Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"Bloodied, gushing gashes in milk white snow..."

Do not ask how zealously
I dug through the lonesome,
Tyrannical nights of life
To turn evening into morning
Is like the stonecutter Farhad digging, halfway, the forty-mile
Canal in the mountainside for his beloved, imperial Shirin
Bloodied, gushing gashes in milk white snow

Mirza Ghalib, translated from the Urdu by Alverston and Associates

(D)ude: Man! I’ll tell you what the good-for-nothing Republican Party in the United States is up to right now. They’re singing praises for the plight of the oppressed like a popular rock star with a serious attitude problem. It’s like that Jefferson Starship song from the eighties entitled It’s Not Enough.

(M)an: Dude! It’s not enough to tell me that you care. It’s not enough to tell me that you cried. Sounds like the plight of the oppressed right about right now.  

D: Man! What’s going on with the American Press? Ukraine needs to construct a sound constitution there, but our constitution here is riddled with selective interpretations about what comprises equal opportunity employment.

M: Dude! Even more reason to vote! No! Really! Listen! The United States Congress is in need of serious reformation.

D: Man! Republican Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan is not budging from proposed tax cuts and spending cuts. Louis Woodhill even spells out the asininity of the Ryan Budget with a concise lesson in high school accounting involving the two sides of a balance sheet in an online op/ed for Forbes from last week.

M: Dude! Okay, let’s see. The left side of a balance sheet is for assets and the right side is for liabilities. However, assets are far more important and a sound company does not focus on paying its debt entirely. Paul Ryan’s Republican Budget only emphasizes the complete elimination of the deficit. Add to that Chris Christie’s parading around about how he balances New Jersey’s budget annually—something governors of all 50 states already must as a basic given in their job description.

D: Man! According to Louis Woodhill, jobs and economic growth constitute prosperity, financial markets lending US money against assets like the present value of future revenues, which are tied up to the future Gross Domestic Product and the taxation necessary to produce that GDP that is generated via taxation by the United States government.   

M: Dude! Did Louis Woodhill have much to say about the past thirteen years, beginning  with George Walker Bush’s Federal Reserve mishaps and concluding with the stalemate between President Obama’s Administration and the snickering United States Congressional Republicans under Speaker of the House John Boehner’s dastardly obnoxious Disney incantations?

D: Man! The United States Treasury Department has a website for kids at treasury direct dot gov that Paul Ryan and John Boehner would be advised to review and study. I wonder whether the Republican 
Party today is aware of the concept of national debt?    

M: Dude! No. The Republican Party today is creating a pseudoscientific rumpus because of its resistance to self-enlightenment and personal responsibility and accountability.

D: Man! Why? Are we in the next wave of hooded racialism with the Koch Klutz Klan?

M: Dude! The Republican Party today is toxic and wasteful. Jonathan Karl from ABC News excitedly delved mistakenly into the prospects of a World War III resulting from what’s going on in Ukraine. World War III is unfolding in the United States, specifically within the Republican Governors’ Association and in John Roberts’ SCOTUS. When the GOP chooses to adopt the attitude that we have already overcome and need to recalibrate to a tune that there is no longer the need to recompense for the generations of hardships and domination, it is time for US to organize and fight for the history that Paul Ryan and John Boehner and Clarence Thomas and Marsha Blackburn and Jeb Bush are attempting forcibly to rehash into resurrection.        

D: Man! Talking about resurrecting injustice, Florida’s State Attorney Angela B. Corey chose a very Chris Christie-like approach to dealing with conflict of interests in her newfound position as State Attorney for the Fourth Judicial Circuit, starting in 2009. Angela Corey oversaw the termination of over one-fifth of the office she won in a contentious race in which  her former employer, a Democrat, endorsed her competitor.      

M: Dude! Talking about political retribution and hooded racialism, Angela Corey is pursuing a 60-year imprisonment for Marissa Alexander, the African-American mother without a criminal record who tried a Stand Your Ground defense for firing a warning shot during a domestic dispute with her husband in the presence of their children in the spring of 2012. I believe Marissa Alexander has served enough time already in prison and under house arrest and that Angela Corey is feuding senselessly as a posturing peacock. Realistically, why not go after George Zimmerman a second time instead? The thug remains an armed and dangerous perpetrator of domestic disputes as well as a racial profiler of the vilest and sickest sort.

