Sunday, January 31, 2016

Vote Bernie Sanders

Vote for the Democrats or suffer more Flints in the future of US

(D)ude: Man! Our brothers and sisters in Iowa need to realize what is happening in these primaries. Things are not what they seem with the Republican Party. Things never are what they seem with the Republican Party. Does anybody in the United States of America know that all the politicians representing the Republican Party in this election cycle are descendants of the George Herbert Walker Bush or George Walker Bush Administrations?

(M)an: Dude! That’s true! Donald Trump lost the opportunity to become Herbert Walker 41’s running mate in 1988 to Dan Quayle. You know, I would also flounce my political affiliation from right to left and then center and, finally, left to right, if I were as hungry about being a Manhattanite real estate maharaja.

D: Man! His father’s real estate ventures in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island in New York City were too base-born. Plus, if you read about the foreclosure in Cincinnati, Ohio of the Swifton Village apartment complex, you get a feel for what Donald John Trump the presidential forerunner right now will be focused on during a Jeb Bush presidential term, that is if the Republican Party allows him to live until then. I’m convinced that Donald Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee with Jeb Bush as his running mate.

M: Dude! What are you talking about? Have you been reading Karl Rove’s latest manifesto on the William McKinley presidency from 1896 to 1901?

D: Man! Karl Rove is seriously deciding between whether to have the House of Representatives decide the 2016 election or have an assassination instead. Clearly, the Republicans are onto just creating trouble and tantrums amongst its candidates, instead of focusing on policies effecting everyday middle and working classes. Concerning the Swifton Village apartment complex in Cincinnati, Ohio, did you know that Trump’s greatest peeve are welfare recipients?   

M: Dude! You have been reading Karl Rove!

D: Man! Have not! I’ve been reading about white flight in the Bond Hill, Cincinnati neighborhood that includes the Swifton Village apartment complex. Looks like everything was going great for the predominantly white establishment until the 1960s. Trump’s father bought the Swifton Village apartment complex for half a million dollars in 1962, after the property foreclosed, and then went on to sell it for somewhere around six million in 1972. And get this: In 1969, a black male prospective buyer was turned away when he tried to purchase an apartment in that very complex, being told there were none vacated at the time of his inquiry.         

M: Dude! Did the man try to pursue a case against the apartment complex? Did he find out whether or not they were lying?

D: Man! He sought the help of a nonprofit agency that’s still in existence today, Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Greater Cincinnati, Inc., or simply known as HOME, successfully suing the apartment complex for discrimination after an undercover white couple went to the complex, made an inquiry, and were given the heads up with regards to whether there was an available vacancy.  

M: Dude! What about Donald Trump’s greatest peeve being welfare recipients?

D: Man! The Donald J. Trump avenue for doing business involves the wealthy and rich, who reside in the real estate mogul’s New York City palisades.

M: Dude! I know where you’re headed! Donald J. Trump does base-born deals on the side with real estate that is already foreclosed, or with too-high mortgages, hence, facing inevitable foreclosure; and then rehabilitates that real estate with his eye for architecture and landscaping, and sells it at profit before his next hit.

D: Man! Sounds familiar to what Governor Abbott’s Republican cronies are doing across the DFW Metroplex?

M: Dude! Yes! Across the DFW Metroplex, independent businesses belonging to minorities are being thrown out of their established premises with rents that are at an all time high. Greg Abbott’s Republican cronies—including Jeb’s son George Prescott Bush, the Texas Land Commissioner—are adopting a Trump-scale blistering for the DFW Metroplex! They are removing minority-run businesses from prime real estate locales, which they’re planning to demolish and rebuild into high end retail complexes.

D: Man! That’s a really asinine move by Greg Abbott and his Republican cronies! Don’t they know by now how President George Walker Bush’s former communications director Nicolle Wallace wears high end ready-to-wear clothes? She’s constantly hiding the designer tags attached to her attire on MSNBC’s Morning Joe!

M: Dude! That’s true! Nicolle Wallace does buy and return her wardrobe pieces! She’s the culprit at Neiman Marcus responsible for the tattered designer clothes on the department store’s hangers! Of course, I bet she purchases her returnables online, which would not be as evident as appearing in person to return as many items as she does!

