Saturday, August 29, 2015

Misguided Nightfalls and the Days of Our Sell-out, Sold-out Lives

(M)an: Dude! High schoolers across the United States are opting out of attaining their education and enrolling into the Black Lives Matter Movement instead and are committing themselves to pacts of plausible gun violence next. 

(D)ude: Man! Black lives matter but Black Churches must come together!  

M: Dude! Yes! But how do you bring Black Churches together when in reality the NAACP and Black Democratic Caucus is infiltrated with Democratic Teabags who have sold their once brilliant causes for personal wealth and other favors by the GOP Tea Republicans?

D: Man! Of course! Reminds me of Elaine Brown’s memoir about the Black Panther Party and her role as its brief leader in the mid-1970s and onwards.  

M: Dude! Elaine Brown’s A Taste of Power: A Black Woman’s Story is a powerful testament to the importance of completing one’s education and using knowledge and modern oratory as part of campaigns for socioeconomic change within humanity, not an arsenal of guns.  

D: Man! Modern oratory is seriously lacking in the GOP Tea Republican field of candidates and the Teabag Democrats and the American Press Corps! How can you even assess children’s speech when the GOP Tea Republicans cannot muster a single sentence without a prescript?  

M: Dude! You’re absolutely onto something here! Chris Jansing of NBC and Jorge Ramos of Univision, and the Black Lives Matter founders and followers are missing authenticity in their messaging. Their moves are pre-scripted as well as the moves of the GOP Tea Republican candidates they follow on the campaign trail, like the crude and rude Jeb Bush and his medusa serpents (all the other GOP Tea Republican contenders for 2016). 

D: Man! The Black Lives Matter founders and followers are aligned with the neoconservative contenders of 2016! Why do they not take their belligerent agenda and protestations to Jeb Bush and those medusa serpents’ campaign rallies? Huh? 

M: Dude! Yeah! Why aren’t there any reports in the American Press Corps concerning this strange and dangerous phenomenon involving the Black Lives Matter Movement protesters only lashing out publicly against the progressive leaning presidential contenders in the race for 2016?

D: Man! The American Press Corps itself is a rotting pack of sell-outs, hence it leans heavily onto the neoconservative end of the political spectrum! 

M: Dude! Chris Jansing was in Estonia covering ground with Jeb Bush on June 13, 2015 and actually interviewed him for some time there, despite just days earlier having orchestrated a badly acted scene of contention between herself and Jeb Bush in Iowa on June 9, 2015. She asked Jeb Bush in Iowa a really terribly acted out pre-scripted question and answer in which he physically walks in front of her with his entourage of security guards and whoever else as she plays the journalist to his candidate.

D: Man! Jansing and Bush were and still are terrible actors. But that’s what you get when you’re neoconservative and acting out lamely pre-scripted acts of contention beforehand in the underground proxy government of the GOP Tea Republicans as contrived by Nixon and run by the Bush Family Dynasty males since then.

M: Dude! Univision’s Jorge Ramos is in tandem with the Bush Family Dynasty males as well. Look at the way he returned to the press floor on August 25, 2015 after playing out a really cheap episode of a soap opera rendition of charades with Donald Trump that involved Ramos being forced out of the news conference by Trump’s security personnel, supposedly against his will, only for him to be allowed back inside and given an another chance to question Trump once again.

D: Man! All My Children replaced with All My Neoconservatives; Days of Our Lives replaced with Days of Our Sell-out, Sold-out Lives; Another World replaced by Another Hurl; and Guiding Light replaced by Misguided Nightfalls?

M: Dude! Who are the executive producers?

D: Man! Reince Priebus and Karl Rove!

M: Dude! I thought it was Peggy Noonan’s Thousand Points of Light production house that was in charge of the deceptive!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tho's Wisdom and Symbolic Reproach of 1973

Man! Dude! Session #348

(D)ude: Man! Could you please clarify foreign relations and the GOP Tea and the Teabag Democrats? Are they really so desperate for war as to derail the Iran Nuclear Deal and every direction for diplomacy?

(M)an: Dude! The GOP Tea and the Teabag Democrats think they can set all the blame for the Iran Nuclear Deal not going through the United States Congress on the President of the United States Barack Obama. But the 21st Century is going to prove impossible for the GOP Tea and Teabag Democrats because there is a new generation of problem-solvers thanks to the cultural crossroads of tablet technologies and Internet availability. 

D: Man! If these problem-solvers do not manage to attain the test scores while sustaining the rigors of seven to eight classes per week for the duration of their high school careers, then what? What good is computer savviness when you’re thrown out of the education system entirely by the time you’re fifteen?

M: Dude! The elective classes should be thrown out entirely for all the students to focus on keeping an after-school job or paid internship. 

D: Man! But what if you land an internship with Martha Stewart-like business folks who refuse to  financially compensate? 

M: Dude! I’ll tell you the problem with Martha Stewart-like business folks and unpaid internships. Martha Stewart began her career in home decor and managed to relate original do-it-yourself projects in the first book she wrote and probably even in her second bestseller. But, eventually, she began an enterprise and financial empire which afforded her the callousness to take her peons for granted.    

