Monday, September 29, 2014

Underhanded Provocations by GOP to Divert Minorities from Registering to Vote

Man! Dude! Session #319

(M)an: Dude! Retired Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson’s commentary was coherent but considerably flawed Tuesday afternoon on Ed Shultz’s MSNBC weekday television broadcast.                                                                                     

(D)ude: Man! I agree that Wilkerson was coherent yet incorrect. President Obama’s decision to order the airstrikes over ISIL targets in Syria Monday night without the authorization of the United States Congress was justifiable.  

M: Dude! The fourteen plus airstrikes over ISIL targets in Syria Monday night were successful according to the Pentagon joint staff’s operations chief Army Lt. Gen. William Mayville. The airstrikes are just the first step in building the partnership needed in the region to defeat militants.

D: Man! But I am more concerned about the Congressional Republicans who are already declaring themselves winners of the United States Midterm Elections that have yet to conclude statewide voter registration drives and provide accommodations for balloters at polling stations on or before Election Day Tuesday, November 4, 2014. American Voters must register and then vote for the Democratic Ticket on or before November 4, 2014, or risk losing the right to vote entirely. The only solution for world order right now is for American Voters to register and then vote out of office the Congressional Republicans under the leadership of Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Representative John Boehner of Ohio.

M: Dude! Any candidate is better than all the Republican options in this year’s midterms combined. The Republican Party is promoting austerity measures through complete inaction while aiming towards an all White representation in Congress and the Judiciary through legislating selective neoconservative intrusions upon American values and lifestyles in the name of so-termed righteousness and so-called Christian ideals that then will be imposed upon the Afro-Asiatic nations of the world in a wave of warfare, destruction, and death that will return US back to the days of massacre and enslavement of entire populations like the Native Americans and African-Americans.         

D: Man! It will be genocidal in scope. The Republican Party has constructed itself into a clannish network of concierges for America’s billionaires and lobbyists. The entire focus is on indulgent wealth for themselves through financial mishandlings of American Government Spending and the United States Treasury, but the billionaires and lobbyists will always keep their Congressional Republicans from attaining status above the rank of common sycophants. It is degrading and despicable but the Republican Party is an enormous conglomerate of enslaved scroungers representing the agendas of tacky White Supremacist personalities like the Koch Brothers and the Wal-Mart Inheritors that make me ashamed of my own Whiteness as these billionaires manipulate on a two-tier clannishness, one existing amongst the elite and the other existing amongst the poor.           

M: Dude! The middle and working classes are identified as threats to the worldviews of these elite who strive on the dispensable poor to reinforce their White Supremacist fears and methods of aggression including bloodshed amongst the general masses encumbered with inadequate resources as a result of the neoconservatives in the United States enforcing coal, oil, and natural gas dependency over building clean energy alternatives that would spark another unwanted industrial revolution and reestablishment of the working and middle classes not just here but in every society.

D: Man! There’s going to be only one society comprised of the poor and the elite! The neoconservative oligarchs and their Republican Party concierges have been countering President Obama’s initiatives to address the Ebola virus in Africa effectively and efficiently. Plutocrats around the world are focused on wiping out humanity in Africa and Asia and then repopulating the continents with a White Male majority and a considerable minority of sympathizers from non-White backgrounds and those who do not necessarily share their vision but are financially wealthy enough to be acceptable to pass into the next realm of that whitewashed dystopia that exists today because of the flexible campaign finance laws in place due to John Roberts’ SCOTUS.  

M: Dude! Flexible? The situation is far grimmer. In the absence of campaign finance reform, the United States Supreme Court’s conservative despots and the Congressional Republicans are unashamedly practicing what is outlined in the March 17, 2014 report entitled the Growth and Opportunity Project, which encourages loopholes in such unbelievably crafted artifice that I reread it in disbelief. There are paragraphs after paragraphs of treacherousness and lofty snippets like the following from page 97,

We take no position on whether a contest should be winner take all or proportionate. The fact is, both methods can delay or speed up the likelihood of a nominee being chosen. It all depends on who is running and by what margins in each primary or caucus election.       