D: Man! And the Reverend Al Sharpton boldly confuses his followers and listeners by insisting there is no reason to vote in the 2016 presidential primaries and on Election Day, November 8, 2016! Doesn’t he know of the independent minority businesses suffering in the DFW Metroplex because of all time high rents!

M: Dude! Does the Reverend Al Sharpton not grasp the scope of the trouble we’re going to be faced with if we get a Republican president? National Action Network’s a really great organization, but hasn’t Reverend Sharpton forgotten the common man’s plight? Has he no idea that the Republicans are all in it to win together, that if Jeb Bush wins the presidency come fall, Chris Christie’s already ready to take on the role of the United States Attorney General? Wake up, Reverend Sharpton, add a little protein to your daily salads and rethink your stance concerning there being no reason to vote.  

D: Man! The people of Iowa addressed their concerns for the declining moose populations across Iowa with Jeb Bush’s Ohioan presidential surrogate John Kasich and Kasich did not have an answer and resorted to his vulgar sense of humor, insisting that he would be sleeping with the stuffed toy moose, given to him as a souvenir, next to him that night. 

M: Dude! Forget moose, there won’t be a working or middle class in Iowa if there’s a Republican in the White House! John McCain, Mitt Romney, and now the six-dolt-candidacy of Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump, all want to reengage in twentieth-century warfare abroad and a graver Great Depression at home. With the Great Depression, they will be able to wipe out enough of the middle and working classes, not to mention just about all Americans facing poverty.     

D: Man! Why? Can’t they see the pattern of intellectual degeneration in the Romney and Bush family dynasties from generation to generation? The nepotism they engage as part of the 2% is already showing signs of declining IQs [intelligence quotient] and plunging EQs [emotional quotient]. But they do not care to listen to the sciences, thus artificial selection and natural selection edicts do not apply to them with their propagation bias in favor of scriptural commandments.

M: Dude! We’ve got to protect our cultural heritage right now by participating in the primaries and mobilizing the Democrats into the White House. Bernie Sanders is of the people and by the people; Hillary Rodham Clinton is for the people; and Martin O’Malley’s just a great all-around, preeminent proponent of building clean energy infrastructures to gradually shift US from being entirely reliant on the fossil fuels industry without abandoning our working and middle classes while mobilizing our brothers and sisters facing poverty.

D: Man! Undecided? Vote Democrat! We cannot afford to lose so much by not voting and being faced with in consequence the Republican Party, our future generations cursing us for not caucusing and casting a ballot for the Democratic ticket in 2016! The Democrats will address, not dodge, the issues, including the declining moose populations across Iowa!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"...all... are created equal and shall not starve." Kurt Vonnegut (11 November 1922 - 11 April 2007).

(M)an: Dude! There’s an exclusive club for growth comprised of the Teabag Democrats, and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s involvement with this underground organization becomes apparent when she cannot guarantee that she will incorporate Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley into her administration if she becomes the forty-fifth president of the United States. Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley would do onto her that which she doth not want to do onto them.

(D)ude: Man! It is a crucial hypothetical in the Democratic race for the nomination this year. The primaries can be so much more gratifying to American voters if Hillary Rodham Clinton would stop her husband’s foolish rant against socialism. Bernie Sanders is a secular humanist and folks need only to read Kurt Vonnegut’s A Man Without a Country to know the truth about the issues of the day, because although published in 2005, Vonnegut’s observations of the American political process at home and abroad under the neoconservative Republican President George Walker Bush still stand through the test of time.

M: Dude! There are some timeless lines in Vonnegut’s work, which especially ring true today.

D: Man! President Bill Clinton needs to reread page 10 in the latest paperback edition, where Vonnegut states judiciously,

“Most Americans don’t know what the socialists did during the first half of the past century with art, with eloquence, with organizing skills, to elevate the self-respect, the dignity and political acumen of American wage earners, of our working class.

That wage earners, without social position or higher education or wealth, are of inferior intellect is surely belied by the fact that two of the most splendid writers and speakers on the deepest subjects in American history were self-taught workmen. I speak, of course, of Carl Sandburg the poet from Illinois, and Abraham Lincoln of Kentucky, then Indiana, and finally Illinois.”