D: Man! That’s right. I bet Martha Stewart’s a killer Marie Antoinette! Let them eat cake or brioche or pork? I believe Rousseau’s autobiography more so than anything ever written by John H. Sununu. Did you know he remains convinced that national security issues as a George Herbert Walker Bush White House Chief of Staff led him to cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of travel expenses labelled official business involving ski trips and dentist visits that could not possibly be serious enough to involve military jets and last-minute cancellations in  favor of corporate airfare. Of course, in shallow sportsmanship that’s uncharacteristic of even the deceptive Dick Cheney and Walker Junior, Sununu presses forth with self-incriminating rhetoric about President Reagan having had the national security concerns that ultimately resulted in Sununu’s blatant disregard for expenditures costing US taxpayers major bucks. Pork is pork. Sununu’s pork.        

M: Dude! Concerning Martha Stewart and Marie Antoinette, I am reminded of a passage from Antonia Fraser’s biography of the latter’s journeying from the Queen-Empress Maria Teresa’s Archduchess daughter to the Austrian-born French Queen wife to Louis the Sixteenth, page 423,

Marie Antoinette found solace from the aching boredom that is every prisoner’s lot by watching the guards at their eternal card games. She had sent for her knitting-box from the Temple to continue making stockings for her son; the royal ladies, left behind, knowing “how fond she was of this occupation,” had hastily packed up all the silk and worsted they could find. But this was not permitted. Nor was she allowed needles for embroidery, so she began to pull out threads from the remains of the toile on the walls, and weave them into garters. And then there was reading. 

D: Man! What? Marie Antoinette suffering from boredom? But why?

M: Dude! She was imprisoned! However, as Fraser continues forth on page 423,

This form of existence, extremely confined but not completely intolerable, was brought to an end officially by the discovery of the Carnation Plot in early September… On 11 September the Queen was moved to another cell, the former pharmacy. Although it too had a window on to the Women’s Courtyard, this was to be semi-blocked. The inner and outer doors of the cell, which was divided between “the widow Capet” and her gendarmes, were to be made much more secure.

D: Man! And who was the guy who was headstrong about Marie Antoinette’s eventual beheading?

M: Dude! Lord George Augustus Herbert, the 11th Earl of Pembroke, of England. He declared to the Committee of Public Safety on September 2, 1793, 

I have promised the head of Antoinette. I will go and cut it off myself if there is any delay in giving it to me.

D: Man! The mostly unpopulated stadium seats at Donald John Trump's pep rally in Mobile, Alabama provided visual hope for a brighter and stronger future for our nation of thrifty tycoon-oligarchs like him and their reliance on the private market to provide the services that our democratic government was designed to absorb into its fabric of diversification and diversity. Like Martha Stewart, the GOP Tea and the Teabag Democrats are very much invested in a socioeconomic infrastructure that cannot sustain itself logistically. The guns and drugs on our streets are a direct result of a crumbling financial institution that is free market capitalism, a system where you’re either a criminally intuned talker without anything but a voicebox and ambition and the incredible stamina to keep up with your lies and falsehoods and the vocabulary and mathematics of profiting and loss management, or you’re a product developer with the same cunningness, but a product or products to offer alongside a sustainable business model.   

M: Dude! Whoah! That’s a lot of work! No wonder my nieces and nephews have outgrown their childhood ambitions of mastering celebrity obscenities for far more attainable goals like fostering middle class values that involve reconciliation with the disparaging 2% who, like Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney before him, maintain that obscene celebrity attitude of being better because they can afford far more than the 98% of US. Have you noticed the obscene rudeness and downright disrespect afforded to the American Press Corps by Jeb Bush on his campaign trail?  

D: Man! All the GOP contenders right now are campaigning on Jeb Bush’s behalf! It’s like that mythological character with the multiple serpents comprising her hair strands.

M: Dude! Medusa? 

D: Man! Yeah! The GOP Medusa calling out from the TEA wing of the party, Don’t Tread On Me! It’s so obvious that the GOP is crumbling as a result of its imperialist bigotry, the negative ramifications of nepotism already showing in the way George Herbert Walker Bush’s sons have not shown any intellect, other than their boudior banter and burlesque brutality. The GOP since George Walker Bush and Jeb Bush’s entries into the beltway, remind me of the GOP Tea Party and Democratic Teabags present during President Jimmy Carter’s Administration. Watergate was a first step in a brutal direction for the Republican Party and the Teabag Democrats, having begun with then-Vice President Richard Nixon in 1953.

