Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Kehkashan's Evidence, via Aunt Pledge Tones, that Hamlet was a First Feminist in English Literature, Addressing the Injustices Women Faced In Relations with Men

Aunt Pledge Tones & Kehkashan Nigel-Wright… Tuesday, September 13, 2016…

(K)ehkashan: You know what, Aunt Pledge?

(P)ledge Tones: And what is that, Love?

(K)ehkashan: Former Democratic Governor of Maryland Martin O’Malley is capable of redirecting practically anybody to the side of justice and coherence, including Kristen Welker on MSNBC yesterday afternoon. I was telling Papa and Daddy this morning about how MSNBC has been hijacked by the folks at Fox News and the terrible reigns of Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, and an equally incompetent, perverse, bush-league Republican Party.  

(P)ledge Tones: The International Press Corps is very heavily favoring Donald Trump as are numerous polls. Be very careful of taking any news source seriously and encourage as many of the adults around you to vote for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, 2016. I believe the deadlines to register to vote in person and/or online begin as early as September 24, 2016 and October 11, 2016.  

(K)ehkashan: You can Google search the terms “voter registration” and be taken immediately to voter registration guidelines in your state right then and there. It is simple, but does everybody in the United States have equal access to the Internet? That is the question! Do people really understand the gravity of this presidential election cycle and the threats to American Democracy standing in the wake of a despicable hustler like Donald Trump and today’s Republican Party taking over the White House and Congress on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, 2016?

(P)ledge Tones: You mentioned four women yesterday in the field of journalism that were misleading generations of women and girls into believing the myth of success through objectification of their bodies and even had read an article on high end prostitution trends. Are you still upset and how exactly have you reconciled with this obviously paralyzing social construct being embodied so obscenely by the American Press Corps and the status quo’s scatological frontrunner Donald Trump?  

(K)ehkashan: Tina Brown seriously believes that Donald Trump is outside the status quo and married another woman’s husband herself to climb to the top of the career ladder. Just like how Arianna Huffington is seriously promoting ambitious women and girls to accept sleeping around to get what they want in their professions. Huffington’s obsession with every professional getting plenty of sleep and providing rest areas for Huffington Post employees to get their share of catnaps throughout grueling workdays, makes me fear the inevitability of the culture of the casting couch returning to workplaces in gigantic leaps if Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, and Roger Ailes are handed the White House and the United States Congress remains in the hands of their Republican Party’s plundering incompetents, Arianna Huffington’s party of choice of course. Arianna Huffington married in order to climb to the top of the career ladder too!     

(P)ledge Tones: Arianna Huffington’s really promoting her sleep revolution but not personal revelations like that, is she?

(K)ehkashan: Women like Arianna Huffington and Tina Brown are elephants in the room, while men like Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump are pigs with lipstick. I’d like eighteen-year-old women and their peers to register and vote for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine in this critical election cycle. Faustian pacts with the devil, that kind of sacrifice for power and material gain that women like Arianna Huffington and Tina Brown made in their youth to the men in their lives, are unfeasible in the new millennium and to my generation of strongminded girls! We kick hard, but refuse to have our human rights violated and infringed upon like a can being kicked over and over again down that perilous road of indignity and whoredom! Enough is enough!

(P)ledge Tones: Faustian pacts with the devil made by women in the last millennium for power and material gain frightened me too. You know, my college roommate and I walked over to the campus bookstore at Baylor University after the first day of classes concluded back in the fall of 1996. It got dark really fast since it seemed everybody decided to congregate at the bookstore that first day of school that descended so easily into conversant nightfall. Shelley and I were both freshmen, but you should have seen the desperation with which Shelley conducted and carried herself around our male counterparts. It was frightening!

(K)ehkashan: How did you get back to your dorm as Shelley made a fool of herself?

(P)ledge Tones: Let’s just say that I insisted upon taking Shelley back to our dorm with the help of fellow dorm mates.

(K)ehkashan: Rachel and Jenny? Was Shelly inebriated?

(P)ledge Tones: You remember very well! Yes, and no. Rachel and Jenny and I walked Shelley back to our dormitory, but Shelley was not under the influence of anything, just hammered on making amorous advances towards whatever male colleague gave her the slightest eye contact or bleakest smile.

(K)ehkashan: How can you respect yourself and keep your dignity intact after doling on men as Shelley did or as Tina Brown and Arianna Huffington had done way, way before Shelley and you had ever arrived as freshmen at Baylor University twenty years ago?  

(P)ledge Tones: To be or not to be? That is the question!

(K)ehkashan: William Shakespeare’s Hamlet! Act III, Scene I! To become or not to become embed into whoredom? That is for a woman to inquire!

(P)ledge Tones: To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them. To die, to sleep; no more; and by sleep to say we end the heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to, ‘tis a consummation devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep; to sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub; for in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause, there’s the respect for that makes calamity of so long life; for who would bear the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely, the pangs of despised love, the law’s delay, the insolence of office, and the spurns of that patient merit of the unworthy takes, when he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin?

(K)ehkashan: Hillary Clinton must reenter the political arena for the sake of the lives of girls and women everywhere, across continents, oceans, and TIME!!! She mustn’t hesitate in utilizing a wheelchair in her recovery from obvious dehydration and the onerous effects of unmitigated sufferings from climate change, thanks to an inept Republican Majority in both houses of the United States Congress! Papa came down with a severe spell of bronchitis that took him three weeks to fully recover from, but that did not stop him from working from home the entire time.


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