M: Dude! Kurt Vonnegut brings up Christianity too in his discussion of socialism! What was it that he said? I believe it was something to do with the similarities in essence of both Christianity as religion and socialism as philosophy, no?

D: Man! Page 11! Kurt Vonnegut writes,

““Socialism” is no more an evil word than “Christianity.” Socialism no more prescribed Joseph Stalin and his secret police and shuttered churches than Christianity prescribed the Spanish Inquisition. Christianity and socialism alike, in fact, prescribe a society dedicated to the proposition that all men, women, and children are created equal and shall not starve.

Adolf Hitler, incidentally, was a two-fer. He named his party the National Socialists, the Nazis. Hitler’s swastika wasn’t a pagan symbol, as so many people believe. It was a working person’s Christian cross, made of axes, of tools.

About Stalin’s shuttered churches, and those in China today: Such suppression of religion was supposedly justified by Karl Marx’s statement that “religion is the opium of the people.” Marx said that back in 1844, when opium and opium derivatives were the only effective painkillers anyone could take. Marx himself had taken them. He was grateful for the temporary relief they had given him. He was simply noticing, and surely not condemning, the fact that religion could also be comforting to those in economic or social distress. It was a casual truism, not a dictum.

When Marx wrote those words, by the way, we hadn’t even freed our slaves yet. Who do you imagine was more pleasing in the eyes of a merciful God back then, Karl Marx or the United States of America?”

M: Dude! I don’t get the crude generalizations about Bernie Sanders that the Clintons make. In fact, did you know that Plato defends a grand creator in his famous dialogue between Socrates and Ion? According to the modern translation by W.H.D. Rouse, Socrates declares to Ion the need to remain humble and defer onto a higher power, specifically,

For the poet is an airy thing, a winged and holy thing; and he cannot make poetry until he becomes inspired and goes out of his senses and no mind is left in him; so long as he keeps possession of this, no man is able to make poetry and chant oracles. Not by art, then, they make their poetry with all those fine things about all sorts of matters—like your speeches about Homer—not by art, but by divine dispensation; therefore, the only poetry that each one can make is what the Muse has pushed him to make, one ecstatic odes, one hymns of praise, one songs for dance or pantomime, one epic, one satiric iambic; in every other kind each one of them is a failure. For not by art do they speak these things, but by divine power, since if art taught them how to speak well in one kind, they could do it also in all other kinds. Therefore, God takes the mind out of poets, and uses them as his servants.   

D: Man! The seventh Republican debate tomorrow night on Fox News is being sensationalized foolishly by the American Press Corps. It’s just treacherous, pre-scripted nonsense coming our way over the airwaves. Donald J. Trump pulled out of the debate because he did not receive a pre-scripted dialogue sheet from Roger Ailes and Megyn Kelley or the Republican National Committee. Why didn’t Trump get a script of tomorrow night’s Republican debate?

M: Dude! The Republican GOP Tea Partiers want to place Jeb Bush in the White House in 2016. The Democratic Teabags want to place Hillary Rodham Clinton on the ballot against Jeb Bush for the purposes of her losing to another malevolent absolutist from the Bush dynasty. President Bill Clinton is misleading Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic Teabags are misleading the country, and Jeb Bush is going to be ushered into the White House with the cooperation of the GOP Tea and Democrat Teabags, the Bushes being the leaders of the former and the Clintons being the leaders of the latter.  

D: Man! But why didn’t Trump get a script of tomorrow night’s Republican debate?

M: Dude! The other candidates for the Republican Party nomination have their scripts memorized and do not welcome any abrupt last-minute changes to their dialogue! Plus, the pre-scripts are all targeted against Donald J. Trump’s success as a nominee thus far. The other candidates for the Republican nomination are ready to chew Trump up in their rigmarole and spit him out of the lead in the polls.  

D: Man! Talk about dishonesty! What treacherous, pre-scripted nonsense! The Bush family dynasty and President Bill Clinton are outrageous! They calculated the Democrat losses in 2010 and 2014! And Megyn Kelly created the bogus pre-scripted drama with Trump in return for becoming the cover story inside and cover girl on Vanity Fair [Magazine]. 