M: Dude! President Eisenhower’s first year in the White House? 1953? That was when the Shah of Iran was brought back to power by the Eisenhower Administration’s authorizing the CIA to overthrow the then-Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter reached out to former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger for advice about whether to allow the Shah to enter the United States for cancer treatment and was enocuraged to go with the plan to allow the Shah into the United States. Deliberate misguidance! This was a duplicitous and very criminally calculated move by Kissinger to bring Ronald Reagan into the White House by having the then-President Jimmy Carter stir up unrest abroad amongst the Iranian people, the United States Press reporting the Iranian civilians’ sentiments with linearity of either pro-Shah or pro-Ayatollah Khomeini. The Republican Party and the Press Corps in the United States always report the perspectives of the status quo in countries like Iran and Iraq. They bad mouth the tyrannical tyrants like Saddam and Assad, but what about the tyranny of the Republican Tea GOP and Democratic Teabags and the corporate status quo that exists discreetly in their United States? Look at the Keystone XL Pipeline arguments in favor of destroying American soil and families and aquifers for crude tarsands oil for TransCanada! 

D: Man! President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles constructed an “Eisenhower Doctrine” that basically countered the war on communism in the Middle East, which was later used by Reagan and Herbert Walker Bush to lay the unstable foundation for the war on terrorism in the Middle East that was utilized by Walker Junior’s Administration to place the ultimate blame on Iraq for the  losses that we the people shouldered and continue to suffer the pains of the aftermath that is 9/11/01. 

M: Dude! The terrorist activities and attacks that the United States of America was participant to in the deliberated errors of Reagan and Bush post-1980 Elections—that the incumbent presidential candidate Jimmy Carter surrendered or sacrificed in order to guarantee the safe return home to Washington, DC of the 52 hostages from Iran, coincidentally or intentionally by the Kissinger Reaganites, twenty minutes into Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address—involved countries other than Iran, such as Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Iraq, Italy, Austria, Germany, and Scotland, and in this course of time the United States of America. I say Kissinger Reaganites because Henry Kissinger introduced the platform of foreign policy that has been utilized by every American president since Richard Nixon’s days as President Eisenhower’s vice president. Eisenhower extolled the following line about the right wingers within the Republican Party and his moderate disposition in sharp contrast from their extremism, "I have just one purpose ... and that is to build up a strong progressive Republican Party in this country. If the right wing wants a fight, they are going to get it ... before I end up, either this Republican Party will reflect progressivism or I won't be with them anymore.”

D: Man! What happened? 

M: Dude! President Eisenhower’s tendencies towards and comments about the people of, for example, the Phillipines were skewed. And the separate but equal notion of conveying understanding to minorities at home and abroad Eisenhower carried with him always and, eventually, into the White House. As Kasey S. Pipes writes in Ike’s Final Battle: The Road to Little Rock and the Challenge of Equality, Ike wrote in his diary that he had “learned to expect from the Filipinos with whom we deal, a minimum of performance from a maximum of promise.” There was “no lack of intelligence” among the Filipinos. But there was still something missing. 

They were, “with few exceptions, unaccustomed to the requirements of the administrative and executive procedure.” After meeting with Filipinos and agreeing on a plan of action, Eisenhower said that often “nothing whatsoever will be done.” “These peculiar traits we are learning to take into account,” Ike lamented in his diary, “but obviously they impede progress.”

While doubting the martial abilities of the Filipinos, Ike harbored no such uncertainty about the Germans. As the decade [1930s] came to a close, he saw another war brewing in Europe. He wanted in on it. He had missed out on action in the First World War. He didn’t want that to happen again.

D: Man! That separate but equal mentality that Eisenhower carried with him also was embraced by Henry Kissinger in foreign relationing across continents, particularly Asia and Africa.

M: Dude! Realpolitik and detente constrict foreign relationing into a Machiavellian mess, and both were instituted by Henry Kissinger in the Nixon and Ford Adminstrations. George Herbert Walker Bush took these policy reigns from Kissinger. 

D: Man! Detente and Realpolitik are being held as essential principles of foreign policy by all the GOP presidential contenders, all perpetuating the notion of power and patriarchy over ethical consideration for the civilian lives trapped in the international refugee crises the world is facing because the United States Congress is refusing to legislate ways to expedite the funds to the United Nations necessary for countries surrounding Syria to take in and care for its displaced persons, including families with children who need to be redirected from the warfare in their surrounds by intellectual stimuli and physical nourishment. 

M: Dude! As Hillary Rodham Clinton writes in It Takes a Village, page 243 [paperback, 1996],

One of the striking differences international studies have repeatedly turned up between American parents and students and their counterparts in other countries, particularly in Asia, is the greater weight our culture currently gives to innate ability, as opposed to effort, in academic success. I don’t know all the reasons for this preoccupation, which seems to be linked to an obsession with IQ tests and other means of labeling people, but some possible explantions are not particularly flattering to us. 

Believing in innate ability is a handy excuse for us.    

D: Man! Wow! Then again, detente and realpolitik are being used as essential principles of domestic policy by all the GOP presidential contenders. To grow up in poverty and violence that is perpetuated by the cyclical return of a GOP President of the United States every four to eight years is a reality that must change at the grassroots. People need to think of the wheel of progress and its forward momentum and want to break and replace that wheel like one of the female heroines from the Game of Thrones series declared in last season’s promo. We the people at the grassroots must exercise our voting rights despite all the inherent obstacles placed in our direction by the GOP intimidators and break that twentieth century wheel for a more perfect solar powered contraption of the 21st Century that can propel US beyond the Milky Way.

