Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Man! Dude! Session #229: "I've gone through a lot in my life to now become hostile to hostility."

(M)an: Dude! Are you going to early vote anytime soon? The last day to cast an early ballot is this Friday. The main issue for US in Tarrant County is the Fort Worth Independent School District’s Bond Election.  

(D)ude: Man! Where does State Senator Wendy Davis stand on the issue and what about US Representative Kay Granger?

M: Dude! I called Wendy Davis’s local and state office and Kay Granger’s local and national office, but I did not get but referrals from either one of their staffers. This concerns me because Wendy Davis’s staffers were not hesitant but just unknowing, while Kay Granger’s staffers were hesitant and not unknowing.

D: Man! So what exactly is this Bond Election of the Fort Worth ISD?

M: Dude! There are three propositions, all three agreeing to allocate an estimated $489.9 million to the upgrading of Fort Worth Public Schools. Proposition I consists of building  and expanding campuses throughout Tarrant County while bringing district-wide pre-K into the mainstream as well as Wi-Fi accessibility study rooms.

D: Man! How about Propositions II and III?

M: Dude! Prop II involves funding two distinct academies. First off there will be a Performing and Fine Arts Academy and next a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, or simply STEM Academy. Prop III will be directed towards non-construction items, which means periodic betterment via replacing or replenishing school buses, musical instruments, uniforms, and fixtures. You can read about all three props online and decide for yourself whether or not you’re willing to forfeit 2 Happy Meals a week at McDonald’s or if you desire to indulge in junk food that isn’t even good for the most part thereafter, because homeowners will be taxed $2.50 monthly. That is, if your home falls within the $115,000 and up range.

D: Man! Wow! Or you could forfeit two Big Macs at McDonald’s and choose to live on healthy alternatives packed into a brown bag every day by hand alongside a couple of bottled waters from Aldi. But, you know, there are a lot of folks who come to Aldi daily for lunch? Many just happened to not have time to prepare meals whenever and I did the same a few days back myself and bought some really affordable lunch meats and bread.

M: Dude! The Fort Worth ISD website has titled the link to the bond information as the Capital Improvement Program, or CIP.

D: Man! There are individually boxed single serving salads available at Aldi as well that are freshly packed and better tasting than any salad you will ever find at a fast food restaurant.

M: Dude! Where were you yesterday? I called at least twice around midday and your answering machine came on every time.

D: Man! I was at the Resale Shoppe on Cabaret Boulevard and witnessed yet another severe instance of prejudice towards a person of color. This time it was a Hispanic American woman trying to donate 
books to the Shoppe.

M: Dude! You went there even after what the employees and owners of that particular resale store did to that African American twenty-something woman?

D: Man! I overheard that the Resale Shoppe is expanding and was curious to see whether the prejudicial establishment of yesterday was still managing the store. And they are, did you know? Well, their next generation of whitewashed souls, that is. There was a mid twenties or early thirties White American male in a red apron who couldn’t resist intimidating the Hispanic American woman as she placed the finest literature on the shelf.

M: Dude! You should have stood up for her! What kind of a person are you?

D: Man! The kind of person who helped the woman by placing the books on the shelf, and then reassuring her that I could do the entire shopping cart full of impeccably placed masterworks. Charities in Fort Worth, Texas are cruel and insensitive towards those they say they are trying to help. I believe that resale shop establishment actually boxes up the good reads donated to them and then when the boxes are overflowing with books, they sell the boxes worth of books for profit to places specializing in half price or discounted sales  of books.  

M: Dude! That African American woman from earlier was accused wrongly of stealing and actually was told to empty the contents of her purse, which she did, and leave the store with the promise to never return again despite her innocence and those unforgettable tearful eyes. At that time, there was an auburn hair middle-aged woman who always loved to don some of the jewelry pieces donated to the resale store by actual Middle Easterners who believed their precious belongings would go to Middle Easterners who were struggling to make it in the United States.

D: Man! What about that Black Church matron who came in to donate her entire porcelain Black doll collection in hopes that an African American family would buy and enjoy them at the Resale Shoppe? Remember how White American upper class women took possession of every one of those dolls?

M: Dude! Are we White Americans really that cruel and inconsiderate?

D: Man! There is another, second, Resale Shoppe on Cabaret Boulevard that had designated a female employee to run one of the registers. She too hammered at not just African American women, but all minority women in fact. I overheard she got out one of those markers that highlights the strip necessary on a $5.00 bill to be deemed legitimate currency. Whenever she got Hispanic American women shoppers, she would get her marker out and deem every bill in their possession unredeemable. She would ask, “Where did you get these bills?” and the women, many times African Americans as well, would list out stores like local drug or grocery store chains.

D: Man! I know her! She’s always intimidating female minorities by taking out her highlighter and impeding the wait time in the line so that people begin to shuffle and tell whoever she has targeted at 
that time to move along and get going.

M: Dude! That second Resale Shoppe also has stopped placing every book that comes in onto shelves. I have been told they too hoard boxes worth of books, sometimes brand new editions of customary classics, in the back of their warehouse so that they can too sell the books meant for those facing hard times to the half price and discounted bookstores.

D: Man! That is tragic. But what’s the most tragic is how those who are down on their luck aren’t being treated to the buying opportunities that donors to stores like that first Resale Shoppe and that second Resale Shoppe believe they are making available.

M: Dude! These stores are now selling discards that they were not able to sell to their own underground patrons. It is sad. Imagine all the financially disadvantaged children and their parents not being able to fully enjoy the extent to which unknowing donors go to give them the best mint conditioned goods which are pretty much auctioned off in special sales to those who are wanting to make a profit and not give those sometimes priceless works to the general struggling public.

D: Man! That guy with the red apron was really very rude. He actually said to the highly dignified Hispanic book donor with indignation, “Whatever you can fit on the shelf we will take. However, you can take back the rest because we have more than we need in boxes in the backroom.”

M: Dude! What did she say?

D: Man! It’s something I’ll never forget. She looked at me and said, “I’ve gone through a lot in my life to now become hostile to hostility.”

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