D: Man! Prosecutor Angela Corey needs time behind bars, specifically, a plea agreement with a three-year mandatory prison sentence, what Angela Corey offered not just Marissa Alexander in 2012, but to Ronald Thompson in 2009. Likewise, Ronald Thompson refused a plea deal and Angela Corey went after him with a minimum twenty-year sentencing as well. But Ronald Thompson agreed to do five years after being offered a deal in 2013 that included credit for time already served.

M: Dude! Angela Corey’s press conference following the conviction of Michael Dunn on three counts of second-degree murder for the loss of the lives of Jordan Davis’s friends, was suspect as it was unsettling. Angela Corey was visibly upset and arguably dismissive about the decision by the jury to convict Michael Dunn for the murders of Davis’s pals. She kept commenting on the need to pursue the first-degree murder charge that had locked the jury and made the judge declare a mistrial. There was a palpable bitterness in Angela Corey’s facial expressions.

D: Man! She sounded as if she was going to thoroughly investigate how in the case of Jordan Davis’s murder trial, the jurists had the intrepidness to charge Michael Dunn for even the three counts of second-degree murders and one count of firing at the teenagers’ vehicle. Michael Dunn should have been dismissed and released, not incarcerated by the jury, and so Angela Corey had presumed and assumed. I think Angela Corey is in great need of an RNC Chairman Reince Preibus afterthought, don’t you?

M: Dude! Paul Ryan wants to reform Medicare, but the hooded Koch Klutz Klansman within him cannot fathom providing chances for upward mobility for all men and women. And we have to remember that abolitionists and suffragists worked side-by-side and that the Civil War concluded in 1865 and the nineteenth amendment has yet to turn one hundred years old!

D: Man! President Abbas is aligning with Hamas, a cutthroat terrorist organization that brings me to another plausible solution for the conflict in the Middle East. Presently, there are outbreaks of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS as it is referred to in short, taking place across Saudi Arabia and causing fatalities due to an absence of a vaccine to treat the brutal respiratory infection that is commonly spread from bats and camels to humans.

M: Dude! If Saudi Arabia can negotiate with Palestine on behalf of peace in the Middle East, which begins to embrace all the cultures in the region, including the Jewish State of Israel, then the United States, China, and Hong Kong scientists who have published articles in leading international medical journals released this week can speed up the process of bringing the two antibodies, MERS-4 and MERS-27, into the next phase of developing treatments and interventions like vaccinations and preventative steps like keeping MERS from spreading globally through infected airline travelers.

D: Man! Chris Christie and the Republican Governors’ Association are responsible for the fallout in the Middle East peace negotiations. The GOP anticipates there to be disputed territories, and Sheldon Adelson purposefully instructed Chris Christie to check out the political temperature in the room at his Las Vegas retreat for key Republican players for the 2014 and 2016 election cycles by labeling the situation between Palestine and Israel being one of not occupied, but disputed territories.

M: Dude! American voters need to come out and cast their ballots for not just their own sake, but for the future of the United States and the world theatre that Jeb Bush and Hillary Rodham Clinton are shamelessly bashing and debasing with their crude supremacist characterizations of major world figures like President Putin. I wholeheartedly believe the two—Clinton and Bush—have an underground alliance that includes the likes of Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

D: Man! Oil is oil and it does not mix with water but I wonder about the properties of blood with regards to oil. I believe the looting of Iraqi oil infrastructures by the Bushes created the bloodbath that is the Mid East today. We cannot afford another Bush or another Clinton. We need someone who’s as passionate as Elizabeth Warren nationally, and as committed as the Democratic women running for statewide offices, not charlatans disguising themselves as Democratic candidates like the African-American, LaRouche Youth Movement political activist Kesha Rogers. Kesha Rogers degrades the Democratic brand. In fact, the Clintons too are a derogatory disgrace to American democracy and diplomacy. You can go though all the designer brands of schools and fashions and significant others and land all the top-notch positions and marriages in society, but it takes unparalleled courage to confront bigotry and hate inside yourself.

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