Texas are challenging and changing the outlook by running for Ohio’s Secretary of State and Governor of Texas.

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