Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Republican Tea GOP Agenda: Planes, Trains, and... Automobiles?

(M)an: Dude! President Putin wants to take action on the world stage and address the gruesomeness by which Alexander Yurevich Borodai brutally mishandled the human remains and all evidence of our now shattered destinies aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17,  but is afraid that his beloved Russia and he, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, are being erased, as we speak, by the neighboring members of the European Union and the Republican Tea GOP. Yes, that’s right, the Congressional Republicans in United States Congress, senators and representatives, have methodically been trying to resurface a Second Cold War but unsuccessfully—until last week.       

(D)ude: Man! I haven’t been able to retrieve anything objective by the American Press Corps. Thank goodness for the Internet! I actually came across a levelheaded perspective online via Singapore’s The Straits Times. Alexander Yurevich Borodai identifies and is identified as a quote unquote “Pro-Russian” by The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. But The Straits Times is far less demagogic and sincerely concerned for civilian lives crossing pathways with Alexander Yurevich Borodai, like the precious lives lost aboard Flight MH17.             

M: Dude! Thank goodness for the Internet, specifically Google and Wikipedia’s encyclopedic yet constantly updated mechanics and features. Like Singapore’s The Straits Times, Google and Wikipedia remain objective and levelheaded in their uncensored search results and meticulously researched articles. Concerning what is happening in Russia and to President Putin, I believe we must look onto what happened to Rahul Gandhi in the Indian General Election of 2014 and his May 11, 2011 arrest for peacefully demonstrating in the Uttar Pradesh village of Bhatta Parsaul and his being overlooked in the Gujarat assembly elections of 2009. And, finally, I believe Wikipedia’s coverage of the Cuban Revolution is crucial reading for those wanting to understand the Republican Tea GOP’s inflammatory speeches and deliberate efforts to obstruct President Obama and Secretary John Kerry’s domestic and international peace talks and signature diplomatic stature as leaders refraining from the incendiary tactics of incompetent blowhards like Texas Governor Rick Perry and the Congressional Republicans in both houses of the United States Congress under the leadership of GOP Tea Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell and GOP Tea Ohio Representative John Boehner.      

D: Man! The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal are purposefully misreporting by strategically not reporting at all about Alexander Yurevich Borodai and his self-proclamation that he is the Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic, located ninety minutes from Grabovo, Eastern Ukraine, the physical location of Flight MH17’s demise and subsequent desecration by drunken guerilla fighters, Borodai  acknowledging his two-timing through association with the desecrators in press releases from a Sunday, July 20, 2014 press conference he held in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine. These are some of the double-edged wounds he tore into our mourning hearts through words of sheer terrorist despotism, unfortunately The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal have chosen not to qualify Borodai as a coldblooded killer as they have an ethnocentric profiling system for eligibility into that category of human monstrosities, specifically the darker the complexion and the more pronounced an accent, the higher  the suspicions. But, again, these are actual statements made by Borodai after Thursday, July 17, 2014:

We have found some technical parts.

We assume they are black boxes. We do not have aviation experts and that is why we cannot state precisely that they are. Those parts have been delivered to Donetsk and they are under my control. We are waiting for experts to pass on the stuff.

I am an ordinary citizen of Russia, not a government worker.

A lot of people from Russia are coming to help these people. I am one of them.

We don’t trust them [Ukrainian Authorities], as they may tamper with the devices, swap them and prevent investigation.

We have already refused to wait for the experts and had to start clearing the bodies from the scene of the event, because waiting longer was contradictory to what it means to be humane.

Officially, no [on whether he was in contact with Russian Authorities].

No comment [on whether he, Alexander Yurevich Borodai, is unofficially in contact with the Russian Authorities].


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