M: Dude! Detente and realpolitik realities unfold before our eyes and we’re afraid to confront the aftereffects, like the case of Vietnam militant and diplomat Le Duc Tho’s keen vision back when he declined the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for faciliating the Paris Peace Accords alongside American militant and diplomat Henry Kissinger who had facilitated support for West Pakistan during the 1971 Bangladesh War and trudged ahead with genocidal practices playing out on that warfront to the extent that 29 Americans led by Consul General Archer Kent Blood telegramed their discontent and horror at what was unfolding in East Pakistan without effecting Henry Kissinger’s decision to let the bloodshed continue as it would in what would become the country of Bangladesh. Blood’s telegram was received with a cold reception by then-President Nixon and Henry Kissinger, both of whom decided to reassign by demoting the Consul General of East Pakistan to a post at the personnel office within the State Department.

D: Man! Yikes! 

M: Dude! Le Duc Tho’s declining the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 with wisdom and symbolic reproach towards the Nobel Committee and Kissinger is understandable. The Vietnam War would continue until the fall of Saigon two years after and no peace as Tho desired for South Vietnam. Only further bloodshed and no ceasefire whatsoever as was negotiated in the Paris Peace Accords, which would give leverage to North Vietnam. 

D: Man! Speaking of realpolitik and detente, the GOP Tea Republican John Boehners and Mitch McConnells and their Teabag Democratic counterparts in 1979 orchestrated the GOP’s proxy government movement initiated by Richard Nixon during the Eisenhower Admistration and that has defined the Republican Tea GOP and the Teabag Democrats ever since. These were the people who purposely thwarted President Carter’s initial rescue mission to save the hostages. In the end, the final analysis must read that the hostages of 1979 are alive because of President Carter’s leadership and committment to the United States of America as Commander in Chief, not Reagan and despite however many dashing John H. Sununu portraitures are painted in ink about Herbert Walker Bush haivng met with the the plane that landed with the hostages inside twenty minutes into President Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address.

M: Dude! The GOP Tea and Teabag Democrats play chess with people’s lives across the globe! That’s what civilians are to this breed of savages we label leaders! We need Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charlotte’s pitter-patter in the White House! With Trey Gowdy releasing the nonlabelled classifed emails of then-Secretary of State Rodham Clinton through an unsecured computer system himself this week, just imagine how cold-blooded the GOP Tea and Teabag Democrats are becoming day in and day out with the power they’ve got over our lives because of our refusal to vote in midterm elections!  

D: Man! And the complicitness of the American Press Corps alongside nilwits like Trey Gowdy!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Lightweight Dumbbells

(M)an: Dude! Donald Trump really brings out the GOP-ness in the Republican Party.

(D)ude: Man! I have to disagree. New York Senator Chuck Schumer and Governor Andrew Cuomo bring out the true GOP-ness in the Republican Party.

M: Dude! They’re Democrats! 

D: Man! Donald Trumo is not!

M: Dude! But Chuck Schumer and Andrew Cuomo are!

D: Man! What? 

M: Dude! Democrats! 

D: Man! Teabags! 

M: Dude! Of course! Teabag Democrats!

D: Man! The Republican Tea-ters and Democrat Teabags have a distinctive GOP-ness about themselves!  

M: Dude! Donald Trumo? Tea-ters?

D: Man! Finish it! Finish it!

M: Dude! Finish it?

D: Man! I’m qualified to moderate a debate between candidates candidly admitting to their GOP-ness, aren’t I?

M: Dude! Why would you want to moderate a debate that’s as asinine as Fox News Channel and CNN? 

D: Man! Faux and sin! Fox Television Chairman Roger Eugene Ailes and the Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan come to mind, don’t they?

M: Dude! Speaking of GOP-ness, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Governor Greg Abbott come to mind, do they not?

D: Man! Faux and sin! Confessional! Confession! I report to the sauna immediately upon arriving at the gym in order to look perspired before even beginning my workout. 

M: Dude! Do you do so because you’re convinced that you’re only a miniscule percentage of the gym regulars with no concrete results to show?

D: Man! Yes! The majority of the regulars are fit and lean and six-packed!

M: Dude! You returned to the gym three days ago and the last time you committed to a routine was 52 days ago. 

D: Man! How’d you figure that out?

M: Dude! The last note in your iPhone 3GS reads that you left for the gym and returned proselytizing how one should never attend the Zumba classes and the Yoga sessions. You were convinced you had a hernia after taking on both endeavors back-to-back.

D: Man! Ouch! I did overtrain my torso and overextend my limbs! I have the muscle memory!

M: Dude! Is your physical build capable of overtraining and overextending given your sporadic attendance record at the gym?

D: Man! Global warming! It’s affecting me so harshly as to get my karma and kismet confused and easily exhausted!

M: Dude! Remember the bucket of chicken turning cold as a result of a husband and wife team trying endlessly to convert us over to their denomination?

D: Man! I may be confused and exhausted about karma and kismet, but I remember that church luncheon with the bucket of chicken turning cold. That particular husband and wife pair were steadfast about baptising us!