M: Dude! Feel the Bern! Vote for Bernie Sanders! Look at me! I’ve been physically sick for two weeks since discovering Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brazenness in wanting to lose the election to Jeb Bush! But I’ve pulled through the vomiting and upset stomach!

D: Man! The moderators should be changed for tomorrow night’s debate. Talk about corruption! The Republican Party is at its sleaziest right now! The Republican Tea Partiers had scripted a televised gang-up on Trump by the other candidates, and now Trump has dropped out to do a competing fundraiser involving wounded veterans. And, get this: Trump’s competition is deciding whether to ditch the debate for the fundraiser as well!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Corroded Corruption & GOP's RGA

(D)ude: Man! Fortunately, Flint, Michigan’s mayor, Karen Williams Weaver, is a Democrat elected to the position on November 9, 2015. Otherwise, I don’t think the water contamination crisis would have surfaced as it has, Mayor Weaver diligently declaring a city emergency once in office and seeking emergency declarations by state and federal officials, and securing one from the President of the United States Barack Obama, effectively transferring the responsibility for disaster relief from the state to the federal government.

(M)an: Dude! The Republican Governors Association is implementing mass killings across the United States with Flint, Michigan just one of several hard hit crises constructed by the RGA and the status quo’s supply-side economics hang-up to place blame upon the federal government specifically, whilst the Republican Party operatives in the 32 states with GOP governors have been busily helping themselves to their state’s finances and the finances provided to them by the federal government.       

D: Man! What sort of supply-side economics hang-up do the RGA and the status quo exhibit?

M: Dude! Well, many hang-ups actually! First, the RGA and the status quo believe in no regulations by government in a free market economy, and, secondly, they espouse Carthaginian Peace, the total destruction and degradation of an enemy force by the victor, or winner, as a way to resolve unrest, including warfare and subsequent enslavement of the defeated.

D: Man! In that case, wouldn’t fatigued workers working without a living wage be considered instances of class warfare and enslavement in the United States?  

M: Dude! All the more reason for American workers employed without a living wage to vote for the Democratic Party in the 2016 presidential elections. Face it, protests cannot singlehandedly wipe out the socioeconomic divide in the United States. One world. Last chance. One vote. 2016! Otherwise, the working and middle classes will have succumbed to the 2% and submitted the 98% of US to rest in peace!

D: Man! Speaking of supply-side economics enthusiasts like the RGA, how do they manage to take from the municipal, state, and federal levels of government?  

M: Dude! The Governor of Michigan from 1983 to 1991 was James Blanchard, a Democrat. Keep in mind that the last time Michigan had had a Democrat for governor was back in 1963. So James Blanchard, taking the reigns of governorship on January 1, 1983, embarked upon not just reducing the 1.7-billion-dollar deficit that he had inherited from previous administrations, but facing that challenge alongside plunges in federal aid availability. Governor Blanchard’s achievements included balancing the state budget every year for the eight years he was in office, and doing so while producing a surplus and encouraging small businesses; as well as establishing the first tuition guarantee program in 1986 for families to pre-purchase tuition at any public community college, university, or college in the State of Michigan, a model that is now popular across the United States. And in the case that the beneficiary was unable to attend or won a scholarship, the benefits are refundable or may be transferred to a sibling or first cousin of the beneficiary.   

D: Man! Oh! I get it! After Governor Blanchard balanced the budget consecutively and built the surplus that followed, the Republican who succeeded him obliterated accountability and it has been open season essentially with these emergency manager laws?

M: Dude! Not quite. The Republican who succeeded James Blanchard as governor of Michigan, John Engler, mismanaged the surplus through privatizing government services in the state—reducing the income tax while increasing sales tax; implementing welfare and education reforms that got rid of general welfare assistance for able-bodied adults; closed down state mental hospitals; and reshuffled environmental programs that he claimed were unaccountable and inefficient. Plus, it was Governor Engler who fought against organized labor in Michigan. He also enforced rules restricting the rights of school teachers to protest, specifically targeting strikes.  

