Monday, November 18, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #238: "Cigar Parlor Invites Entrenched In Racism"

(D)ude: Man! Tammy Duckworth is aligned with 38 other Democrats on the side of the Fred Upton Bill, or the “Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013” as it is titled.

(M)an: Dude! This is a Tea Party-based attempt to topple the Affordable Care Act. House Speaker John Boehner is a Tea Party shark that doesn’t care for the consensus or consideration of United States voters. He is the result of gerrymandering and will remain in place because of gerrymandering due to the state-to-state trend of choking the legislatures with heinous rules that have been put into place by the Tea Party majorities to keep power on their side.

D: Man! What about Republicans and these 39 Democrats and President Clinton?

M: Dude! It’s important to keep in mind that President Clinton has spoken out himself like these 39 Democrats voted and that he and they must be studied thoroughly daily and dismissed coherently. They are tomorrow’s bigots and their treachery will go down as the cruelest divide ever made within the Democratic Party leadership.

D: Man! Why?

M: Dude! The 39 Democrats and President Clinton before them, have essentially spoken out against Obamacare because the Affordability Care Act is for the poor and disenfranchised as well as the middle and working classes, which means economic mobilization that is unacceptable for the top 2% of society’s wealthiest. President Clinton probably accepted a down payment on another Manhattan or Martha’s Vineyard residence or timeshare in exchange for democratic principles.

D: Man! What democratic principles are we talking about here?

M: Dude! Look at Mike Bloomberg. Bloomberg is exiting the stage and Bill de Blasio is just starting his crusade for economic parity in the Big Apple. Both guys are showing respect and both know the other’s antics, vices, and triumphs. They appear not to suffer complexes and competitiveness, as President Clinton obviously shows in his day-to-day and night-after-night soul deterioration.

D: Man! I choose to differ there! I think the competiveness can be a source for greater tenacity to combat the problems that face the world and those who are on the lower rungs of the economic ladder and needing a hand up to be at least near the center or middle. And, I also think that President Clinton’s rotting from within with jealousy, the gravest disease. I don’t care how many cigar parlor invites he accepts to entertain those who will prove profitable in the long run for his organizations and self. President Clinton is entrenched in racism and taking the 39 defecting Democrats down the pathway to zero chance of regaining or keeping their positions in the House.

M: Dude! I think Tea Party Republicans are deliberately causing the enrollment problems with Obamacare in states like the ones the 39 Democrat defectors represent. And I also believe that President Obama’s policies and procedures will be plagiarized and redistributed under different names by the next two presidents, as President Bill Clinton and the GOP once again court each other in the West Wing for their own sake.

D: Man! The Tea Party already has a plagiarist wing inside its leadership and it is Senator Rand Paul and his staffers. And, then again, there are not a lot of scriptwriters in the Tea Party. Instead, there are terribly recorded messages that each member of the Tea Party must memorize and state over and over again like a broken record as they do. But I think the Congressional Tea Party members are straightforward to the point that they even rehearse the deletions and the repetitions that come with their signature audiocassette.      

M: Dude! I think the Republican and Democratic leadership in Congress is trying to postpone everything during the Obama Administration because they are convinced they have the cheating tactics perfected that will lead to another big win for the Republicans in 2014 and yet another excuse for the majority of Democrats to swing towards Bill Clinton’s brand of centrist racist politics that he has been attempting to inject into the American conscience since candidate Obama and candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton faced off in the presidential primaries.

D: Man! Bill Clinton is a centrist racist politico? That in itself is enough to warrant a crisis inside the Democratic Party for 2014 because I think Bill Clinton is willing to inject his propaganda of hate and resentment in all out warfare that the Republican Party is fully informed about and basing their victory in the 2014 midterm elections on so quietly while feigning false images of themselves as being concerned about the sexual assault and rape victims inside the United States Military.   

M: Dude! I cringe when New York’s junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand tends to smile throughout press conferences about sexual assault and rape inside the United States military. But then I remember that Senator Gillibrand was a Blue Dog conservative Democrat while serving as a United States Representative and that she took Hillary Rodham Clinton’s senate seat when Rodham Clinton became Secretary of State for the Obama Administration.  

D: Man! Are you implying that even a Blue Dog conservative Democrat would inherit the curse of foolishly smiling at inappropriate moments?

M: Dude! Certainly! Inappropriate and forced rationalizing comprises the new millennium conservatism. Representative Gillibrand was very conservative since her upstate New York District 20 constituents happen to be very conservative. Senator Gillibrand is considered progressive, but I have my reservations. I think she is a calculating lawyer who can argue on both sides of the political spectrum, but flawed nonetheless in her unpredictability and lack of commitment to either side.   

D: Man! Who are you with, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri or Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, on the issue of sexual assault and rape being placed outside of the chain of command inside the military, or not, by Congress?

M: Dude! If it means taking a side, I would choose to agree with Claire McCaskill because of a Gillibrand technicality that I find potentially life-threatening for our soldiers. You see, Gillibrand is willing to drop some parts of the amendment she is proposing to take prosecuting sexual assault and rape out of the chain of command that is, eventually, the Pentagon.

D: Man! What parts to her amendment is she willingly dropping?

M: Dude! Senator Gillibrand is constantly changing the specifics of her amendment. Now she is willing to take out entirely the part concerning prosecuting for murder and theft inside the military. I think murder and theft ought to remain included within the chain of command but with the insight that Claire McCaskill brings to the table.  

D: Man! How come?

M: Dude! If prosecuting sexual assault and rape are taken out of the chain of command, but not murder and theft, the setbacks will be even more hazardous to the safety and health of our soldiers, male and female. Specifically, the sexual predators inside the United States military will just choose to murder their victims and utilize theft to wipe out evidence completely.

D: Man! So the theft and murder exclusion make the Gillibrand argument weak? And Claire McCaskill is far more realistic? So, technically, murder, theft and sexual assault and rape ought to be left in place as is in the chain of command? McCaskill’s the one with the better resolution because of her sound experiences as a sex crimes prosecutor, but most of all, her sincerity towards the victims that Gillibrand, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, and filmmakers are exploiting over and over again in their careers of self-service.

M: Dude! I’ve had it with the exploiters’ insincerities!

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