M: Dude! Really?

D: Man! It was a perfect day for divine intervention. Imagine if the Almighty had utilized the powers of the universe and the phenomenon of global warming to keep the bucket of chicken from getting as cold as it did.

M: Dude! Huh? 

Sunday, August 9, 2015


(D)ude: Man! Isn’t that a great picture frame? I got it at Lozenges Department Store!

(M)an: Dude! Perhaps. However, I believe the photograph framed within is the advertised image contained at the time of purchase. 

D: Man! Indeed, it certainly is! I never identified the frame as holding a photograph, did I? But, fortunately, Paulette and Larry, Darlene and Wade, and Francine and Kurt, have never really figured it out as you have. Actually, I use the image of the two women laughing and walking alongside the shoreline as a conversation starter and a way to scout for prejudices. 

M: Dude! You certainly have gone to great lengths to cut out the advertised words that most definitely accompany this picture. I too have frequented Lozenges Department Store and, curiously, this particular image is the pre-framed advertisement for many, many frames of various dimensions.  

D: Man! Yeah! I simply cut the dimensions and company motto and replaced the resulting gap with tomato red chevron washi tape and holiday musical note edgings. 

M: Dude! Why?

D: Man! Okay? Okay! I love the authenticity I see in the models pretending happiness and laughter. It is really fake but not completely dismissible. And it’s a great image, reminiscent of those commercials for European white chocolates with the hard liquor middle. Aren’t they?  

M: Dude! Have you had the wretched tenacity to name the two models and personally identify them as friends of friends? 

D: Man! I cannot remember. Quite honestly! I cannot! Oh, Almighty! Have I seriously become careless and neoconservative?

M: Dude! Just be careful to not plunge into the same waters as the TEA GOP and TEABAG Democrats.

D: Man! The Iran Nuclear Agreement, awaiting implementation by United States Congressional approval, is receiving criticism from New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez and New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer. But, fascinatingly, there is a bipartisan solution floating about as to how to address the rift between the State Department and Congress and that is the reinstatement of retired United States Army General Stanley Allen McChrystal for the sole intent and purpose of mainstreaming the objectives agreed upon in the nuclear agreement with Iran. Democratic Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia and Republican Senators Michael Crapo (of Idaho) and Ben Sasse (of Nebraska) have addressed Secretary John Kerry and Ambassador Wendy Sherman quite brilliantly and without the bloated superficial reproach that has defined the TEA GOP and TEABAG Democrats. 

M: Dude! Senator Tim Kaine’s exceptional back and forth discourse with Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, and Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew on July 23, 2015, was captured by C-SPAN as were Senators Crapo and Sasse’s exchanges with Ambassador Wendy Sherman and Acting Undersecretary Adam J. Szubin on August 5, 2015. I was impressed by Kaine’s grasp of the materials presented to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and then Crapo and Sasse’s dignified, respectful manner of addressing inquiries to Ambassador Sherman and Acting Undersecretary Szubin as they sat before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs. 

D: Man! There has never been precedence of such fluidity between all levels of the United States Government, not since President Eisenhower’s 1953 Atoms for Peace address to the United Nations General Assembly, the impetus for the formation of the IAEA, or International Atomic Energy Agreement, in 1957. It is interesting that a considerable number of members in the United States Congress are wanting access to the IAEA documents drafted with Iran. The IAEA has always followed the United States of America’s lead, the USA being the chief depositary government to give the final okay to proposals and recommendations made by the IAEA. In other words, the United States is entrusted with the final step in the decision-making cycle of the IAEA, as is the case right now. Hence, the United States of America does retain prestige and power, thanks in part to President Eisenhower being the mastermind of the endeavor itself.

M: Dude! Instead of the Keystone XL Pipeline installments—meant for making the land permanently uncultivable, hence uninhabitable—we must utilize this land for the welfare of our war veterans and their families. War veterans in the 21st century United States should be able to build homes and communities for themselves and civilians alike along the rich stretch of lands and aquifers, perhaps gathering data on the lives of those already settled and living with the changing climate. With heat indices reaching above 120 degrees in many Middle Eastern military posts where our sons and daughters have either served or continue their professional commitments, our soldiers are the most qualified to rebuild infrastructure with the atrociously varying weather conditions facing the world.    

D: Man! Military farming communities comprised of crop-growing war veterans who oversee organic farms, becoming local and national level suppliers of vegetation. This is crucial to homeland security, the environment addressed firsthand and the land saved and cultivated as a result. Veterans coming back from duty or recovering from injuries will have respectable jobs and active roles in government infrastructure contracts beginning at the municipal level, so that the United States in its entirety doesn’t fall into corruption as DFW and Texas have as a direct result of low voter turnout and general apathy.  

M: Dude! Our war veterans’ skills sets already involve community building in war-ravaged communities abroad. War veterans today are cream of the crop. 

