Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Supreme Court Male Injustices

(D)ude: Man! Are my eyes crossed?

(M)an: Dude! Are you suffering double vision?

D: Man! No! Should I be necessarily suffering from double vision if my eyes are indeed crossed?

M: Dude! Well, I think that would depend upon the direction your pupils take as a pair. If you are seeing through a vortex of confusion and your headaches from what looks to you like the bridge of your nose and face, you’ve probably got your eyes crossed at one particular focal point in the exact center of your face.

D: Man! I’m not experiencing any vortex of confusion, but I am seeing the exact image of you next to an exact match. What could that mean?

M: Dude! That would probably be an indicator that your pupils are randomly offset with no particular point of interest. Wait a minute- didn’t you just share that you were not suffering from double vision?

D: Man! I’m confused!

M: Dude! Take two ibuprofens.

D: Man! Why?

M: Dude! You’re experiencing and suffering a migraine!

D: Man! Why?

M: Dude! You’ve probably been trying to comprehend how the Supreme Court can be bought a second time. Just look at the way they have basically chosen to weaken and jeopardize the American voter by striking out the federal oversight component in the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

D: Man! Why? Chief Justice Roberts believed in disenfranchising the already disenfranchised in the Citizens United ruling that gave corporate thugs like Mitt Romney the right to declare to audiences that corporations were people too.

M: Dude! Chief Justice Roberts wants to pull rabbits out of President Lincoln’s top hat and distribute them to his fellow majority assenters Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito, and Kennedy for preparations for the apocalyptic end of Civil Rights that they have set into motion due to out-of-date data that the 1965 Voting Rights Act cites as the basis for its argument. And all five male men also suffer from a god complex that only physicians like the Koch Brothers or Sheldon Adelson can assess and treat with “Papa” John Schnatter’s bigoted “better” pizzas.

D: Man! And what about the Supreme Court’s ruling against tribal sovereignty by sending yet another case, this time concerning the non-Indian couple who raised a 3/256th Cherokee child named Baby Veronica for the first 27 months of her life before her father came into the picture and challenged the arrangement?

M: Dude! The Supreme Court sided with the non-Indian couple. But, keep in mind, that the Indian Child Welfare Act prevented tribal children from being taken away by predominantly White social services agencies, primarily churches like the Latter-day Saints.

D: Man! Sounds to me like the Supreme Court males really want to clobber every piece of legislation that is going on for forty years on the crux that the data have changed and we aren’t the same United States as 40 years ago. Yet, the United States Congress has yet to sufficiently fund the reservation programs and similar interventions benefitting the desperate and suffering Native American tribes even into the present day!

M: Dude! Gregory Wayne Abbott, the Texas Attorney General, reinstated the Voter ID Law in Texas immediately after the Supreme Court ruling suspended federal approval and restraints to prevent GOP state legislatures from redistricting and issuing hurdles in the way of minorities, especially the African American and Hispanic American communities from being able to cast a ballot.

D: Man! Sounds to me that there’s a methodical cycle of injustices being handed down by the Supreme Court male justices! In fact, if the data is too old for the continued implementation of basic civil rights legislation, than I think it is fair game to dissect the indiscretions of the male justices of the Supreme Court, beginning with the rehashing of Justice Clarence Thomas’s sexual harassment pastimes.

M: Dude! Anita Hill is a heroic woman and I respect her decision to come forward with the issue of sexual harassment in the workforce. But I see what you mean, that Clarence Thomas got such clearance and an eventual confirmation and seat on the Supreme Court, yet he had been a hellishly despicable pervert/supervisor at the Department of Education and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.    

D: Man! Who is responsible for keeping data up-to-date anyways?

M: Dude! The Supreme Court would like Congress to take such action, but with such inadequate bumpkins like John Boehner and Eric Cantor and Mitch McConnell, what can you expect? I overheard that Speaker John Boehner has lost his handle on preschool fundamentals like tying shoestrings and that he’s got a couple of ladies running around him that keep track that Boehner not forget to knot his ties.

D: Man! The Supreme Court Male sure is an incendiary creature deserving his own cage at the National Zoo!

M: Dude! How would the Supreme Court Male be kept engaged at the National Zoo?

D: Man! Give them ties to knot and recorders to record data minute-by-minute. Unless, that is, you want the Supreme Court Male to dismiss everything after forty years of human sacrifice! These male specimens are ruthless and undeserving the attentions of primatologists!

M: Dude! The midterms are here and the unfathomably inept and unfit Republican status quo is infiltrating American democracy by bringing stacks of unread documents to the Capitol steps and honking out a bullish melodramatic tune from the 1980s: I don’t want to work. I want to bang the drum all day!

D: Man! That’s a 1983 song from Todd Rundgren! Thirty years old! Wow! Ten years from now, the Supreme Court Male will be dismissing that tune from public conscience as well!

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