D: Man! I have heard of the learning as you go approach in leadership and entrepreneurship, but that statement from page 97 is clearly a new chapter in wrecking havoc upon American Democracy and American Diplomacy via case-by-case crookedness. The Republican Party is promoting anarchy by way of micromanaging deception state-to-state via its partnership with the evermore destructively prejudiced United States Press Corps.   

M: Dude! Whenever whatever trends back the rise of the Republican Party, the United States Press Corps will promote that way of thinking and believing, regardless of the injustice inherent in the Republican Party’s leaders functioning as custodial workers for special interests and billionaire donors. On the high end of society, there are loopholes set in motion to produce wealth for the top two percent. On the bottom rungs of society, the two percent impose strict laws and regulations upon the disenfranchised in order to cease funding for all entitlement programs on such grounds as fiscal accountability in government.   

D: Man! Known as “Tract 910” in New York City, the Van Dyke housing complex consists of 22 brick residential buildings in which Brownsville, Brooklyn’s impoverished or otherwise homeless reside with their families. There were four shootings in the neighborhood Saturday and schoolchildren as young as twelve have accidentally been shot descending school bus steps while a fifty-six-year-old grandmother of three worries about their safety after witnessing horrors like unattended deceased bodies with multiple gunshot wounds.      

M: Dude! Such horrors are becoming mainstream with the Congressional Republicans refusing to participate in debate on Capitol Hill and pass legislation securing American jobs and strengthening infrastructure while addressing pressing matters such as our broken immigration system and terrorist threats that President Obama and Secretary Kerry are singlehandedly strategizing in partnership with nations surrounding the regions that are currently infected with ISIS militants. And what kind of Christian ideals does the Right Wing adhere to anyways? They desecrate the Virgin Mary with the exact vulgar contempt as ISIL desecrates the first Muslim convert and mother of Islam Khadijah. Look at the licentious lummoxes and Faux News anchormen Greg Gutfeld and Eric Bolling’s comments regarding our ally United Arab Emirates’ first female fighter pilot Major Mariam Al Mansouri leading an air strike against Syria last week.

D: Man! Saudi Arabia’s Prince Khalid bin Salman also piloted one of the jets that assisted American Military airpower last week to bomb ISIL targets over Syria.

M: Dude! The Gulf monarchies are onboard with US, but the Republican Party’s scripted focus on disrupting President Obama and Secretary Kerry’s multilateral partnerships with all nations globally has always been clear, present, and dangerous. Greg Gutfeld has not apologized as Eric Bolling has for those lewd sexist remarks. But Eric Bolling’s apology can be categorized as being as sincere as that of Ferguson Police Chief’s Tom Jackson’s to Michael Brown’s family on Thursday, September 25, 2014.

D: Man! Tom Jackson’s apology was meant to provoke violence in Ferguson, Missouri as Eric Bolling’s scripted apology and Greg Gutfeld’s scripted refusal to apologize were intended to provoke disarray amongst our allies in the  Middle East. Faux News Channel is infected with scripted discourse and the Gulf monarchies are completely aware of the underhanded dynamics of the Republican Party wanting to decimate all diversity on Earth with the help of such bootlickers as Narendra Modi in India and silent partners as Assad in Syria.

M: Dude! Tom Jackson’s underhanded provocation was unsuccessful thanks in great part to truly brilliant Christian leaders like Reverend Al Sharpton striving to unite communities torn by such awfulness as the burning of Michael Brown’s memorial site on Tuesday, September 23, 2014.

D: Man! Ferguson’s Police Department calculated the plotting of Police Chief Tom Jackson’s apology to follow the burning of Michael Brown’s memorial in order to spread fear and suspicion amongst Black Communities across Missouri and the United States. Tom Jackson’s apology tape was released Thursday, September 25, 2014 and voter registration drives and efforts are wrapping up and concluding right about now as well. The Republican Party is wishing for havoc and riots to divert minorities from registering to vote, including inciting a movement on part of Dreamers who are being falsely encouraged to speak against the President of the United States. The Democratic Party’s infiltrated by two-timing Republican operatives.

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