D: Man! Brilliant, brave, and big-hearted! Our war veterans need to instill hope back into the fabric of our nation (and world) through such initiatives. They do not need parades, but solutions for long-term stability that will boost their self-esteem. It is never a charity to be given out or handed away. It is their right as service members to our nation. Volunteering military enrollees who soldier for our American values, the only way to show your gratitude is to help our sons and daughters in uniform build and give them what is rightfully theirs, and that is American integrity.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Cultural Criticism

Original Publication Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010, by Alverston & Associates
The Inappropriate Autoimmune-Hostage Negotiator

Phil: “I am going to kill myself!”

Negotiator: “Wait! Wait! Phil! Let’s put everything into perspective.”

Phil: “Nietzsche would do the same!”

Negotiator: “Put things into perspective?”

Phil: “What’s up with you?

Negotiator: “That was quite ridiculous-“

Phil: “I am not!”

Negotiator: “On my part, that is…”

Phil: “Yes! You all have agendas and envision brighter futures for the generations after, forgetting the equal likelihood of begetting a Cain as you could an Abel!”

Negotiator: “We will pardon your crimes, Phil! Bare in mind, these are white collar crimes.”

Phil: “White collar crimes against society! Did you hear that! An institution! That’s what it is and that’s where I’ll be heading now! I’d just rather end it! Do you hear me?”

Negotiator: “I hear you and admire your heroism.”

Phil: “Nietzsche would do the same!”

Negotiator: “Put down the gun, Phil. It’s pointing at your crotch!”

Phil: “That’s all you care about, huh? Trying to put me down like I’m some kind of cartoon!”

Negotiator: “I do not want you to suffer in the harshest ways imaginable.”

Phil: “I might as well release the trigger and end things on my end of this bargain called Life. I know about the chances of my surviving the gunshot wound and being hospitalized and incapable of much. But I am also aware that I’ll be burdening taxpayers across this nation as a result of the result of my survival.”

Negotiator: “You’re insight is phenomenal, Phil! Please put the gun down and-“

Phil: “You’re wanting me to believe in myself! I do not! I do not!”

Negotiator: “Yes, I do!”

Phil: “Why?”

Negotiator: “You’re guaranteed just as much out of this life than anyone of the rest of us.”

Phil: “Us? You’re trying to get me to convert to something other than what I already am?”

Negotiator: “No, I’m not trying to impose upon your core values or personhood.”

Phil: “Then why not leave me alone? Let me be.”

Negotiator: “But you do not wish to be!”

Phil: “Oh, thanks for reminding me!”

Negotiator: “Wait, Phil! Nietzsche would do the same!”

Phil: “What do you know about wounded souls?”

Negotiator: “Nietzsche suffered the anguishes that accompany a life of harrowing depression and equal parts mania.”

Phil: “Nietzsche died in his sister’s care!”

Negotiator: “I care!”

Phil: “Nobody cares! You’re just invested in these bogus affairs for an opportunity to make a living and a life apart from this dirt.”

Negotiator: “This is not dirt! It is something significantly more than ashes and dust mixed with water! It’s Humanity and you’re entitled to exist in it as you wish, Phil.”

Phil: “But I’m gay! Tell me, how am I to face a future with a significant other in this nation? David Sedaris makes a life with his boyfriend Hugh in France! I cannot afford to drive myself outside of Texas!”

Negotiator: “Life can become a sham from time to time… But it doesn’t necessitate or legitimize inflicted pain upon the self and others.”

Phil: “Lies inflict pain!”

Negotiator: “Lies inflict pain sometimes. Sometimes lies are what make tomorrows possible.”

Phil: “Well, there’s one thing’s that’s for sure.”

Negotiator: “What is that, Phil?”

Phil: “You’re definitely not trying to convert me to something you’re not a part of completely yourself. You practice what you preach, that’s what my gut’s leading me to believe at the moment.”

Negotiator: “Do you trust your gut?”

Phil: “Well, after today… I’ll trust it after I give it twenty-four hours to digest out the acid and asceticism. You know… The Sedona Method?”

Negotiator: “Let’s discuss it over coffee. Hand over the gun and get the sergeant to brew a pot.”

Original Publication Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010 by Alverston & Associates
The Inappropriate Autoimmune-Hostage Negotiator

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ibn-e-Insha's "Lessons in Basic Arithmetic Operations"

Ibn-e-Insha’s “Lessons In Basic Arithmetic Operations” (p. 76, first publication March 30, 1970); translated from the Urdu by Manfred Spencer Alverston & Associates.

There are four basic arithmetic operations between numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

1st Arithmetic Operation: Addition

It is not easy to practice the basic arithmetic operation of addition. Especially in times of scarcity, when whatever you have gets spent and not even a miniscule amount is saved.

Certainly, the rule of addition differs amongst varieties of individuals. For ordinary people, one plus one equals one-and-a-half because half gets taken by income tax.

If you add utilizing the rules of trade, then one plus one equals eleven. By the rules of bribery, the end total becomes much higher for the best rule is always where the end total is as high as it could get, the only hinderance to such a condition being police or law. 

(2nd Arithmetic Operation: Subtraction)

Another manner of arithmetic is purely verbal and this formulation is used to solve a country’s problems. Indeed, it is tried and tested:

“I am Sindhi, you are not Sindhi.”