D: Man! Privatizing government services and programs is just another route to hundreds of billions of dollars falling into the private sector comprised of financial institutions which gamble the hundreds of billions of dollars on Wall Street for their chief executive officers, like at Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs, and the public sector comprised exclusively of political chief executive officers like Jeb Bush (who worked at Lehman Brothers after having been governor of Florida, during which time he entrusted the investment bank with everything from pension funds for cops, teachers, and firefighters, to making additional investments in the bank’s mortgage-backed securities at expense to taxpayers since Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy in 2008) and Ted Cruz (whose wife continues to work at Goldman Sachs as he campaigns as a Canadian-born Jeb Bush presidential surrogate, as all the Republican candidates are, because they are intimately tied to either Bush 41 or Bush 43, a strategy being applied by Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and Reince Preibus for the purposes of ushering another Bush, this time the jabbering Jeb, and themselves into the White House for the pursuit of more oil infrastructures in the Middle East and Eurasia for the exclusive purposes of building their untaxed private wealth in the Cayman Islands or elsewhere outside the United States).   

M: Dude! Governor John Engler served three terms before being succeeded by Democrat Jennifer Granholm, who unsurprisingly inherited a 1.7-billion-dollar deficit from the preceding Republican administration as Democrat John Blanchard had had from the Republican administrations preceding his time in office.

D: Man! According to the International Business Times, Jeb Bush left Lehman Brothers for Barclays, a universal bank (with headquarters in London and assets totaling 2.42 trillion in US Dollars as of 2011) that took over the North American business concerns of Lehman Brothers when it declared bankruptcy in 2008. Soon thereafter, with the crude and blabbering Jeb Bush as an adviser, Barclays too began to suffer likewise. Already steeped in the controversies of financing apartheid government in South Africa during the 1970s and 1980s, and continuing to finance Robert Mugabe’s government in Zimbabwe—even today—despite Mugabe’s human rights abuses and the sanctions placed on Zimbabwe by the European Union, Barclays added onto its list of vices, according to the Guardian: tax avoidance schemes involving the Cayman Islands and tax havens in Africa; money laundering dating back to involving the financial transactions of the son of Equatorial Guinea’s president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo from 2004 to 2009; and financially backing Iranian cultural interests in the United States up until 2010 despite international sanctions prohibiting such transactions.

M: Dude! The world does not function as fluidly as is implied in sanctions because the countries sanctioned become isolated and vulnerable targets for predatory business interests such as the GOP Tea Partiers. The GOP Tea Partiers infiltrate the sanctioned nations financially by either bribing or threatening the leaders in nations like Iran by arming opposing political forces within the country.

D: Man! Governor Rick Snyder received words of encouragement from fellow Republican Jeb Bush today on ABC’s This Week. When inquired as to what he made of the water contamination crisis in Flint, Michigan, Jeb Bush insisted, “We’ve created this complex, no responsibility regulatory system where the federal government, the state government, a regional government, local and county governments are all pointing fingers at one another.” Jeb then went on to propose a “21st century system of rules; whenever you see a problem it should become public. There should be transparency instead of trying to cover it up.”

M: Dude! Jeb Bush is himself a contemptible, double-dealing monstrosity. Rick Snyder considers himself a “one tough nerd” on his Twitter account, but is nothing but a coldblooded killer.  

D: Man! Rick Snyder committed genocidal horrors in Flint, Michigan! He is the Mugabe of Flint, Michigan, and the Daniel Francois Malan of Detroit Public Schools!

M: Dude! I’m reminded of the Jonathan Kozol must-read from 2005 entitled The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America! According to Kozol on page 257,
“Legal actions on their own, as attorney Theodore Shaw observes, cannot create the ferment needed for a serious political upheaval, for a ‘movement,’ for ‘a mobilization,’ in the terms Orfield has described; and Shaw insists upon the need for activism outside of the legal process and preceding it. ‘In the Montgomery bus boycott,’ he notes, ‘litigation didn’t lead the movement. It came afterwards and served it… When lawyers think they can lead a movement in their role as lawyers, they are doomed to failure, because courts themselves are socially reactionary institutions,’ and he said he meant ‘reactionary’ in both of the common senses of that word. ‘Then, too, because the litigation process is so slow and so complex, it can turn activists into bystanders far too easily. Lawyers like Gandhi and Mandela can awaken and create a movement but not in their roles as lawyers. You need to create a climate of political momentum first. That, then, is the challenge.”

D: Man! Feel the Bern! Last chance! Vote in the Democratic Party presidential primaries! 2016!