Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Register, Then Vote for Bright Stars Through the Perilous Fight

(M)an: Dude! The United States Press Corps is blurring the lines that were clearly made by the President of the United States in his remarks on Iraq and Ferguson, Missouri at Monday’s briefing.

(D)ude: Man! The United States Press Corps is unwittingly making revelations about its historical and present-day alignment within the status quo establishment and the brutally oppressive Republican Party.  

M: Dude! The American Press is Republican-run. The protesters in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri would be best advised to keep their cool and calm and togetherness and focus on attending Church services Wednesday and Sunday, rather than become witnesses to the horrors being orchestrated by outside groups at nightfall, especially now that the Klu Klutz Klan has publically stated its own intension to fundraise on behalf of the police officer Darren Wilson.

D: Man! The American Press is reporting with the same selectivity as Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson chose to drop a video clip and incident report of two African-American male suspects stealing cigarettes from a convenience store during daylight, insinuating Mike Brown as a plausibility for Officer Darren Wilson’s misidentifying him as one of the two due to their similarities in height and built.     

M: Dude! The American Press is blurring the lines with such animosity towards this nation’s struggling classes and the world’s disenfranchised for whom the President has consideration and compassion. For the opposite sentiments of disregard and degradation, you need not look any further than the Congressional Republicans.     

D: Man! I’ll give you specifics. First off, South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham who also serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee. These are Senator Graham’s exact words from his Sunday, August 10, 2014 diatribe on Faux News Sunday with Chris Wallace—

I think of an American city in flames because of the terrorist ability to operate in Syria and Iraq. The director of national security, the FBI director, the director of homeland security has said that the ISIS presence in Syria where hundreds of Americans and thousands of European fighters have gone, represents a direct threat to the United States, and now, their enclave in Iraq.

To change that threat, we have to have a sustained air campaign in Syria and Iraq. We need to go on offense. There is no force within the Mideast that can neutralize or contain or destroy ISIS without at least American air power.

M: Dude! Senator Lindsey Graham is a W.A.A.R.  or Wrought Asinine Antagonizing Republican, and must be disciplined for such inflammatory speech. Senator Lindsey Graham appears to want our sons and daughters’ boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq et al in order for the situation to qualify as an appropriate offense.

D: Man! Wait up! Senator Graham continues… So, there's no political reconciliation in Baghdad going to protect the American homeland. That has to be a commander-in-chief with a strategy and a vision. This commander-in-chief has no strategy. He has no vision.

M: Dude! I find this very disturbing because the Republican Party leaders clearly do not care to remain up-to-date with the groundbreaking advancements in military technology that the President of the United States is choosing to apply to a tremendously tragic circumstance in a truly unpredictable environment. Airstrikes and military advisers are offense strategies for the new millennium.

D: Man! Just a sec! Senator Graham really scrunches up his nose during this continuation that is packed with an ill will… Do you really want to let America be attacked? You're having people on the ground slaughtering Christians. They have four goals: to make every Muslim bend to their will, to destroy the Christian population in the Mideast, to drive us out, and eventually destroy Israel. So, here's my statement to the president -- Mr. President, your own people are telling you we face an attack on this region. Your game plan, the actions you're taking, cannot protect us. There is no substitute for America being involved in terms of eradicating ISIS. If we don't hit them in Syria, you'll never solve the problem in Iraq.

M: Dude! The only way to truly secure peace and interfaith dialogues in Iraq and Syria is to restore the infrastructure that was destroyed by previous W.A.A.R. strategists going all the way back to Richard Nixon’s vice presidency in the Eisenhower Administration. The word of the moment then was “Communism” like “Terrorism” today. And the Arab World questioned the logic behind the Eisenhower Doctrine while playing along with the American policy as a means of attaining money and weapons for their personal arsenals.         

D: Man! Alright! Here’s how Senator Lindsey Graham’s flare-up culminates because of Chris Wallace’s dexterity for wrapping up segments before the guests stale… Mr. President, you authored us getting out of Iraq, and during a debate with Governor Romney, Romney suggested I could support 10,000 troops like the president intends to leave behind, and the president said in the debate, I'm not leaving any troops behind. I'm not going to get entangled in Iraq yet again.

Mr. President, you're rewriting history.

M: Dude! Those personal arsenals of weapons and cash handed by the Eisenhower and Nixon Administration set off the momentum of international disorder, which led to the destruction that has consumed too many lives, the latest being the horrific videotaped execution of American journalist James Foley.

D: Man! Newt Gingrich revealed the Republican Party’s plans for domestic and international disorder and further destruction through legislative disruption through inaction for January 2015 on Meet the Press with David Gregory—

And then, in January, the Republican Senate and the Republican House just cuts off the money. You don't have to impeach a president to control him. You can just cut off the money.

The right fight will come in January if Republicans get the Senate. And right fights over cutting off money. It's a totally legitimate thing for the Congress to say to the president, "You won't be able to enforce this. No money will be allocated for it." And that is at the core of the American constitutional system.

M: Dude! Register, then vote for the Democratic ticket! How much heartache and loss can we endure?

D: Man! The Republican Party is using domestically the same tactics of Eisenhower and Nixon. The Republican Party’s untraceable finances are going towards financing hate, even if it means getting outsiders to provoke violence on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri nightly when legit protesters clean up the streets before and afterwards and call for peace. The Republican Party is too treacherous to confront through face-to-face marching and modern oratory! People need to organize and then register to vote and follow through—not fall through—all the obstacles put forth by the Republican Party to suppress voter turnout.

M: Dude! Have you noticed too how the Republican Party has continually dodged questions related to drug trafficking on the Mexico and United States border? I even wonder whether the National Guard that Governor Rick Perry deployed to the border is infected with the same bias and incompetence as the Ferguson and the St. Louis, Missouri County Police Departments? 

D: Man! Don’t forget the good guys! Like Captain Ron Johnson and the Missouri State Highway Patrol! And the Border Patrolmen who feed, dress and change diapers of the unaccompanied minors before sending them to their makeshift beds.

M: Dude! Register, then vote for the good guys to continue their work! Otherwise, suffer the consequences under wanton lechers like Newt Gingrich and the Republican Party’s alloyed and antiquated policies. All in the name of the United States Constitution, of coarse! And I mean it! Of coarse! Of coarse!

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