“I am Bengali, you are not Bengali.”

“I am Muslim, you are not Muslim.”

This is called intentionally sowing the seed of subtraction. This manner of arithmetic has flourished since ancient times.

The overall meaning of subtraction is to deduct. That is to say, take out one number from another number [sectarianism]. Or some numbers get out by themselves [renouncement]. And, further on, few have to be taken out by force [displacement], whilst several have to be ousted by clubbing or judicial decree. 

Remember one thing only, and that is this, that those who accumulate in excess are the very people who also do the partitioning. Human-to-Human, Muslim-to-Muslim, everyday people do not approve of this method of deduction because, in such a methodology, the remainder is zero [extinction of an entire people]. Mankind is left wringing its hands in regretful sorrow [bloodied casualties of war].

(3rd Arithmetic Operation: Multiplication) [Note: Zarb [“beating”] is also a synonym for multiplication in Urdu and Arabic]

The third basic arithmetic operation is multiplication. There are multiple kinds of multiplications. For example, a light blow, strong blow, mortal blow, etcetera. 

Yes! There is another distribution of blows: struck by stoning, beaten with a stick(s), blown away by gunshot. Apart from Allama Iqbal’s Zarb-i-Kalim [Proverbial Interlocutor], the production in multiplication dependence relies on a twofold manifest and that would be how this multiplication formula was carried out and on whom. If you do the multiplication by multiplying one human being times another, the product will remain human, although not necessarily alive. Hence, before solving any multiplication problem, it is paramount to read Pakistan’s Penal Code. 

(4th Arithmetic Operation: Division)

This is the indispensable arithmetic operation. Upon this, all wrangles are formulated. Division means to divide. It’s like visionless people dividing amongst themselves, as the saying goes, the sightless dividing sweetmeats amongst themselves. Another saying, monkeys dividing bread amongst cats, meaning to give favors to relatives repeatedly regardless of consequences. Also in a similar spin on circumstances, another saying, a band of thieves mutually dividing joint stock and yet another, artisans of bribery dividing bribed loot amongst themselves.

“Sharing is to live in harmony,” they proclaim. Even legumes must be shared alongside the brawls, otherwise costiveness sets in. 

It is not so hard to further expound upon the methodology of division: Keep all the rights in your possession, and divide responsibilities onto others. Keep monied wealth in your pocket, and give contentment sermons onto others. And, by the way, if you memorize the multiplication tables alongside these formulations, no soul will ever be able to trace this division. Ultimately, [after partitioning] the wealth of 10 million was divided amongst 22 families in Pakistan.

Was anybody able to trace this division of internal affairs? Did anybody ever get a whiff of it?

Review: End of Chapter Questions

  1. How long can a person sustain successive blows?
  2. Which of the four arithmetic operations is the following saying an example of? What does it mean? (Example: “Take out a fly from milk”  means to expel someone and is an example of subtraction.) “Those who have sight, they too keep dividing wealth amongst kin.”  

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Family Planning & Preventive Care & Women's Autonomy & Integrity in the United States of America post-Citizens United

Man! Dude! Session #345

(M)an: Dude! My nephew and his wife are being treated for infertility at Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties in California and are devastated at  possibly having their team of specialists at Planned Parenthood dismantled and dismissed by the Congressional Republican Tea GOP and Teabag Democrats in both the Senate and the House of Representatives enforcing the shutdown of the organization as well as government. 

(D)ude: Man! Why won’t the American Press Corps and the United States Media Outlets investigate the Planned Parenthood Employees on those videotapes? Clearly, the Planned Parenthood employees have sold their code of professionalism literally to the neoconservatives who covertly scripted the entire videotaped encounter beforehand, with collaboration from these Planned Parenthood sellouts and David Daleiden’s political organization entitled “Center for Medical Progress,” which released these questionable videotapes to the public.  

M: Dude! David Daldeiden?

D: Man! You mentioned your nephew and his wife utilizing Planned Parenthood for infertility counseling and treatment. Get this, David Daldeiden released his covert operations with Planned Parenthood accomplices on videotape to two GOP Tea Republicans in the United States House of Representatives weeks before the videotape surfaced in the media, hence, the public. The two GOP Tea Republicans are Congressmen Trent Franks of Arizona’s 8th Congressional District, and Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District. And, by happenchance, Congressman Trent Franks and his wife of thirty-five years utilized a donor egg and surrogate mother in 2008 in order to become parents of twins in their later life.

M: Dude! Doesn’t this constitute hypocrisy? 

D: Man! Of course! And, consider this, Senator Rand Paul and his father Representative Ron Paul of Texas’ 14th Congressional District parrot the same message regarding inflation that David Koch expressed to Barbara Walters in that December 14, 2014, television special, The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2014. I have the transcript here. Look at the way David Koch explains away his concerns about the economy as it only pertains to himself and the business that he inherited from his father and the wealth he and his brothers litigated against each other to procure.  

M: Dude! No way! Let me see the transcript! 

