Thursday, May 19, 2016

Feel the Bern: We the 98%ers who get roused into wars by the 2% and then discarded once we return home.

Man! Dude! Session #400

(M)an: Dude! Hillary Clinton cannot deceive Democratic and Independent voters by assisting the Republican Party to win the American presidency in November!

(D)ude: Man! Hillary Clinton and the equally-deceptive Democratic National Committee are planning to finance violence at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this summer. Political cheats Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Harry Reid, and Chuck Schumer have destroyed the Democratic Party and the Democratic platform.

M: Dude! You do know why? Because Hillary Clinton’s taken money from the Koch Brothers and Chuck Schumer’s taken money from Sheldon Adelson, therefore, Hillary Clinton too is aligned with Republican donors through her guarded and undisclosed Super-PAC dark money.

D: Man! Hillary Clinton’s campaign website mentions nothing relating to her foreign policy stances and that is disturbing. It’s like Hillary Clinton doesn’t believe everyday people can discern foreign policy issues. Her website lists superficial stances of hers regarding a domestic agenda for the country, but there is no mention of a path forward abroad.

M: Dude! Hillary Clinton and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer traversed the skies of New York City in a helicopter following the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks. Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer were the two senators of New York State then, and have never brought up the fact of the bank heist that took place on the ground floor of one of the Twin Towers depleting over a billion dollars that tragic morning that could have been distributed amongst the victims of the terrorist attacks. Instead, it is 2016 and the Senate Bill—introduced by supposed Democrat Chuck Schumer and Republican John Cornyn of Texas, demanding the right for the families of victims of the 9/11/01 attacks to sue Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar for damages ensued fifteen years ago—has passed the United States Senate and Senator Chuck Schumer has promised to override President Obama’s veto.   

D: Man! Clearly, Chuck Schumer is a Teabag Democrat as is Hillary Clinton. The two colleagues are revealing Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy agenda by going against the hard work and growing success in building coalitions across the globe of the current Secretary of State John Kerry. Hillary Clinton has stated she is prepared to work alongside Chuck Schumer, but the two are clearly aligned with Republican Party sentiment promoting a third world war against the Gulf Cooperation Council countries of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman. You know, Hillary Clinton is targeting the region because she is a ruthless warmonger just like the Republican Party, even more so now that she is receiving money from the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson, who is financing Chuck Schumer’s meteoric rise as the Teabag Democrats’ leader in the United States Senate.  

M: Dude! Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are working for the same agents of Armageddon in Asia. Hillary Clinton’s only agenda for US is to fight an unnecessary war that will require a military draft since we will refuse sending our own sons and daughters into this theatre of warfare, just like during the Vietnam War. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the 2% and therefore their grandchildren will be exempt from, hence immune to, such devastating circumstances. Ivanka Trump’s daughter will be attending the University of Pennsylvania and Chelsea Clinton’s daughter will be attending Stanford Universityo, while our daughters and nieces will be coming to terms with issues such as military drafts, rape in the military and/or conflict zones, wounds that will be addressed in a terribly twentieth-century manner because of the privatizing of Veterans Administration. Homelessness amongst women returning from the military will be exasperated and Walter Reed Army Medical Center will be plummeted into scandals of neglect like it was during the George Walker Bush Administration.

D: Man! The Washington Post and the entire American Press Corps will be distributing Pulitzer Prizes and Edward R. Murrow awards for best investigative journalism for stories that never had to be in the first place! You see, the people in the United States have had enough of these warmongers like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and the American Press Corps. The people are not choosing war as an option, it is always thrust upon them by the Republican Party and the Democratic Teabags. The most democratic news in the world is on social media sites like Twitter, where people from all over the globe filter the news according to their everyday realities. If Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton win the American presidency, both will create blackouts of online sites that dare to speak the truth of the day, like Twitter and Blogger. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are one and the same. The former claims to be a billionaire businessman while the latter disclaims that she and her husband’s foundation and initiatives are billion dollar endeavors.  

M: Dude! No wonder Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump do not want US to “Feel the Bern!”

D: Man! Yes! They want Bernie Sanders out of the race already and are infiltrating his rallies with inappropriate protestors that Hillary Clinton’s Super-PACs are financing.

M: Dude! “This land is my land. This land is your land. But go and try to tell that to Hillary Rodham!”

D: Man! Bernie’s followers are peaceful, blue collar intellectuals without the money of the 2%ers like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

M: Dude! Put two and two together and you find that Bernie’s followers are peaceful, blue collar intellectuals who have given $27 of their hard-earned money for a cause, not to Bernie Sanders.

D: Man! Bernie’s $27 contributors want to be able to breathe and don’t want to owe answers to their future generations about what they are faced with right now: A treacherous Hillary and Donald who have everything to gain through violence right now, Hillary willingly surrendering the presidency to Donald in order to obstruct not just the Democratic Platform, but the Democratic Party itself.

M: Dude! That’s right! Bernie’s blue-collar intellectuals like US have nothing to gain by becoming violent! You know, blue-collar intellectuals like US have learned the lessons of war with our wounded uncles and nephews who fought in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iraq. And what did we learn through their pain? That war is always fought by heroes, but once they return home to the United States, they are abandoned by the very people who rallied them to register and fight, the top earners in our society who do not want to implement a genuine GI Bill because of the threat of gaining competitive markets as a result of rehabilitated soldiers who may just exceed all expectations in business and outperform the current billionaire heirs like the Koch Brothers and the Trump Siblings.

D: Man! We are blue-collar intellectuals and Bernie Sanders is just our designated voice! We choose Bernie Sanders, we the 98%ers who get roused into wars by the 2% and then discarded once we return home.

M: Dude! Never again! Never again! Never again!

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