D: Man! How about if I read Barbara Walters’ part and you read David Koch’s lines?

M: Dude! Okay!

D: Man! Describe your political point of view. David Koch! 

M: Koch! I’m basically a libertarian. I'm a conservative on economic matters, and I'm a social liberal.

D: Walters! You support gay rights. You support a woman's right to choose. But conservative candidates you support, many of them, do not have those views.

M: Koch! Well, that's their problem. I do have those views. What I want these candidates to do is to support a balanced budget. And I'm very worried that if the budget is not balanced, that inflation could occur, and the economy of our country can suffer terribly.

D: Walters! So the candidates you support are because of their fiscal policies most important? 

M: Koch! That's exactly right, Barbara. I'm really focused intensely on economic and fiscal issues because if those go bad, the country as a whole suffers terribly.

D: Walters! [David Koch was born in Wichita, Kansas, in 1940. He got his love of the arts from his mother, Mary. He got his politics from his father, Fred Koch, a self-made millionaire who founded what would become Koch Industries. Deeply conservative, Fred Koch helped create the John Birch Society, a radical right-wing organization]… You were born rich.

M: Koch! I was born well off, not rich.

D: Walters! Do you think, had you been born poor, you would be the same view? 

M: Koch! I certainly think so. I have a value system that my father instilled in me, and I've been following his beliefs and his value system all my life. 

D: Walters! [Koch Industries went on for 15 years. At the height of the conflict, their mother, Mary, disinherited any brother who sued any other brother. That led to another lawsuit. And although the lawsuits were eventually settled, there were many years when David and Bill scarcely spoke]… Were you and Bill close growing up? 

M: Koch! We were. We had our differences, but as time went on, we grew closer and closer. And not long ago, my brother Bill asked his longtime girlfriend to marry him, and he called me up crying. He said, “Would you be the best man in my wedding?” I started crying. And I said, “Billy, this is a great honor. I never thought you'd want me to take this role, and I will do my darndest to be the best man for you I can be.”

D: Walters! You have been suffering for a long time now with prostate cancer. 

M: Koch! I found out I had prostate cancer back in 1991. And I've had many, many different treatments. And the last one is a new medication that looks like its cured me of my prostate cancer. I can now live with certainty that when my children grow older, I can see them graduate from college and hopefully see them get married.

D: Walters! So, we're in David Koch Plaza and the David Koch fountains.

M: Scoundrel! Rascal! 

D: Man! Koch?

M: Dude? Oh! Koch! I think it's magnificent. And I love the variation.

D: Walters! Well, now that you're healthy, I can ask this question -- what do you want your tombstone to say?
M: Dude? Oh! Koch! Well, I'd like it to say that David Koch did his best to make the world a better place and that he hopes his wealth will help people long after he has passed away.

D: Walters! Walters? Oh, yeah! That’s the concluding line of that interview!

M: Dude! Koch Industries and Sheldon Adelson and Jeb Bush’s billionaire loyalists Larry Ellison and Norman Braman and Donald Trump are going to be financing the return of their fellow dynastic George Herbert Walker Bush’s Annals of American Non-transparency & Cyclic Backwardness that perpetuates obscene wealth and societal inequities through oil and gas and wars.

D: Man! Larry Ellison and Norman Braman are labeled by the press as Marco Rubio loyalists?

M: Dude! Yeah? 

D: Man! Gotcha! No wonder Donald Trump has opted out of the upcoming debate! Jeb Bush is his shephard, hence, Trump shall not wanton about in Jeb’s presence!

M: Dude! The Congressional TEA GOP and TEABAG DEMS are going to use the Supreme Court of the United States to determine election results in 2016, have Jeb Bush in the White House, and then institute a lack of transparency and defrock the judicial branch by removing Supreme Court Justices and implanting their neoconservative crony degenerates from state judiciaries alongside the only three justices allowed to remain because of their shameless worship of Bush idols and ideology, Scalia and Thomas and Alito.

D: Man! How can this be true?

M: Dude! It is called a regime and the last one we had was George Walker Bush 43! 

D: Man! No!

M: Dude! I was reading the 1990 classic textbook by Angus McLaren entitled A History of Contraception, From Antiquity to the Present Day and was stunned by page 15 in particular. It reads as follows, 

This greater stress on the chastity and seclusion of women presumably emerged with the replacement of the older warrior aristrocracies of the ‘Dark Ages’ by the urban oligarchies of the city states. Such a state was little more than a federation of the oikoi or households under the power of individual patriarchs. There was no Greek word for ‘family’ as we use the term today; the oikos included not only a man’s wife and children but his slaves and property as well.

The domestication of females that took place in this particular family form, as spelled out in the laws, was obvious, respectable women in theory having no life outside the home. Determining the reality of the situation is more difficult. Women’s position varied considerably according to class, time and place. Moreover, it must be remembered that our evidence is drawn primarily from documents pertaining to the lives of upper-class Athenians. The sort of female segregation envisaged would have been a luxury accessible only to an elite.

D: Man! Ora pro nobis! Ora pro nobis!